Dystopic Post-Covid Society Story: Scigarchy (Science Oligarchy)

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6 min readFeb 28, 2021

People had to be closed to their homes while distance restrictions continued due to social distances and corona. As a result of both the policies and the choices made, trust in national governments decreased, but scientists began to gain importance. National governments, who realized this situation, merged and named themselves “Assembly of Democratic Human Governments”. Deputies elected every 4 years by the people must form a government and have a vote of confidence from the deputies for this government to be in the parliament of democratic governments.

However, this has further reduced people’s trust in governments, and trust in scientists has increased more than ever. The corona is reduced but still does not end. This lowers the psychology of people and continues with the practice of “small movement”, which they must continue to live at home. The oligarchic government council system, which is affected by this situation, and the “Science Council” above this government have been established. This structure is renewed every 10 years and is overcome with the preferences of scientists. For this reason, it diverges from the normal government system. By making use of this, the Oligarchic Democratic Government System aimed to gain the trust of the people, to be permanent, and to increase the votes of the governments.

The work of the Science Council is the endpoint of decisions from the oligarchic system and the last decision-maker is the denominator. For this reason, their decisions have gained the trust of everyone because they are based on the permanence and continuity of sustainability in the world and make decisions within the framework of logic. The round social distance system in parks and certain places was spread by this consul, including common areas all over the world. To prevent stagnation in homes and make people stronger and normalize psychologically, the Science Council has asked people to organize aerobic exercises in addition to the colorfulness and garishness of the 80s and to do this every morning. To reach everyone, the Science Council has decided to take the television from the world governments and bring television to every house. From this moment, discipline and order gradually begin to enter the world of societies.

In the world, “social life at home” practices are abolished and people continue as they are, but cannot believe their eyes in front of the sustainable world and the colorful world that comes before them. People are satisfied with this situation. However, since the presence of the corona continues, information boards and announcements are heard everywhere by the Science Council. The concept of “corona being” begins at this point and propaganda begins to develop an anti-look on the screen against the elderly and sick people. Also, if you oppose the council, the perception of “you are human in the corona and you should be checked immediately” starts to spread.

After a while, it is compulsory to go to your nearest circle every morning and do aerobics there, in world societies. Because, according to the Consul, this is seen both as an anti-corona dance of resistance and the end of stasis. Then people return to their necessary work. Aerobics time is outside. Some people stop because of their old age while dancing and some sick people cause them to appear in society as a corona person. As a result of this incident, the “Si-hunters ( Sick Hunters) Organization” is established and the si-hunters take them to “control” their corona beings. This organization, which does not target only the elderly and the patients, will “take you under control” even if you do not want to do aerobics. Discipline and order continue in circles in a colorful and sustainable world.

After that, colorful si-hunters begin to appear among people doing aerobics every morning. Every aerobic movement you do on the street is measured every morning in that circle with a fever measurement device and it is ensured that you are not a corona person. Si-hunters are watching you while doing these movements. You’d better not stop.

Then new regulations come after. The consul brings new definitions. First of all, it changes the Oligarchic World Governments Assembly System and makes it a system of advisory councils where it will only listen to their “wishes”. The Sci-docs (Science Doctors) class emerges, and they do whatever is necessary to ensure the continuity of the Consul. It is also called sci-doc because it is to maintain and organize “unscientific people”. However, some unscientific people get caught in corona trouble and turn into unscientific corona beings and si-hunters do their necessary actions. In this way, society is “healed and protected”.

In the Science Constitution (sci-con), the definition of corona beings is not left in a certain way. It is regarded as an open-ended law since it is stated only as an enemy of humanity. What to do with them is very simple. It is taken under control. However, the name of the assembly of oligarchic world governments is very clearly described: “Unscientific Democratic Human Government Assembly”. The purpose of its existence is on the destruction of “uncontrollable” corona beings, and si-hunters receive support and ensure that law is established in the country to ensure the necessary constitutional regulations and laws of state law. The general name of the system is determined by the Consul as Scigarchy (Science Oligarchy System).

It is not clear whether there is corona or not, but the propaganda of every day about the condition of corona beings and the decrease in numbers appear on big screens. The number of corona presence decreases every day and people are dictated that it was done thanks to the Consul. People are happy, the world is going smoother and sustainability is visible and colorful. With a vegetarian diet and aerobic work done every morning, humanity is happy with a colorful world style. However, they are not aware that they are in a discipline and order.

Education is science-based and propaganda for the continuity of the existing system, and family ties are broken as corona beings include the elderly. Paranoia prevails in the family because pro-system children can report their elders to si-hunters.

With the arrival of the Science Oligarchy, a group that includes the corona beings that are the opponents of this system also emerges. Their names are mentioned as ASd (Anti-Science Defenders). They are mostly elderly. They know the previous corona era and the systems in the corona era and hide from the si-hunters and carry out various attacks against the Scigarchy. They are likely to be caught by the Consul because they are older and try to explain old systems to new generations. However, they still aim to reach young people and take them to their side and turn this into a social movement and move to another system. They listen to the “New Order- Blue Monday” against the aerobic song because it is to achieve this and set a common goal among themselves. They are suitable for 80’s understanding and they aim to listen to young people. They also want people to ask themselves and the situation when they play the song :

-How does it feel to treat me like you do?

You can’t oppose science on colorful and sustainable Earth, can you?

If you would like to see my designs inspired by this story:


