Book Review — The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Jackson Paul
YE Stack
Published in
6 min readApr 7, 2020

Everything in life happens for a reason. As the name suggest this book deals with the power of intentions, the power which we are usually unaware of. This book revolves around the theme of existence of a Supreme Spirit of Energy who intended to create everything. The author also deliver some strong message that he experienced by accepting the Supreme spirit.

Here am writing my review from other point of view. I like to present the ideas depicted in this book through the eyes on an young aspiring entrepreneur. I thought it will make more sense if I can explain the actionable set of ideas that everyone can digest. If anyone who intent to have a spiritual experience in their life then this book will be a good read as the author indented.


The basic concept the book says is that we will attract what we intend , ie. If we intended to attract good the life will be good , if we intend negativity our life will attract negative experience.

We need to have a discipline, wisdom,love to intend for good. There are seven faces for intention.

-The face of creativity

-The face of kindness

-The face of love

-The face of beauty

-The face of expansion

-The face of unlimited abundance

-The face of receptivity

Visualize the power of intention

Be reflective — Be like a mirror. They reflect everything they see without judging it. Don’t judge anyone. Everyone in front of you is a mirror, what you see is yourself.

Expect beauty- Expect beauty in everything. Everything is here for a reason. Don’t judge the flaws. Have gratitude for what you have.

Be the seven faces to connect to Intention.

Keep your thinking focused on good reports and good results.

Think from the endThink what you intend to happen for you.

Obstruction to connect to our intentions are:

-Thinking about what’s missing in your life

-Thinking about the circumstances of your life

-Thinking about what has always been

-Thinking about what “they” want for you

-Your Self-Importance

To overcome this you have to

-Let go your ego.

-Stop being offended.

-Create a new reality where your past wont matter. Intend to have a happy peaceful present and future.

- Stop wanting for others acceptance.

We must Intend to respect our self at all times

Respect your worth. Let the ego’s and complex about yourself go. If you become a hostage ego, which has you constantly striving for self- respect through others you will be disappointed of yourself.

Focus on self respect.

As a hostage to your ego, self-respect is unavailable because you feel judged for your failures. Self-respect means just what it says — it originates from the self. If you allow them to undermine your self- respect, you’re seeking the respect of others over your own, and you’re abdicating yourself. You must recognize that the opinions of others toward you aren’t facts, they’re opinions.

Be an appreciator rather than a disparager of everything that shows up in

your life.

We must Intend to live on our purpose

If we are purposeful, then we are living the highest qualities that humanity has to offer.You’ll discover that your purpose is not as much about what you do; it is about how you feel. Feeling purposeful activates your power of intention to create anything.It is buried deep within each of us. It’s not always rational, not always clear and sometimes even seemingly absurd, but the knowing is deep down there.

It wants you to take the risks involved, and to ignore your ego and the egos of others who tell you that an easier, safer, or more secure path is best for you. Purpose motivates us.

If you don’t feel it in that inner place where a burning desire resides, it isn’t your purpose.

We must Intend to feel successful and attract abundance into our life

Your intention to feel successful and experience prosperity and abundance

depends on what view you have of yourself.The perception of the world is what you expect for yourself.

The field of intention, which is responsible for all creation, is constantly giving.So by declaring, “I intend to feel successful and attract prosperity,” your emotional energy will shift and you’ll act as if what you desire were already true. Your actions will be in harmony with the faces of intention, and you’ll be provided with what you are, rather than attempting to be provided with what’s missing.

See the world as an abundant, providing, friendly place

Affirm that you attract success and abundance into my life because that is who you are.

Initiate actions that support your feelings of abundance and success

Remember that your prosperity and success will benefit others, and that no one

lacks abundance because you’ve opted for it.

Become as generous to the world with your abundance as the field of intention is to


Develop an attitude of gratitude for all that manifests into your life.

We must Intend to live a stress free life

When you feel good, you’re connected to your intentions, regardless of what goes on around you or what others expect you to feel. If the economy goes further into the toilet, you have the option to feel good. In the event of any catastrophe, you can still feel good. Feeling good isn’t an indication that you’re callous, indifferent, or cruel — it’s a choice you make.

Your desires, goals, hopes, and dreams will never be finished — ever! Even if you desire to have no desires, that’s a desire! You’ll never get it all done, and begin to live more fully in the only moment that you have — now!

You know that stress doesn’t exist in the world, and that there are only people thinking stressful thoughts. Your thoughts, not the world, cause your stress. You can change your thoughts of stress in any given moment, and eliminate the anxiety for the next few moments, or even hours and days.Monitor your stressful thoughts by checking on your emotional state right in the moment. Make a conscious choice to select a thought that will activate good feelings.

Don’t take yourself so goddamn seriously. The “Rule Number 6”

We must Intend to appreciate and express the the genius that we are

Consider that all human beings have within themselves the same essence of consciousness, and that the process of creativity and genius are attributes of human


Your genius is in your very existence, awaiting the right circumstances to express itself. There is no such thing as luck or accidents in this purposeful universe.

The process of appreciating your genius involves trusting those inner flashes of creative insight that are worthy of expression.

Declare yourself to be a genius! Make a decision to listen more carefully to your inner insights, no matter how small or insignificant you may have previously judged them to be.

Take constructive action toward implementing your inner intuitive inclinations.Know that any and all thoughts that you have regarding your own skills, interests, and inclinations are valid.

Look for the genius in others. Remain humble while staying in a state of gratitude.

To take full advantage of the power of intention, you must constantly intend what you want. Keep your thought on what you intent to create. Everything will show up at the right time at the right place. Appreciate the world and everything on it. Avoid things with low energy. Avoid negativity. You never know enough. Everything is everchanging. Change the way you look at things. Let go your egos and complex. Let go the validation from others. Let go the stress. Intend for long happy , peaceful life. Intend good for others and yourself. Accept, appreciate and respect others and yourself. See what you wished to see in others. With this greater power of intention magic will happen.

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
― Paulo Coelho,
The Alchemist

