YGG Discord: Starter’s Guide and Roles

Yield Guild Games
Yield Guild Games
Published in
16 min readNov 4, 2021

Yield Guild Games is always looking to grow its community and encourage people to participate through our Discord. This guide will break down everything you need to know to traverse the official YGG Discord and interact with the guild.

A good way to start familiarizing yourself with the YGG Discord environment is to visit the “Official” category and look for the “rules” channel.

After you read the rules, you can visit the YGG whitepaper to learn more. The YGG

whitepaper is available in English, Chinese, and Spanish. We also have a TL;DR Medium article that summarizes four big takeaways from the YGG Whitepaper.

Important note: Unfortunately, scammers and impersonators are often in and around our Discord. In order to avoid scams, please make sure that you have joined the official YGG Discord. Once you have joined the server, you will see the “Official” category, where you’ll find the “announcements” and “official-links” channels. From these channels, you can follow the links to YGG’s official social media pages to avoid any impersonators. Always remember to check for pinned messages in the channels as these may contain useful links and announcements.`

“YGG’s Great Hall” is the most active category in the Discord.

  • “general-chat” channel is for greetings, simple day-to-day talk, and general questions. You can ask quick questions here, but if your question requires a more detailed discussion, then you will be directed to the proper channels.
  • “off-topic” is for things that have nothing to do with YGG or the crypto space in general. For example, if you want to talk about your favorite show or music, feel free to do so in this channel.
  • “ygg-token-discussion” is entirely about the YGG token and how it relates to the YGG community. It is not meant to be a forum discussing financial advice and does not constitute any financial advice. The YGG token is to be used within the YGG community to access exclusive guild-related content.
  • “digital-art” is where you can post your own digital artwork and showcase your skills. Just make sure that it is SFW (safe for work) artwork, meaning it is free of nudity, obscenity and/or offensive language, or you will be banned.
  • “memes” is exclusively for memes. Try to post mainly crypto memes, and as always, please make sure they don’t break any of our rules. For example, posting NSFW (not safe for work) images of any kind will get you banned.
  • “ygg-giveaways” is only for YGG giveaways and nothing else.
  • “faq” is a great place to find answers to basic questions, so make sure you give this channel a look because it might already contain your answer.
  • “report-scammers” is a channel for reporting people in the Discord who are scamming other members. When reporting someone, make sure to add screenshots and tag their Discord ID so mods can get hold of them even if they change their name.
  • “scam-protection” is a channel where we post known scams so you’ll know what to look out for. Remember, we will never ask for your seed phrase, and you should never give it out to anyone. Ever. Also, never login into your account or wallet on a website you are not sure about. Do not click on random links from people as these could be phishing links, which are harmful links disguised as official links that may be a hack or take away your information. As mentioned, only click official links that can be found on “announcements” and “official-links” channels.
  • Bot commands can only be used in the “bot-commands” channel. YGG’s Axie Infinity scholars will have access to the “scholar-bot-commands” channel which is under the Axie Infinity category.
  • For scholarship commands, please use “scholar-bot-commands” for safety reasons. In the pinned messages in “bot-commands” you’ll see the roles you can claim with commands.
  • tip.cc is a bot that you can use to tip crypto coins or tokens to any community member in the YGG Discord. To learn more about tip.cc, its commands, and how to deposit and withdraw, please visit this site.
  • To keep things organized, only use the tip.cc bot commands in the “tip-cc” channel, or you will get a warning.
  • “ygg-suggestions-box” is a place where you can leave suggestions for the Discord (bots, channels, roles, and so on) or other areas of YGG. This channel is checked daily by the moderators and some core members. If the suggestion is applicable, the moderators will consider and implement it if it will benefit our community.

YGG Tavern

“YGG’s Tavern” category is the new YGG bar where people can talk to each other as well as participate in karaoke! Although the Rythm bot had to shut down, Octave (a Discord music bot packed with memes, fun, and other goodies) is still functioning. You can type “_help” in the “bot-commands” channel to see the commands (we will be adding more music bots).

