Struggling to understand crypto? Don’t sweat it; with YINC, you don’t have to!

YINC Community
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2018

Sampling a random group of people, it would be difficult to find somebody who knows anything about crypto and how it works. A lot of people have heard of Bitcoin by now, but even blockchain, the technology behind Bitcoin, is only really a buzz word in high-tech business circles.

And that’s not necessarily bad. In many ways, crypto is just now coming into maturity, when the full weight of its potential can be brought to bear. But as the technology becomes more prevalent across a multitude of industries, many companies that haven’t been preparing properly for the future are going to have a difficult time getting new users on board.

In fact, other than Seemit, nobody really uses crypto for anything other than investing and payments. This state of affairs is making crypto a very exclusive affair for a small number of enthusiasts. If you aren’t an avid crypto person already, good luck figuring it out. The knowledge gap creates a significant entry barrier. For someone who just wants to take advantage of a good crypto service or product, it’s easy to get frustrated, confused and unmotivated.

With YINC, nobody needs to experience any of that. Knowing how cryptocurrencies and the blockchain works isn’t a requirement to use the app. Blockchain just powers the back end, out of sight, out of mind. When water comes out of your tap, do you need to understand how it got there? No. And the same should be true of crypto.

That’s why people can and will use YINC without ever knowing what a token is, and they can still reap all of the benefits of the platform that creates greater competition between vendors and supports unalterable reviews that have been verified as authentic transactions.

That said, users are incentivized to learn about tokens and purchase them with steep discounts for using them as payments over the app. Think airline mileage points: Not everyone uses them and you don’t have to use them to fly, but if you take the time to figure it out, your flights would become a lot cheaper.

Even more compelling is YINC’s secret sauce, their advantage that really sets them apart from any other competitors. Because of YINC’s already-established relationship with their real estate partners, they are going to launch with over 40,000 properties (over 100,000 non-crypto users) on the app. While it’s the real estate managers who are going to be bidding out the jobs in these buildings, the tenants are still going to be using the platform to make the job requests for services.

But more importantly, after the job is done, these same tenants will be the ones writing YINC reviews and they’ll be rewarded with YINC tokens for doing so. They’ll then have these free tokens to use when they want to hire any service imaginable, even those that have nothing to do with their apartments and offices. Talk about incentive! And those users Will never have to understand much about crypto or how it works.

YINC’s removal of variousentry barriers is just one of the unique qualities that make it stand out in both the crypto industry and the services industry. Rarely has there been an easier way to start using and benefiting from the world’s latest technologies. But that’s what YINC is all about: giving you control and providing a better experience for everybody.

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YINC Community