A New Era — Yiedl Protocol Is Born

3 min readNov 30, 2023


Yiedl is building a revolutionary decentralized asset management platform that’s set to redefine the landscape of Web3 finance.

The Mission Behind

The current landscape of Asset Management is surprisingly less technological than one might assume and despite substantial investments in customer profiling, IT security, and marketing, there is a glaring lack of attention to enhancing the value of investment decisions.

The asset management industry, with an estimated global value exceeding $70 trillion in AUM, continues to grapple with transparency issues, inefficiencies, and exorbitant fees. This scenario makes it challenging for individual investors to access high-quality opportunities and not expose them to the potential of significant returns. Moreover, the prevalent figure of the Asset Manager in Hedge Funds tends to centralize operational decisions, limiting the diversity of investment techniques and thereby increasing exposure to risk.

In addition, in the realm of cryptocurrency, asset managers face challenges in launching digital asset investment products due to collaboration requirements with multiple intermediaries and service providers like transfer agents, fund administrators, payment providers, and custodian providers. This results in increased operational complexity, barriers to entry, due diligence, and security risks.

This was the starting point for the creation of YIEDL as a new Decentralized Investment Platform, organized as a DAO, that creates next-gen AI-powered Vaults built by a Competitive Community of Data Scientists.

The Yiedl Project

Yiedl presents an innovative solution to the limitations of traditional asset management systems, leveraging AI and blockchain to provide users with access to high-performing investment strategies, low fees, and a transparent investment experience.

The platform operates as a DAO, ensuring that token holders play a crucial role in decision-making. Simultaneously, the decision-making impacting the investment layer is driven by a collective intelligence where a global community of data scientists participates in a decentralized and distributed AI competition, in which they will be directly rewarded or penalized for their ability to forecast the market.

Replacing Investment Funds with Web3 Vaults

Yiedl envisions the future of finance as being entirely redefined on the blockchain, with financial services reinvented through DeFi applications that are unstoppable, efficient, and open to everyone.

Today, after audit approval, the Yiedl Vaults have been launched on top of Synthetix on the Optimism chain.

We built on Synthetix because offers a decentralized perpetual protocol, solving multiple issues within a single infrastructure. It provides a non-custodian solution through smart contracts, overcoming challenges associated with centralized custodians. Additionally, Synthetix’s liquidity infrastructure is scalable, with potentially reduced slippage to zero, and Optimism integration addresses fee concerns for users.

Replacing Fund Managers with A Crowd-Sourced AI Competition

Yiedl’s journey began with inspiration from Numerai, which pioneered a machine learning competition to gather predictors from external sources that today have led to a Hedge Fund with Assets Under Management (AUM) of approximately $1.5 billion.

To address Numerai’s centralization limitation, a new competition has been developed to enhance the democratic nature of the Yiedl Project.

The Yiedl Protocol aims to replace traditional fund managers with a blockchain-based data science tournament. In this competition, Data Scientists globally, known as predictors, submit predictions derived from their machine learning models, staking Yiedl tokens. These predictions are stored in IPFS, decrypted, and ranked after one week based on their actual performance. Successful predictions are rewarded, while inaccurate ones are penalized.

All the predictions then fuel into a Weighted Meta-Model which will be used for the asset allocation of the various vaults offered.

This crowd-sourced AI system ensures transparency, fairness, improved accuracy, reduced risk, continuous improvement, and minimized fees associated with traditional asset management.


In conclusion, this is not merely a platform; it’s a paradigm shift in asset management, creating a future where transparency, efficiency, and decentralized decision-making define the financial landscape.

The YIEDL token powers this ecosystem, incentivizing user contributions and participation while driving the project’s governance.

Today, launching the Yiedl Vaults on Optimism, anticipates the beginning of a new era in decentralized finance, setting unprecedented standards for the industry.

In the next articles, we will discuss Yiedl tokenomics, how Yiedl vaults work, their strategies, and delve into the details of the Yiedl data science platform.

We invite you to join the Yiedl Revolution — come talk to us on Discord and Twitter to actively participate in discussions.

Last but not least, share your feedback and thoughts; they are very important to us.

The Yiedl Team



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A next-gen AI-powered Vaults built for you by a Community of Data Scientists.🔥Community: http://discord.gg/YAq7rasMBg