Presence, or, How to Walk:

Unity Consciousness through DMT, Orgasm and Meditation

Aileen Hoffman de Burbure
9 min readMar 4, 2018


Walking to work one morning, I experienced a vivid moment of expanded consciousness which remains one of my key memories to this day, nearly three decades later.

As I walked, I felt first the contact of the earth beneath my moving feet, then all the surfaces of my skin, touching clothes, being touched by flowing air…caressed by dappled sun on my face ; birdsong and other sounds dropped with crystal clarity in my hearing… and I could see *everything* — my full 180° field of vision was sharp, vividly coloured with the purple flowering jacaranda trees arching above me.

In that instant, I was a big bang of universal consciousness. My ego boundaries melted, blending with the flowered trees, connecting to others on the modest street in Harare, slow liquid light of awareness spreading through Zimbabwe, across Earth, all the way to the edges of my universe.

The sense of connection to all around me lasted for fleeting seconds which felt like eternity. I recognized my altered flow state immediately as unity consciousness, which of course flipped the switch off right away. 🙂

I was 18. Having spent a year deeply studying different religions, I had recently chosen to follow the golden thread touched by mystics of all religions: the experience which can never be fully described with words; a lived truth beyond the grasp of language ~*~

Hooked on unity consciousness, I devoted the next ten years of my life to exploring every technique which might help me feel it more often, with greater conscious control.

What the hell has this got to do with sex, you’re wondering?

28 years and many experiments later, I strongly believe that

Extended orgasm is the killer app which makes a human body one of the hottest tickets to ride this universe — allowing our presence as both a tiny particle of focused attention, and the vast standing-wave field of unity consciousness.

I see three paths to unity consciousness:

  • DMT drugs
  • Orgasm
  • Meditation

DMT drugs

DMT — dimethyltriptamine — is a naturally occurring molecule present in both plants and animals, usually in minute quantities.

When our brains are stimulated either by heightened internal (endogenous) DMT, or by taking external drugs, we may have a wide variety of altered consciousness experiences, including this elusive sense of being connected to everything: unity consciousness.

There’s a great documentary about DMT you can watch here.

One of the best-known DMT drugs, Ayahuasca, is a drink prepared by shamans in the Amazonian jungle from two plants, one rich in DMT, the other containing enzymes which inhibit its breakdown.

Taking this truly magical potion traditionally involved a profound spiritual preparation.

The actual experience is an ordeal: it tastes bad, you vomit up your guts, and then you lie down and slip into a psychedelic trip which may vary from terrifying to blissful. As part of a shamanic journey, it can provide transformative insights.

These days, it’s offered as a tourist activity, and experiences range from very good to truly awful. You can also take Ayahuasca in other countries, again with mixed attention on the quality of the experience.

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There are other nature-based and synthetic drugs which boost DMT in the brain. They are more or less legal, more or less dangerous, more or less potent.

If you decide to explore the short and sharp DMT-drug path to unity consciousness, educate yourself about the risks. Very little academic establishment research has been undertaken in the field of entheogens (god-drugs) but a lot of crowd-sourced anecdotal wisdom is available.

Alex Grey and CoSM are a good starting point, and local communities can be discovered via social media.

Pretty much every human society (and several animal species) have developed external drugs to alter their states of consciousness… and pretty much every drug has addicted, damaged or killed some of the vulnerable, careless or overconfident.

Be aware.

In my view, the risk of external drugs in general is that you may burn out your body’s sensitivity and ability to make its own natural versions of all the same molecules.

If we know what to do, our body-brains are highly sophisticated drug factories which can give us highs as good, even much better, than any artificial ride.


Of all the body activities we can leverage for natural highs — in particular, DMT-based unity consciousness highs — the most potent is extended, sustained orgasm.

This is a vast subject, with ancient hidden traditions in every civilization, and gradually increasing mainstream awareness.

I’ve studied sex and orgasm since I was 12 years old. My current challenge to myself is to bravely share my lived passion, my scientific understanding and my intuited wisdom in this field:

Orgasmic unity consciousness is the golden key to unlocking the wonders of our universe ; a potent energy tool helping us to create the reality we want to live.

Yes. I really believe that. Stick around if you want to learn more. Ask questions if what I’m saying doesn’t make sense to you. Please, share your own lived experiences!

A warning: orgasmic unity consciousness can emerge in a flash within just hours, days or weeks of shared attention with a skillful partner.

If you are unprepared for instant enlightenment — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually — it can completely crash your life. (And we’re always unprepared, whatever we learn intellectually.) Kundalini crisis is a concept borrowed from the Vedic tradition to explain this experience. I will write an article about it in one of the upcoming weeks (and eventually link back here).


While the orgasmic state is the most lusciously juicy *and* reliable path to unity consciousness, it is very beneficial to develop your body-mind-spirit with other forms of meditation to gently grow your capacity to hold altered states.

Meditation is the long, slow, winding way to unity consciousness ; usually safer, not such a guaranteed high.

So many meditation techniques are available: from very simple to very complex ; from very still to very active.

I enthusiastically encourage you to experiment with any and all you attract to your life path — I personally have tried out at least 20, and probably more if I started counting 😊

(yoga, walking, running, biking, swimming, dancing, Inner Skiing, mindfulness, buddhist mantras, firewalking, floating, spinning, Ramtha, Alpha, Krishna, Ishaya… so many guided visualisations…Zen sitting, the Tao, Reiki, energy work, Re-connection, Transcendental Meditation, The Journey, Mer-Kah-Bah, micro-meditations, The Work, radical acceptance, outbreath, cloudbusting, A-qua-mo-re and Orgasmic Meditation.)