AMA Channels

Every now and then, YGG organizes an AMA — short for “Ask Me Anything” — an event that features our co-founders, core team, game partners, and so on. The “AMA Channels” is a great place to catch an AMA event and chat in the #ama-decision channel. To find out the schedule for future AMAs, follow the “announcements” channel.

YGG Partnered Games

YGG partnered games will get their own categories within the YGG Discord, but to see them, you must claim the role associated with that game. The list of commands to get the roles will be listed under our Game Roles, which you can see at the bottom of this guide. For example, to see The Sandbox channels, you would need to type “?join ts” in “bot-commands” and wait for our bot to give you the role. To remove any role, you can ask an upper moderator to do so. Partnered games will have the same types of channels, although some may have additional channels if needed, like Axie Infinity, League of Kingdoms, and Splinterlands.

The “Axie Infinity/ YGG Scholarship Program” is a category dedicated to the Axie Infinity game.

  • “axie-infinity-general” is for general talk about the game. You can ask questions and seek general advice about the game.
  • The “axie-infinity-announcements” channel follows the Axie infinity’s announcements page, so if you are not in the Axie Infinity Discord, you can still keep up with their announcements.
  • “axie-faq” is for common questions about Axie Infinity. If you would like something added, bring it up with a YGG moderator, YGG community leader, or YGG game ambassador.
  • “axie-infinity-guides” is for links to Axie Infinity guides. If you have a link you would like to be added, bring it up with a mod or community leader.
  • “axie-infinity-ideas-and-feedback-channel” is a place where the community can suggest ideas or offer feedback. Our game ambassadors will check the channel, and they can add stuff to the ambassador’s channel for implementation.
  • “scholarship-general” is a channel for people to post their applications for Axie Infinity or any game. The best way to get a scholarship is to be active and engage with the community and show why you are interested in playing Axie Infinity or any other game.
  • The “axie-esports-recruits” channel is for all YGG members who want to be part of the YGG’s Axie Infinity esports team. Here, we will identify interested players, conduct coaching in the future, discuss strategy, and promote players accordingly. Players will start as “recruits” and be promoted to “rising stars” and then “elite” based on their performance.
  • “scholar-bot-commands” is a channel where YGG scholars can enter commands to set up their scholar accounts and claim their earned revenue.
  • “scholar-only-chat” is a channel for YGG scholars, so they can get in contact with their manager if any problem occurs. It is also for scholarship managers to make announcements to the scholars.
  • “new-ygg-scholars” is a channel for YGG scholarship managers to post who their new scholars are if they would like to announce it.

“YGG League of Kingdoms Channels” category

  • The “league-of-kingdoms” channel is for discussing League of Kingdoms only.
  • The “league-of-kingdoms-announcements” channel follows the LOK announcements page, so if you are not in the LOK Discord, you can still keep up with their announcements.
  • The “league-of-kingdoms-guides” is for links to League of Kingdoms guides. If you have a link you would like to be added, bring it up with a YGG moderator, YGG community leader, or YGG game ambassador.
  • “league-of-kingdoms-ideas-and-feedback-channel” is a place where the community can suggest ideas or offer feedback. Game ambassadors will check the channel for notable suggestions, which have a possibility to be implemented once approved by YGG ambassadors
  • “league-of-kingdoms-faq” is for common questions about League of Kingdoms. If you would like something added, bring it up with a mod, community leader, or game ambassador.
  • “lok-get-roles” is a channel for people who have joined the YGG LOK guilds in the game and would like to get the Discord roles YGG0 or YGG1, depending on which guild they are in. @YGGLOK-Leadership will verify your role by your in-game name (IGN), so please change your Discord name accordingly.

