YIN Finance Testnet Tutorial

YIN Finance Team
YIN Finance
Published in
5 min readJul 30, 2021

The YIN Finance testnet will give users the opportunity to try out YIN’s unique liquidity protocols and provide valuable feedback as the project prepares for its official mainnet launch in August. Currently, Testnet is fully launched to users at: https://alpha.yin.finance , please proceed tutorial steps as follows:

One: Get Rinkeby testnet tokens

1. Click on the YIN page to jump to the Faucet page

A、Get testnet ETH

2. On the Faucet page, click “Get testnet ETH” to jump to ETH Faucet

3. You first need to post on Twitter or Facebook and then publish the wallet address

4. Copy the post link to Faucet to get the test ETH. Wait a few minutes for the account to be pulled up.

B、⁃ Get testnet tokens

5. Switch MetaMask to Rinkeby Test Network

6. Copy the wallet address and enter the wallet address on the Faucet page

7. Click Request and confirm in MetaMask wallet. Wait a few minutes for the testnet tokens.

You can check whether the testnet tokens have been received on Rinkeby test network chain.

The test tokens addresses are as follows:

tUSDT: 0x67751356E2Ac7Ca20Cb991bF3eDf7D4a439b7cbe

tDAI: 0x8543a038BEf4DE734B4bC2235a97f7EaF439625f

tFEI: 0x130785Fd1f629956D221D7226F4C03e1b692064A

tRAI: 0x849Cdf076A4ccCC724258d88CAebfd566E808305

tUSDC: 0x3AD6B1f58e37F17f295EDC74200Ce140bD3020C3

Two: Connect to your wallet

1. Confirm that the network in MetaMask is Rinkeby Test Network

2. Visit alpha.yin.finance and click “Connect wallet”

3. Confirm the connection in the wallet

Three: Create a vault

1. Click to enter the YANG page, click “Create”

2. Confirm in MetaMask wallet

3. Wait for the reminder of completion of contract execution

Note: When you click on “Add” for the first time, there will be a pop-up window to remind you to create a vault, you can also create it when you click “Create”.

Four: Add liquidity

1. On the CHI list page, or on the CHI details page, click “Add”.

2. Confirm whether your wallet balance has enough tokens. Enter the amount you want to add, approve the two tokens, and confirm in your wallet

3. Click “Add” and confirm in your wallet

4. Wait for the reminder of completion of contract execution

Five: Claim rewards

1. If you have added tokens in a CHI, you will see your position on the CHI details page and the test-YIN rewards you have received.

2. Click “Claim” and confirm in your wallet. The contract execution has been completed, and test-YIN will be in your wallet.

Six: Remove liquidity

1. If you have added tokens in a CHI, click “Remove” to remove tokens on the CHI details page.

2. Determine the proportion or amount you want to remove, click “Remove,” and confirm in your wallet.

3. Wait for the reminder of completion of contract execution.

Seven: Manage positions

If you have created a YANG vault and added tokens in CHIs, you can see your positions and rewards on the YANG page, which is convenient for managing and executing operations such as adding tokens, removing tokens, and claiming rewards.

Welcome to access to the website: YIN Finance’s Test-net.

About YIN Finance

YIN Finance is a multi-strategy NFT liquidity management platform that allows users to subscribe to the project’s strategy to achieve effective high yield liquidity management. YIN Finance aims to provide proactive liquidity management services on different public chains and decentralized exchanges. Currently, we are deployed on Ethereum and will be deployed on Polygon and Solana soon. (Note: We’ve already received a grant from Polygon)

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