Do you really need to buy a new iPhone?

Metin Tunç
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Published in
6 min readSep 14, 2023

This year, as every year, the expected day has arrived. Millions of people are very curious about the brand new features of the world’s most popular phone. Although there is no major innovation in the iPhone 15, millions of people around the world will buy this phone. For a while, on social media and the internet, we will see everyone making unboxing videos of the iPhone 15 and other new products. I am sure that the tech-guys will explain the features of these devices to the users in detail.

Apple Official Website

Most Apple users prefer Apple because of the value of the brand without caring too much about the technical details. As everyone knows, Apple sells a social status rather than a phone. Almost the first quarter of the 21st century is over and most of the big companies know that people buy sociological status rather than a physical product. Technology has advanced so much that there may not be as much technical difference between the latest iPhone and the latest Samsung as you might think. Every company manufactures physical phones in that ecosystem. The important part is to create an ecosystem where you can use this phone comfortably and with your other devices. Also, when you buy these devices, you should know that these devices will contribute to your creativity and what you do. Apple can do that very well. That’s why the Pro series exists. That’s why it’s so important to get more out of the Apple devices you buy, and to use them to their full potential, and to realize your own professionalism. When you buy a new phone or device, it is more beneficial for you to be aware of what you can do with that device rather than just the brand name.

I watched the Apple event on Tuesday. As a whole, I can’t say it was a very effective and creative presentation. But some points were good. For example, it was sweet that the company showed Mother Nature as a person for the carbon emissions and 2030 goals, and she came and held the whole Apple team to account. After that, the Apple Watch Series 9, Apple Watch Ultra 2, iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro were introduced. Now I will talk about what new features have come to these products. I will not give a detailed technical explanation but will show the new features in the simplest way possible.

Here are the features of Apple’s newly introduced devices from a user’s point of view! (The features I have squared in color are the clearest features that I think will be most useful to you and that have changed compared to the previous iPhones.)

Apple Event 2023
Apple Event 2023
Apple Event 2023
Apple Event 2023

With these images, you quickly learned the features of the new iPhone and Watch models that Apple introduced towards the end of 2023.

My general opinion about the Apple 2023 Event is that almost none of the devices have a feature that can be called “Wow!”. My favorite features on the iPhone 15 (because there is no other innovation) were USB-C and Dynamic Island (which used to be only on the 14 Pro).

I don’t think the iPhone 15 colors are very well chosen because they are all soft colors. I think there should have been at least one vibrant color next to the black. I believe these colors don’t appeal to people with different styles.

Apple Official Website — iPhone 15

Looking at the iPhone 15 Pro, I think the natural titanium color looks very good. It looks like the shades of gray that Apple used to use and creates a vintage effect. However, there is a design mistake or problem that I see here. When the iPhone 15 Pro was introduced, a visual presentation was used in which all four different colors were shown. Natural titanium and white titanium colors appeared to be the same color on the same background. I see two different possibilities here.

Apple Official Website
  1. Since they worked hard on this project, they can see that tonal difference, but they could not predict or realize that it would look the same from the user’s point of view. (This is an unacceptable design mistake for a company that wants to convey the message in a clear, easy, effective and simple way)
  2. If this is thought of as a situation that will direct people to Apple’s site and increase site traffic, it is a good marketing and sales effort.
Apple Official Website — iPhone 15 Pro

The switch that I, as an Apple user, loved so much, which was positioned next to the iPhone and allowed you to mute it, has been removed. Some brands have unique features. And these features distinguish them from other brands. I think this switch contributed to the brand value of the iPhone. Although the new Action Button can be assigned any command, the iPhone is one step closer to other smartphones in terms of appearance, which is normalization rather than being different. Also, this button can be pressed accidentally. It is also a controversial physical button in terms of functionality.

Besides, if mobile gaming is very important to you, the iPhone 15 may be a good choice for you. You can play upcoming games like AC Mirage and Resident Evil on the iPhone 15. But I don’t think anyone will buy an iPhone just to play games. The mobile gaming experience offers a lesser gaming experience than PCs or game consoles. It means that the people who would be happy to support these games would fit one of these consumer profiles:

  1. Someone who hasn’t played many games before but purchased a new iPhone and downloaded the game to try it out (potential customer and first steps into the game industry)
  2. People who play games in their daily lives and know the gaming industry, who prefer to buy the iPhone 15 or 15 Pro and are curious about how such big games work on mobile. (These people may complete the game and be happy about the result, or they may not find it of high quality and have a negative attitude. This will have a negative impact on the project, especially if they have many followers on social media)

To sum up, every year brings better devices than the year before. If you are using new technologies so much and if the new models really make your work easier, it might be a good idea to buy these new devices. But if you’re buying a device just because it’s “new”, you might want to think twice before doing so. I’m sure Steve Jobs would have kept his old device if it had worked for him.

