A New Begining

Berranur Çamlıbel
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Published in
4 min readJan 1, 2024

Have you ever thought about what makes a new year and New Year’s Eve important to us? What makes the New Year important is to spend a fun night with friends? Is gifts or just a holiday and tradition? These are of course good things, perhaps it is a good thing to see your family that you haven’t seen for a long time, to take gifts that make you happy. But before all of this, I think the real event, the real importance is that people need a new beginning now because they work and tired all year. Don’t you feel that way? Personally, I think I was very tired this year, but despite all this tired, I think I had a very nice year. Some of my acquaintances had a very bad year, which is exactly the time to leave this bad year behind you, we need it the most at New Year. Even if you have a good year, sometimes you say, ‘This year shouldn’t be like this, I will do it differently this time. A New Beginning is a much-needed moment for everyone, and New Year’s Eve is a moment when everyone looks at the year and life with hope.

So, with what promises did you enter this year? For example, we recently went on a trip to ITU with our school. While I was going to school, my friend asked me, “It’s almost New Year, what are your wishes for this year?” Honestly, I didn’t have a specific wish in my mind, but my friend wished for things like getting into university, a career, happiness at work, peace or love. But now that I think about it, I think there are more things I shouldn’t do than things I should do. For example, like every person, I have changed a lot recently and I do not like some of my features during this change. I did not have these features in my old self and it was better when I was like this, I think I should not do these. For example, I was a very hard worker, I was running around a lot, and towards the end of the year, I seemed to be tired. That’s why I constantly consoled myself by saying that I had already worked hard and that it was time to rest a little, but now I think I should go back to working. But sometimes thinking about so many bad aspects can stress you out. All this stress may haven’t you to stress management, you may start to worry about everything, you may come to a point where you are constantly thinking about what to do and what you should do. At this very moment in life, don’t worry about what I will do the next day or how my life will go, otherwise your life will be filled with worry because life is today. That’s why try to taste Happiness as much as you can every day. I’m not saying don’t be sad. Being sad is also a very nice feeling. Because if we don’t feel sad, we won’t appreciate the moments when we are happy. Life is temporary. Just like our feelings are temporary, we taste them all together. And even in your most hopeless and unhappy days, I wish you to see the light of hope and happiness in this New Year. Remember, every night has a morning.There’s one more thing I want you to remember in this new year. One thing I’ve been reminding myself a lot lately is that most of you may not be able to appreciate the people around us in the hustle and bustle of daily life. The people around us are our loved ones. They are temporary, just like our emotions and our lives. They don’t stay with you all your life, so don’t forget to appreciate the moments you spend with them. That’s why in this new year where we all need a new hope and beginning, remember that life is today, how you spend today and look at it, your whole life and even this new year will pass like that.

In your new year, hope,joy, I wish you good health, good days with your family and all your wishes come true. Lastly, I would like to end with a word from the animation movie Soul. Maybe it is the summary of everything I have written so far.

I heard the story about a fish. He swims up to this older fish and says, “I’m trying to find this thing they call the ocean.” “The ocean?” says to other fish ,”That’s what you’re in right now.” “This?” says to younger fish, “This is water that I want is the ocean.”

My biggest wish for myself and you in the new year is that we realize the things around us that are important to us. Stay healthy…