Be care-full who you invite into your life as teachers. Sometimes you’ll be learning how not to live from other imperfect humans… benefit from the techniques, and protect your self from abuse.

Some will be lucky, landing directly in a meditative form which sings to their faithful soul ; others will be blissful butterflies, sipping nectar from a thousand wisdom traditions.

Whatever their differences, most practices will deliberately or indirectly engage these four principles:

  • cultivating focus,
  • releasing stress,
  • body awareness,
  • conscious connection.

OK , that was a one-minute survey of 100,000 years’ worth of collective spiritual development. There is more — much more — to explore, but let’s get back to Sex.


Why is unity consciousness so important to me, to my ideas around sex? After many adventures, I have arrived at this goalless goal —

Presence: being fully my self *and* fully integrated with universal unity consciousness.

I want to live as a particle and a wave at the same time: fully inhabiting my human body while fully connecting to all reality.

Presence makes good sex great.

Presence both facilitates extended, sustained orgasm and is cultivated by it.

Presence shines through the plainest exteriors to make ordinary people extraordinarily attractive.

Presence magnetizes chaotic reality into purposeful bliss.

Sound good?

Presence and sustained orgasm may seem like a distant dream, viewed from the porn-defined junksex of our dying Western civilization.

But we can get there, one step at a time.

How to Walk

I chose a simple activity that most of us already engage in with minimum consciousness.

If you’re in a wheelchair or otherwise immobile, you can either translate this process to a physical movement you are able to do, or use your imagination to visualize the actions in vivid detail.

For the hyperkinetic who find walking too slow, you can shift to a speed which suits you — running works beautifully with this technique.

Skating works too…

All you need is a pair of comfortable shoes. For the daring, barefoot is even better. (And even if you’re timid, dare to try barefoot walking at least once.)


Step outside.

Feel the soles of your feet, inside your shoes (and socks).

Breathe in, feeling the air filling your lungs, and release like the tide going out…. all the way out.

As your lungs empty, rock forwards, leaning a little towards your toes.

Breathe in again, straightening your spine and feeling a thread pulling your head upwards, tipped back just a bit from our usual smartphone hunch.

Breathe out, releasing your shoulders, rocking just a fraction backwards towards your heels, feeling your contact with the earth shift with your centre of gravity.

Decide consciously which foot you are going to move first. Use exquisite slowness to help you notice your motion.

Observe closely as the muscles and bones of your toes, foot, ankle, calf, knee, thigh and hip work together smoothly, pushing away from the ground.

Notice how your body falls forward in space…. we tune it out most of the time, but if we listen to our proprioception, we can sense the extraordinary nested momentums of Earth moving through space.

Let your leading foot land, noticing how your heel touches down, heavily or lightly, smoothly or awkwardly, rolling forwards to your toes.

Let your following foot lift, noticing how the muscles and bones work together the same or differently from the other foot.

Feel the movement traveling up your spine in a wave, to your freely floating head.

Notice the cross-action as you shift your weight from one leg to the other.

Notice your arms swinging, naturally or stiffly.

Scan through your body and release tensions.

Feel flow beginning to build as your movements blend together.

Become aware of your clothes, and the contrast with bare skin.

Feel all the places where skin touches skin, beginning with your toes, crotch, underarms, lips, eyelids…

Kindly notice the weight and heft of your body, without judgement.

Become aware of your ears, both the sense of them against your head, and the sounds you can hear.

Listen without resistance to all the sounds — seek to notice more and more.

Check in with your breathing again: is it easy like waves on a beach? Let it synchronize with your steps.

Allow your eyes to gently receive the full widescreen vision available to you; without turning your head, allow your self to see both edges of your peripheral vision — put your arms up at shoulder height and experiment with how far back you can see them.

As you accustom to seeing so much at once (how rarely we do that!) allow the features of your view to *pop*. Certain aspects will stand out sharp with attachment or resistance — catching more attention than the wideview. Hold space gently for your judgements and judgement of your judgements.

Return again and again to seeing the whole view.

Respond with graceful clarity to keep you and others safe when moving through the world… you may feel like superman as your heightened senses allow you to predict and avoid accidents.

Notice the stories you tell your self when distraction tempts your attention away from the present moment — allow the stories to float above your head and dissolve to nothing.

Surrender to the full sensory overload of the present moment. No space left over for being some other where/when.

Observe how you can feel into connection with life around you — the trees, sky, water, other people, birds, insects and animals, even earth, buildings, traffic… when you get down to the sub-atomic particles, everything is alive.

Let the focus of your attention expand from your body to the surrounding environment, just breathing into this sense of presence.

Explore as far as you wish or will — this is *your* universe.

Come back, sooner or later…

I would start with 15 minutes.

If you fall in love with this form, do it every day. Walking is one of the best things by far that we can do with our bodies to maintain good health.

Or adapt this technique to the movement you love. Running, biking, swimming, skiing, dancing — any physical movement works well.

Bring consciousness to the tiniest details, and consciousness will reward you with the riches of expanding, deepening, feeling, knowing Presence.



Aileen Hoffman de Burbure

I am giving away my abundance to the planetary alt-civilisation where *all* are supported to fulfill our soul purpose and thrive 😊