YfDFI Finance — 1st Community Profits Redistribution ($40,000)

Your Finance Decentralized (YFD)
3 min readDec 10, 2020

YfDFI Finance claims to be “By the community. For the community” — And now they are putting their money where their mouth is, so to speak.

The vision behind this new and exciting DeFi Solutions project is to become the first ever, fully functioning, circulating economy. Today they have taken yet another important step toward this end with the announcement of the first redistribution of all staking fees collected to-date via their staking platform. The original plan was for all profits to be redistributed into the ecosystem once all solutions had been developed. However (delivering well ahead of schedule) the project is feeding a whopping $40,000 back into its ecosystem to help propel it to the next level.

This redistribution of funds represents the realisation of what was initially merely an ideology. The community is now efficiently self-perpetuating, funding new developments that span from platform creation and coding of smart contracts to marketing and press articles. Ever heard someone say you need to make your money work for you? Well, this is what they meant!

So, how is the ecosystem improving itself?

Funds will be redistributed to the community via two means:

  1. Staking Event:
    60% of collected staking fees will be going towards funding a special staking event that will be launched in partnership with Ferrum Network. If you are not familiar with Ferrum, they are a well revered Tech/DeFi project whose main goal is essentially facilitating mass adoption of cryptocurrency. I will not digress too far from the main topic (this is not an article on Ferrum Network after all!) but if you would like to learn more, then please visit their website — https://ferrum.network/). Suffice it to say that this partnership with Ferrum is a very exciting development for YfDFI Finance. The staking event will provide $YFD holders with yet another opportunity to earn passive income.
  2. Gigs and Rewards:
    The remaining 40% will be sent directly to the “Gigs and Rewards” wallet. This wallet holds all the $YFD tokens that were set aside at the projects’ conception to reward those who would help to build the ecosystem. You can view all past and future “Gigs” and “Rewards” in the designated telegram group via the following link — https://t.me/yfdfi_gigs . This is truly a project that prides itself on full transparency. Each “Reward” is detailed with the name (or pseudonym) of the contributing member of the community and also evidenced with the corresponding Etherscan transaction.

    The “Gigs and Rewards” are fundamental to the structure of YfDFI Finance. In fact, it was the very idea of “Gigs and Rewards” upon which this project was founded. It presents the opportunity for the community themselves to build a financial, self-propelling ecosystem. This is how and why YfDFI is able to operate without one centralised team. If you have the skills and knowledge to contribute, then you ARE the team. By contributing, you become a member of the fully decentralised team.

YfDFI Finance is decentralising finance for a better world. The lack of a central team means that there is no “man behind the mask” collecting profits and getting rich at the expense of the average Joe. We are the community and YfDFI belongs to all of us.

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