“YGG Splinterlands” category

  • The “splinterlands” channel is reserved only for discussing Splinterlands.
  • “splinterlands-faq” is for common questions about Splinterlands. If you would like something added, bring it up with a YGG moderator, YGG community leader, or YGG game ambassador.
  • “splinterlands-guides-and-links” is a channel for important links (e.g. guides) concerning Splinterlands. If you have a link you would like to add, bring it up with a YGG moderator, YGG community leader, or YGG game ambassador.
  • The “splinterlands-guilds-and-scholarship-info” channel is for YGG Splinterlands guilds or scholars to make posts. The moderators are also collecting information about the people who want to play Splinterlands. Please fill out this form if you are interested.
  • “splinterlands-ideas-and-feedback-channel” is a place where the community can suggest ideas or offer feedback. Game ambassadors will check the channel for notable suggestions, which have a possibility to be implemented once approved by YGG ambassadors.
  • The “splinterlands-official-updates” channel follows the Splinterlands announcements page, so if you are not in the Splinterlands Discord, you can still keep up with their announcements.
  • “yggspl-sub-dao-discussion” is a place dedicated to discussions about the YGG-Splinterlands subDAO.

“YGG Ember Sword” category

  • The “embersword-general” channel is exclusively for discussions about the Ember Sword game.
  • The “embersword-announcements” channel follows the Ember Sword announcements page, so if you are not in the Ember Sword Discord, you can still keep up with their announcements.
  • “embersword-faq” is for common questions about Ember Sword. If you would like something added, bring it up with a YGG moderator, YGG community leader, or YGG game ambassador.
  • “embersword-guides” is for links to Ember Sword guides. If you have a link you would like added, you can also bring it up with a YGG moderator or YGG community leader.
  • “the-embersword-ideas-and-feedback-channel” is a place where the community can suggest ideas or offer feedback about Ember Sword. Game ambassadors will check the channel for notable suggestions, which have a possibility to be implemented once approved by YGG ambassadors.

Alongside these game categories, YGG has a growing roster of partnered games, the list of commands to get the roles specific to each game will be listed under our Game Roles, which you’ll find at the bottom of this guide.

Community-Driven Games

If the YGG community demonstrates enough demand for a game, it may get its own channel category with its own roles, just like our partnered games. For example, YGG members made a clan in MIR4.

“YGG MIR4” category

  • The “mir4” channel is exclusively for discussing the MIR4 game.
  • “mir4-faq” is for common questions about MIR4. If you would like something added, bring it up with a YGG moderator, YGG community leader, or YGG game ambassador.
  • “mir4-guides” is for links to MIR4 guides. If you have a link you would like added, you can also bring it up with a YGG moderator, YGG community leader, or YGG game ambassador.
  • “Mir4-ideas-and-feedback” is a place where the community can suggest ideas or offer feedback about MIR4. Game ambassadors will check the channel for notable suggestions, which have the possibility to be implemented once approved by YGG ambassadors.
  • “server-164” is the first server where both YGG clans merge to achieve a common goal, which is to get stronger and help the community. Please feel free to ask questions and learn more about the game here.
  • The “server-164-schedule-announcements” is dedicated to MIR4 server announcements and updates. This channel will also serve as the YGG-MIR4 events page and for game announcements.
  • The “server-164-elders-and-leaders” channel is dedicated to MIR4 elders and clan leaders, please ensure to assign and update if needed, those who will be added or removed.

The “Game Discussions” category

This category is a center for different game discussions. Feel free to check each one out and see which one speaks to you. Each one has its links in the pinned messages in its own separate channel.

  • “game-talk-general” is a channel only for discussing crypto games that the YGG Discord does not have a channel for. If there’s enough demand for a channel for a game, one will be made for it. Please make sure to check for pinned messages as well.

The “Esports” category

As of now for Esports we are going to start off with “esports-axie-infinity.” If you would like to learn more, or if you have questions, feel free to ask in the channel. Members with Esports roles can access other dedicated channels such as:

  • YGG Elite — Two consecutive 3000+ MMR end-of-season finishes or two Top 8 placements in tournaments consisting of 64+ players in the last two months.
  • YGG Rising Star — A placement of 2500+ MMR at the end of the most recent season or two Top 16 placements in tournaments consisting of 64+ players in the last two months.

The “International channels” category

You can use our International channels if you prefer to use any of the following languages.

