‘Is Our Company Family, Team or something else? Exploring Analogies for Workplace Relationships’

Yildiz Ventures
Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2023
Is Our Company Family, Team or something else? Exploring Analogies for Workplace Relationships

Netflix has a unique culture and has maintained the entrepreneurial spirit within the growing company, even as it transitions from a startup to a more established organization. So, it’s worth examining! In the startup world, breaking free from conventional rules and procedures often fuels creativity and accelerates growth (I will come to this topic later 😊).

For now, what catches my attention is that Netflix boldly declares itself more similar to a professional sports team than a family — a statement that challenges the age-old narrative. We’ve all heard the ‘work family’ tale throughout our careers., but as employees,

🗣️ Let’s voice that perspective:

  • Parents can’t terminate their children for underperformance.
  • Parents don’t select or compare their children’s achievements (like companies do)
  • Parents don’t have an entire department dedicated to Human Parenting Resources (now that would be interesting! 😊).
  • Parents don’t headhunt to recruit their children from other families.
  • If they are parents, we should respect them rather than challenge them!
  • You can’t choose your family, and it’s forever

🏢 Now, shifting our focus to the company’s side of the family analogy:

  • Companies don’t guarantee lifetime employment; it requires trust, mutual investment, and mutual benefit.
  • Companies can blur the lines between personal and work-life balance.
  • Committed workers might be treated unfairly.
  • Leaving employees may be perceived as disloyal.
  • The composition of the team changes over time, either because a team member chooses to move on or because management decides

Exploring this perspective, I find myself asking the most fitting analogy for the relationship between a company and its employees.

🏡 To me, it’s a Garden!

Leaders as gardeners 👩🏽‍🌾: They plan, strategize, and create an environment for the business (garden) to flourish. Like gardeners, leaders must nurture and care for the overall well-being of the garden (organization).

Employees as plants 🌿: Each plant has a unique role, just as each employee has a specific function within the organization. Different plants contribute to the overall beauty and functionality of the garden, mirroring how diverse skills and roles contribute to the success of the business.

For innovation and transformation 🌺, companies should embrace “new plant growth.” Just as new plants contribute to the diversity and vibrancy of a garden, innovation and fresh ideas contribute to the success of a business. Encouraging a culture of innovation is like planting new seeds and allowing them to grow.

Then, Culture must be soil 🌿: A healthy and supportive culture provides the necessary nutrients for employees (plants) to thrive. Just as different plants require different types of soil, employees may flourish best in a culture that aligns with their values and work styles.

Ultimately, whether our workplace is a well-tended garden, a dynamic sports team, or a unique ecosystem, the beauty lies in the variety of roles and relationships. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of company culture, let’s not just grow; let’s flourish together, creating a colorful tapestry of success where each part contributes to the brilliance of our collective garden.

As we explore the various analogies for workplace dynamics, let’s not forget the startup roots that might have catalyzed the journey. It’s in embracing this spirit that companies can truly thrive, no matter how large they grow. After all, the startup ethos isn’t just a phase in a company’s past but a guiding force that propels it into a future of continuous innovation and success.

