Dragons, Dinosaurs, and Reptiles

By: Isac, and Andy

YesWECan! News to Use.
2 min readMay 20, 2019



Hello! Want to learn about dinosaurs? Here are fun facts about them!

First, let me talk about what kind of dinosaurs where the biggest and the tallest of them all. The first one is Sauroposeidon the tallest dinosaurs that ever lived in the world that we know. The largest dino that was was ever found was Argentinosaurus which weighed about 55.1–106.3 tons. Also the smallest dino that ever lived was Compsognathus which was a theropod about 2 ft (60)long. The fastest carnivore that we think existed is a velociraptor. Some of the armored dinosaurs that lived are Ankylosaurus and Stegosaurus.

Some dinosaurs eat different things—like if it was a herbivore they would eat leaves and other things that are plants. The next food is meat. The dinosaurs that eat meat are called carnivores, which eat other animals. There are also some dinos that eat both meat and plants—these are called omnivores.


Eastern dragons mostly eat meat, some eat fish, and sometimes birds, people like Vikings in the movies, fruits, plants—they just see what they find and eat it. Some dragons eat mammals, reptiles, and individual animals. Maybe they eat what we eat too.

Vounger dragons are highly adaptive to their surroundings which makes it very easy for them to stay alive. Their environment and childhood are key factors to their adulthood—powers, appearance, or how they look, and personalities help them survive. Their powers are the main thing linked to them.

The elements of these dragon are fire, water, skylanders, and other strong power that help them survive. These also help them by letting them catch food easier. These dragon also possess powerful magic which also makes the immune to mind control. Komodo dragon can grow up to 10 feet long. Some dragons are made of many combinations like elephant, seals elephants, tigers, horses, and calls of other animals. Some of the dragons can weigh up to 122 pounds and can be 400 ft tall. Chromatics who reach the end old age find themselves in a quandary. Although some dragons varieties, such as certain metallics, can will themselves to die, chromatic dragons cannot. Thus, those powerful or lucky enough to reach old age face the slow decline into twilight, further weakening, and eventually perish.



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