The Countdown is On For YLAI 2018

Michelle N Samuel
3 min readSep 16, 2018


250 young Entrepreneurs from the Caribbean and Latin America were selected from a very competitive process, to participate in this U.S. Department of State fully-funded annual program. Of the 250 finalists selected for this prestigious opportunity, from the Caribbean; four of them hail from the ‘Simply Beautiful’ island of St. Lucia, one from Antigua & Barbuda, one from Aruba, three from the Bahamas, three from Barbados, two from Curacao, one from Dominica, four from the Dominican Republic, one from Grenada, three from Guyana, Nine from Haiti, Eight from Jamaica, two from St. Kitts & Nevis, one from St. Vincent & the Grenadines, one from Sint Maarten, and five from Trinidad & Tobago. Click here to view all the YLAI 2018 Fellows’ Biographies.

In just a few days, on September 20th, the YLAI 2018 Fellows will embark on their journey to Detroit, Michigan for the opening ceremony.

Photo credit: YLAI Network on twitter

Recently this month, U.S. Ambassador to Barbados Linda Taglialatela of @USEmbassyBbdos writes in @caribnewsnow about how programs like @YLAINetworkand @StateIVLP strengthen “the longstanding and productive partnership” between the U.S. and Saint Lucia. Read her commentary here.

Keep up to date with the journey of YLAI 2018, follow YLAI on twitter today.

The Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI) empowers entrepreneurs to strengthen their capacity to launch and advance their entrepreneurial ideas and effectively contribute to social and economic development in their communities. The 250 YLAI Professional Fellows from Latin America and the Caribbean will expand their leadership and entrepreneurial experience through fellowships at businesses and organizations across the United States.

Through the YLAI Entrepreneurship Institute and the individualized Fellowships, YLAI Fellows will accelerate their commercial and social ventures’ success and develop specific action plans to carry out upon return to their home countries. YLAI Fellows will build networks, linkages, and lasting partnerships to attract investments and support for their entrepreneurial ventures. YLAI 2018 Fellows will participate in the following program components:

  • Four-week Fellowship: With U.S. fellowship hosts in their fields of expertise, YLAI Professional Fellows gain valuable professional development skills at entrepreneurial organizations or companies across the United States and work jointly on an action plan to be implemented upon Fellows’ return to their home countries.
  • Washington, D.C. Closing Forum: YLAI Professional Fellows participate in a closing conference and networking event with top U.S. government officials as well as global public, private, and nonprofit leaders.
  • YLAI Entrepreneurship Institute: YLAI Professional Fellows expand their leadership, entrepreneurial, and management skills and knowledge through online and in-person training that complement their U.S. Fellowship.
  • Post-Fellowship Sustained Engagement: After successful completion of the U.S. Fellowship and YLAI Entrepreneurship Institute, YLAI Professional Fellows continue their collaboration with U.S. partners and have access to ongoing professional development opportunities, mentorships, networking, and alumni activities. YLAI Professional Fellows will be eligible for Innovation Small Grants to fund a startup or scaling activities, Travel Grants to attend conferences, and a chance to welcome a Fellowship Host to their country to share expertise and expand the hosts’ understanding of the entrepreneurship climate in YLAI Professional Fellows’ home countries.

To learn more about the YLAI program, click here. To learn more about the YLAI Network click here. My organization SLUDTERA supports Entrepreneurs and the YLAI initiative, to find out how click here.

I wish to congratulate the YLAI 2018 Fellows, to have a wonderful and blessed journey, and by God’s grace, you will reach your goals if it is His will.

