Sharing Agri-Knowledge Through Advancements in Media and Disaster Preparedness Tools

Q: How have you used your YLAI experience to impact your business/organization and your community in the past year?

A: With the help of our local US Embassy, we have the backing that is needed when seeking the attention in pursuit of prospective businesses. Given that we live in the Americas it has gotten much easier for stakeholders within our local environment to become aware of our work.

Q: What were the best outputs you could get out of your Reverse Exchange experience and how was your community impacted?

A: The Reverse Exchange itself has been one of our best outputs from Tech4Agri. It gave us visibility locally which has led to more uptake of our mobile video production service. Fortunately, we are versed in using media and therefore we are about to re-purpose the exchange having documented the entire story into a 7-episode series. We will now air the series on our social media channels to push our Native ads service.

Q: Have you created any follow up events or activities after the Reverse Exchange? How have these initiatives impacted your business/organization and community?

A: After being asked to be a part of the YLAI 2018 Closing Forum, I felt a serious sense of responsibility in passing on lessons learned to the new cohort of Fellows. This encouraged our need to take up more mentoring opportunities through genuine human interactions. We became mentors for the KCV Foundation.

Q: Are you still in contact with your Fellowship Host? Have you worked together on other projects since the end of the YLAI Fellowship?

A: Yes, definitely. The Founder of Recovery Park has emailed me to get updates and check-in. Anna Kohn, who was the representative visitor from Recovery Park for the 2017 Reverse Exchange, has also remained in contact. Most recently I am hoping for their support in advertising our YLAI video series.

Q: Have you made any improvements to your business or organization since the program ended?

A: We have added new team members and we have launched our nonprofit #Agriyouth. With the help of our team members, we have also been able to maintain a stable program in facilitating STEM classes with local consulting firm, Sacoda Serv. See article written by the newest team member Jamala.

Q: Have you started any new projects or are you applying for a new grant/fellowship?

A: We have applied to numerous grants in hopes of building our projects Tech4Agri 360 and the Agri Recovery Kit in collaboration with another YLAI Fellow, Brent Eversley. Tech4Agri 360 is a docuseries that transfers knowledge through video learning. The series will center on the real-life interactions around food, agriculture, people of the sector, its chronic issues, their effects but most importantly possible solutions to these issues, all set within an immersive environment. The series will be created using 360-degree video, drone journalism, micro video, Agri-photography and other DIY immersive formats to create a unique learning & visual experience. You can see an explainer video for more information. We have pitched this project on a local entrepreneur tv program called Planting Seeds and we most recently pitched at the Tech Hub Islands Summit, a local conference on industry tech.

We have also launched the Agri Recovery Kit or A.R.K., which is a disaster preparedness & relief invention that provides nutritive food, communications, & knowledge access for afflicted or displaced people & communities after a major disaster. The kit empowers users and communities to grow & supply a portion of their own food during the months after a disaster allowing room to secure other necessities and to rebuild. You can see an explainer video for more information.

This project has built the following traction in just over a year:



The International College of Seville
Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative

1982-2023: 41 years dedicated to international education as one of Seville's first Study-Abroad Centers of the city.