Covid-19 and Social Media

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Yetkin Yayın
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2021

The Covid-19 outbreak is one of humanity’s most challenging processes. Lockdowns, daily death news due to coronavirus, and the necessity to wear a mask negatively affected our lives. There are two disadvantages of using social media during the digital age pandemic: misinformation and increased hatred towards the Chinese people. On the other hand, social media offers opportunities to maintain our connection with our friends and family.

Social media

The first disadvantage is misinformation. Since the beginning of the pandemic, false information and treatment suggestions about Covid-19 have spread on social media platforms. Scientifically untested and unproven information harmed some people. The term “Infodemia” defines as wrong health advice and excessive information about Covid-19. According to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, World Health Organization general coordinator, “urgent measures now need to be taken to address the coronavirus “infodemia” (Ali, S. H & Kurasawa, F., 2020, para. 2). Some people may believe what they have seen on their phone and can implement this false health advice (O’Brien, M., Moore, K., & McNicholas, F., 2020). These practices can cause permanent damage, health problems, and even death.

The second disadvantage is the growing hatred of the Chinese people. Covid-19 first appeared in Wuhan. That is why some people blame the Chinese people and china government for the spread of the epidemic. This racist content led to xenophobia, which includes prejudiced and biased behavior towards a group of people without any evidence or experience. During the pandemic, xenophobic information spread rapidly among many people through social media platforms. For instance, ın Toronto, a school board gather a petition to try banning students their family members went to china from attending school (Ali, S. H & Kurasawa, F., 2020).

Even though social media can be used to spread misinformation and xenophobia, social media provides advantages to keep our connection with our friends and family. We can spend time with them without any restrictions. The physical connection may not be possible; however, we can talk to our friends and family anytime and anywhere. Video-chat applications, sending messages and live-broadcasting options enable communication among people. People can make new friends, follow much content, and enjoy during long-term lockdowns.

To summarize, social media has become an essential part of our lives. It can be used for news sources, socializing tools, or following lots of content. Social media platforms can lead to some disadvantages during a pandemic, such as spreading false information and xenophobia. On the other hand, thanks to social media, we can maintain our connection with our friends and families even though we cannot physically meet.

