Yield Guild Games: Community Update — Q1 2023

Yield Guild Games
Yield Guild Games
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2023

In this article, Yield Guild Games (YGG) shares key takeaways from the Q1 2023 Community Update, including details on the guild rebrand, information on the recently concluded Guild Advancement Program (GAP) Season 3, updates on the regional guild network, and the latest news on YGG’s game partners.

The following is a short summary highlighting some of the achievements of the guild in the first quarter of 2023. Read the YGG Q1 2023 Community Update in full here.

To kick off 2023, YGG unveiled a major rebrand, introducing a new visual identity to better represent the increasingly diverse community that makes up the guild. Q1 also marked the beginning of Season 3 of the Guild Advancement Program (GAP), which introduced new quests in new games and established the GAP Council to oversee different areas of the program’s operations. YGG’s game partners made significant progress on their roadmaps and the regional guild network remained active as they hosted events, raised new rounds of funding and launched new initiatives.

YGG Rebrand

During the week of the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in March, YGG rolled out a new brand identity to reflect its vision of ownership and decentralization. As part of this process, YGG’s design team developed a brand system that enables everyone in the guild to create their own logo and showcase their membership to the larger YGG network while representing themselves as individuals and communities that make up YGG.

Inspired by medieval runes and gaming culture, the design team created the Rune system, which equips guild members with the building blocks to design their unique guild logos and sigils. YGG plans to provide assets and templates for the community to use freely with the new brand while helping to grow the YGG ecosystem.

YGG has also introduced event participation badges, including the Early Explorer Badge, an NFT that signifies that its holder has been an early participant in the guild’s transformation and mission to bring the best web3 games into the ecosystem.

GAP Season 3

Season 3 of the Guild Advancement Program (GAP) included quests in new games such as Crypto Unicorns and Pixels, as well as 100 quests designed for various community members such as creators, streamers, influencers and artists to showcase their skills. The GAP Council also made its debut in Season 3, establishing five committees overseeing different areas of the program’s operations, including quest design and operations, guiding and onboarding, and status reporting. The GAP Council aims to build the GAP in collaboration with the YGG community, ensuring that the program remains relevant and engaging for its members.


During Q1, YGG’s game partners made significant progress, including launching playable games, expanding gaming assets, and introducing more governance options for token holders. In addition, YGG acquired US$50,000 worth of Genesis Dimensional Stones, the most powerful relics in the Dimensionals Multiverse, through OpenSea.

Since its inception, YGG has entered into 83 partnerships at a total cost of US$18.37 million, primarily comprising web3 gaming assets and tokens. As of March 31, 2023, the current value of these 83 partnerships is US$27,247,536.

Regional Guild Partners

This quarter, YGG’s network of regional guild partners has been active with various updates and initiatives to onboard new users into the open Metaverse and create new opportunities for players. YGG’s guilds continue to collaborate and operate independently, providing specialized services and engagement within their respective regions.

The Year Ahead

Through YGG’s refreshed brand identity, its initiatives such as the GAP, and its efforts to continue strengthening its partnerships with regional guilds and games, the guild demonstrates its steadfast commitment to its mission of empowering its community to succeed in the open Metaverse. Looking ahead to the remainder of 2023, YGG is eager to keep innovating and serving its network and all of its members across the vast web3 gaming ecosystem, leading the charge to create something greater as one community.

Read the full Q1 2023 Community Update here.

For more information on YGG, read the YGG whitepaper here. Join the YGG Discord or follow us on Twitter for future updates.



Yield Guild Games
Yield Guild Games

Yield Guild Games (YGG) is a web3 gaming guild where players can enrich themselves as they find their community, discover games and level up together.