Making a side hustle with Yiedl AI

If you have data science skills this is felicitous to you!

Ronny Fahrudin
6 min readMay 7, 2024


Author by Yiedl Team

Making money from the internet is the style of this decade. Because of right now, every people around the world can connect and interact easily through it. One of the places to enhance your data science skills and produce money as a side hustle is with Yiedl.AI. You just join the competition and develop a model to predict the target variable neutral and updown. all of those targets are regression purposes. Let’s discuss knowing about Yiedl.AI.

A. What is Yiedl.AI?

Before we are starting to earn money from Yiedl.AI, the best way is we have to know what Yiedl.AI is. Their website shows that Yiedl.AI is an innovative platform that combines Artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to revolutionize asset management. It is a home for data scientists because they can build together with Yiedl.AI as an asset ​management DAO driven by ​crowd-sourced Artificial Intelligence. For more details about that platform, you can go here. Then, how can we earn money from Yiedl.AI?

B. How can you make money on Yiedl?

Read here carefully about how we can earn money from Yiedl.AI.

Every data practitioner who can develop AI, like data scientist, data analyst, or AI engineer, is suitable to join the Yiedl competition to earn money. That platform will give you a reward based on your prediction performance. the more performance your AI to predict crypto market the more reward that you can earn. This competition will reward a “Yiedl” token on the Matic network. Every reward can be changed or swapped into the USDC Matic network which will be shown here. Okay, here are the steps to join the competition on Yiedl:

1. Join Discord Group

The first step to joining a competition is so easy. Join the discord group to see the announcement every Monday. So that you know the time of the competition will be started. Here is the discord group.

2. Getting Yiedl Token and Matic from Yiedl team

If you are done joining the Discord group. next, you should apply for an airdrop Yiedl token and Matic. Since this article was written, an airdrop is still open for a newcomer who wants to join Yiedl Competition. In my opinion, this Airdrop will close in Q4 this year when the token is listed in CEX. Let’s get airdrop here the link.

For example to request an airdrop

Suppose you are done filling out that form. Please, Wait for a moment or contact the team on Discord. You will get your airdrop allocation as soon as possible.

3. Developing machine learning model

After you already got some Yiedl token airdrop and some Matic, you can start competing on Yiedl. Follow the documentation or notebook that was prepared by the team for newcomers. the notebook is beginner-friendly for the data scientist entry-level. Here are the full documentation link and the notebook link on Google Colab.

Notebook Overview to Starting Competition

Notes, that you should predict the model with these ticker asset lists:

["AAVE", "ADA", "ALGO", "APE", "APT", "ATOM", "AVAX", "AXS", "BAL", "BCH", 
"BLUR", "BNB", "BONK", "BTC", "C98", "CAKE", "COMP", "CRV", "CVX", "DAI",
"DAO", "DOGE","DOT", "DYDX", "EOS", "ETC", "ETH", "FET", "FIL", "FRAX",
"FTM", "FXS", "GRT", "HAI", "HERO", "ICP", "IMX", "INJ", "LDO", "LINK",
"LTC", "MATIC", "MAV", "MBOX", "MKR", "MOON", "NEAR", "OP", "PENDLE",
"PEPE", "PERP", "PIT", "POLS", "PYTH", "QUACK", "RDNT", "RNDR", "RPL",
"RUNE", "SFP", "SFUND", "SHIB", "SOL", "STG", "SUI", "SUSHI", "TIA",
"TOKEN", "TRX", "UNI", "USDT", "XLM", "XMR", "XRP", "XTZ", "XVS", "YFI"]

The prediction score will be evaluated on all those 77 assets. make sure your model is performed to predict those assets. The more performance your model the more you will get rewarded. I hope you can explore more data, analyze the pattern using a statistics approach, do some feature engineering, and tune the model. It will make your model more perform.

when you have already done analyzing and predicting that data. You can download the result of the prediction. It will show on the prediction folder name. it is like the picture below.

files result in csv to submit

You have 2 results prediction in the CSV files, there are “prediction_market_neutral.csv” and “prediction_updown.csv”. Please, make sure your prediction rows and columns is correct. The overview will look like in the below. Then download all of those predictions result. Those data to submit on Yiedl competition.

files for neutral and updown should be like this picture

4. Submitting your result prediction by staking Yiedl Token

Now, You are ready to submit on Yiedl competiton. The 2 files already for submitting updown and neutral prediction use cases. Remember submit your prediction in here. Make sure you have install metamask extension on your browser. When you open the link with metamask already installed, it would be like this.

Login into Yiedl Competition

You must switch to Polygon network, so that you can join the competition. If you have done to switch the polygon network, it will shows like the picture below.

Overview Platform Yiedl AI Competition

That image shows the competition is not open. We must wait for a long about 5 days. When the competition is opened it will shows like the picture below.

2 option of competition updown and neutral

Please, make sure that you submit your “prediction_market_neutral.csv” and “prediction_updown.csv” files based the on those field. For the the file “prediction_market_neutral.csv” submit into NEUTRAL. For the “prediction_updown.csv” submit into UPDOWN.

Submitting Section

Then you can click submit. When you click submit you will be asked to filling how many token will staked and option to upload file like in below.

Stake and submitting the prediction result

You can stake your Yiedl token what ever you want, for example if you have total Yiedl 100 token. You can start to submit by stake 10 Yiedl token for testing. After you click the Submit, you will asked for confirming the transaction like this.

confirming transaction

You can read all of that confirmation then click confirm to submitting your prediction. This step used for all of those competition for the UPDOWN and NEUTRAL.

5. Waiting Reward Distribution every week on Monday

When you have finish to upload all files to join competition and have done to make sure that your model is perform very well. You just wait for 1 week to see the result of your prediction. After 1 week you will see your return. if your return minus your token will be burn. for example you stake 10 and got return -1%, your token will burn 1% of your total stake it is 0.1 token will be burned. Beside that, if your prediction result get score plus e.g. 2%. You will get return 0.2 Yiedl token.

Take Note that competition start every Monday at 05:00 UTC and only 24 hours open.

C. Conclusion

All of the steps were written here. I hope you can follow the competition easily. Now, we can make a quick recap that Yiedl AI is the home for data scientist to be side hustle with joining competition. To join competition you have to:

  1. Join discord community.
  2. Apply for airdrop Yiedl Token and Matic.
  3. Developing machine learning model with the notebook that prepared by team.
  4. Submitting your result prediction by staking Yiedl Token.
  5. Waiting Reward Distribution every week on Monday.

Happy Learning and Happy to compete!



Ronny Fahrudin

Data Scientist | AI Engineer | Market Researcher | Blockchain Post-Quantum Cryptography Enthusiast |