Community Questions: Is YINC’s platform unique?

YINC Community
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2018

As part of maintaining an engaged and active community, YINC’s Telegram group is a lively place where important questions are asked and discussed between members. Leading YINC admins are also present and answer topics that need addressing. Discussing the answers to these questions helps the YINC team form an intimate relationship with users and carefully consider practical points of interest.

The following is an edited but real exchange on YINC’s Telegram group that highlights several important points worth sharing with everyone:

Q: Are there any platforms on the market that are engaged in similar activities? Do you expect to have an initial audience to get the project on the ground after the ICO?

A: There aren’t any projects that we know of that are similar to ours. The only ones that can be compared to us are those claiming or trying to solve review fraud.

The companies who are claiming to solve review fraud, like Bob’s Repair for example, don’t actually solve the problem. They only solve half.

The other projects that are trying to solve review and trust issues using the blockchain claim to be doing so by linking each review with a transaction and placing it on the blockchain, making the review unalterable. And it does.

But that doesn’t stop the vendor fraud. On these platforms, vendors can still go and hire themselves or have friends hire them, so you’ll just end up with fake unalterable reviews on the blockchain! On these platforms, a vendor can complete and pay for a transaction with himself, giving him an opportunity to write a great — but very fake — review of his own company.

With YINC’s process, the vendor cannot choose to hire himself in order to complete a phony transaction and rate himself. So each review on YINC is from a completed transaction, but also from an actual customer — not a vendor trying to hire and rate himself. And then of course the review is stored on the blockchain and becomes unalterable. Therefore, YINC offers both authentic and unalterable reviews, putting in place the final piece of the puzzle that no other project has.

Regarding the second question, we already have a huge user base lined up: over 30 real estate firms who have thousands of properties and hundreds of thousands of tenants. That means as soon as we launch, those tenants and real estate firms will be using YINC’s platform to find contractors, repairmen and whatever other services they need to work on their properties.

Engagement on such a serious scale from the outset is potentially setting YINC up for a high level of success supported by a unique platform that offers what others don’t: complete and transparent honesty.

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YINC Community