  • Chinese — “chinese-中文频道”
  • Dutch — “Dutch-nederlands”
  • French — “french-français”
  • Indian — “india-bhārat”
  • Korean — “korean”
  • Portuguese — “portuguese-português”
  • Polish — “polish”
  • Russian — “russian-русский”
  • Spanish — “spanish-español”
  • Japanese — “japanese”
  • Thai — “thai-ไทย”
  • Vietnamese — “vietnamese-tieng-viet”

Exclusive Channels

We also have exclusive channels that you can access if you have the exclusive roles we offer. To learn more about these roles, read the YGG Roles below as well as our How To Connect Your Ethereum Wallet to the YGG Discord guide on Medium, which you can also find in the “official-links” channel.

YGG Roles

The YGG Discord provides certain roles that you can acquire if you meet certain criteria. Please note that the roles can still be subject to change as we grow. For any questions, you can ask a community helper or moderator to help out.

Community Staff/Scholarship Manager

  • Scholarship Manager: Scholarship Managers of YGG are in charge of recruitment, management and training YGG’s scholars.

To apply for a Scholarship Manager role:

YGG Pilipinas Scholarship Managers: Kindly wait for the next announcement on YGG Discord, and apply on the application form on their website.

Regional subDAOs such as YGG SEA, IndiGG, and OLA GG: Please join their respective Discord groups and wait for their announcement.

  • Moderator: Moderators are community staff that moderate the Discord. You must be a community helper for at least two months to apply. After your application is reviewed by @CorpsCity I YGG#2000 (beware of impersonators), he will let you know whether you got approved or not. If approved, you will be given a rundown on what’s expected as a mod, and you will be taught YGG’s warning and banning process.
  • Community Leader: The role of a community leader is given to those who contribute to having new games and help the team with in-depth research on some of the games we want to invest in. They are the ones who will be included in the Play-to-Earn council, who will participate in the initial screening process before YGG considers investing in said games before we open it up to the broader community.
  • Community Helper: Community helpers are important members of the YGG community who welcome newcomers, introduce them to the YGG Discord community, and answer their questions. If you want to apply to be a community helper, you can do so here.
  • Lead Game Ambassador (GA): Lead GA is someone who is heavily involved in the YGG community and has extensive knowledge of at least one blockchain game YGG has game assets in or partnered with. They have shown dedication and passion for the said game and wants to help YGG manage and grow the community of that game. Lead Game Ambassadors will be responsible for reporting back on an ongoing basis to YGG’s Game Operations Manager with updates.
  • Game Ambassador (GA): GA has the same prerequisites as Lead GA such as extensive knowledge of at least one blockchain game, YGG has game assets in or partnered with, dedication and passion for said game and strong participation in the YGG community, but without the responsibility of reporting on an ongoing basis.
  • Game Tester: Game Tester is a special role that YGG Core/Extended Team, Founder’s Coin holders, Game Ambassadors and Community Mods/Helpers can apply for.

They will have opportunities for early access to games in the YGG portfolio and be the first to be able to test game assets. Testers will provide key player feedback crucial to aiding YGG to understand how to best deploy assets to the broader community. This may be opened to other roles as the program expands.

Game Roles

To see the separate game channel categories in our Discord, you need to claim specific game roles. Here is a list of claimable roles. Use the “bot-commands” channel when doing so, or you will get a warning.

  • To join Mir4: “?join mir4”
  • To join Axie Infinity: “?join AI”
  • To join League Of Kingdoms: “?join LOK”
  • To join The Sandbox: “?join TS”
  • To join Ember Sword: “?join ES”
  • To join NBA Topshot: “?join NBA”
  • To join Illuvium: “?join Illuvium”
  • To join Guild of Guardians: “?join GOG”
  • To join Influence: “?join Influence”
  • To join Star Atlas: “?join SA”
  • To join Thetan Arena: “?join TA”
  • To join Vulcan Verse: “?join VV”
  • To join Splinterlands: “?join Splinterlands”
  • To join Crypto Unicorns: “?join CU”
  • To join Aavegotchi: “?join Aavegotchi”
  • To join F1DT: “?join F1DT”
  • To join Cyball: “?join Cyball”
  • To join Mobox: “?join Mobox”
  • To join Sipher: “?join Sipher”
  • To join Big Time: “?join BT”
  • To join Legends of Venari: “?join LV”
  • To join Genopets: “?join Genopets”
  • To join War Riders: “?join WR”
  • To join Nyan Heros: “?join NH”
  • To join Fancy Birds: “?join FB
  • To join Monkey Ball: “?join MB”
  • To join Dehorizon / Deverse: “?join D/D”
  • To join Heroes of Mavia: “?join HM”
  • To join Syn City: “?join SC”
  • To join Space Misfits: “?join SM”
  • To join RFOX KOGs: “?join RK”

Axie Infinity Scholars/scholarship: Axie Infinity scholars are those players who are chosen by scholarship managers to use the NFT assets (Axies) of YGG to play and earn yield.

You can apply to YGG’s official scholarship managers by submitting your application to “scholarship-general” in our Discord. Be active in the community and show your intent to become a scholar in a positive way by asking meaningful questions and helping others in the community.

YGG0 LOK / YGG1 LOK: This role is for YGG members who are in the League of Kingdoms’ guilds. For these roles, follow the instructions here, as well as the pinned messages in “lok-get-roles.”

YGG-LOK-Leadership: This role is reserved for YGGLOK players who are either leaders of YGGLOK Alliance or R4. This role cannot be claimed. It can only be given after moderation when they verify that a member holds the above rank.

Exclusive Roles

For exclusive roles, make sure you have connected your Ethereum wallet to the nft42 bot. To connect your wallet, type !verify in “bot-commands.” The “@nft42#9163” bot will then send you a DM (check to see if your DMs are closed). Once you connect your wallet, you can type !showroles in “bot-commands,” and it will give you a list of roles. If you meet the requirements for the role, you can type !claim “xxx” and the bot will update your roles (see image below).

  1. YGGLOK holders: This role is only for YGGLOK token holders. This will allow you to access the “ygglok-holders” channel, which is for coordinating proposals for the YGGLOK token holders. It’s a private channel for YGGLOK token holders (and the YGG team) only, so if you want to change how the governance of YGGLOK is run, this is the role you need to get to make proposals. YGG itself won’t vote — we want the players who are token holders to engage in governance.
  2. YGG Guild Badge holder: This role is for people who hold a YGG badge in their connected wallet. The YGG badge will serve as a membership NFT. It will be the key needed to gain access to exclusive guild content, events, tournaments, sales, and website features. The core team will also provide exclusive membership updates to guild badge holders in the “guild-badge-holders” channel.
  3. YGG Founders Coin holders: This role is for people who hold a YGG Founders Coin in their connected wallet that will be used for exclusive airdrops. There will only ever be 300 YGG Founders Coins that will exist. These airdrops will include things such as merchandise, tokens, NFTs, and more. We aim to use this channel as a way to communicate more ideas in regards to exclusive airdrops and also to provide some exciting leaks.
  4. YGG Token holders: This role is for people who have at least 10 or more YGG tokens in their connected wallet. Members with this role will have access to the “ygg-token-holders” channel, which will be used to discuss the mechanisms/utility behind the YGG token. Aside from the mechanisms already mentioned in our whitepaper (such as vaults, staking, and governance), we are exploring more ways we can leverage and use the YGG token. This chat will serve as a channel where we can communicate exclusive YGG token development updates and our ideas to verified token holders.
  5. YGG Shield holders: This role is for people who have minted or have ownership of the YGG Shield NFT from the community airdrop. This NFT grants access to the “founders-shield” channel.
  6. YGG Sword holders: This role is for people who have minted or have ownership of the YGG Shield NFT from the community airdrop. This NFT grants access to the “founders-sword” channel.
  7. YGG token whales: This role is for people who have at least 10,000 YGG tokens or more. The channel will let you access the “ygg-token-whales” channel, which as of now is just to talk to other YGG token whales.

To show and claim roles in the nft42 commands, do what is shown below in “bot-commands.”

We will be continuously updating this guide to showcase new YGG Discord channel updates and roles in the future.

Join the YGG Discord or follow us on Twitter for future updates.



Yield Guild Games
Yield Guild Games

Yield Guild Games (YGG) is a web3 gaming guild where players can enrich themselves as they find their community, discover games and level up together.