YLD Perspectives: Sara Vieira

YLD Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2018

One of our ‘insiders’ will be giving us an insight into their career, and what it’s really like to work for YLD.

What is your name?
Sara Vieira

What is your role at YLD?
Developer Avocado.

My job is amazing! I work as a Developer Advocate for YLD, this means I get to talk to the community, share my experiences and also learn from other peoples perspectives.

I do this by attending meetups, conferences and offering workshops. I like to be around other developers and understand their problems and giving advice to combat them.

I am still a developer, I still produce projects that are all on Github and contribute to open source the most I can.

What did you do before joining YLD?
I was a Frontend Developer building a gaming platform for a company in Porto.

Why did you decide to have a career in Software Engineering?
I have always liked computers, but at one point my father needed help building his website and that is when I started learning.
I fell in love with code.

What’s the best advice you’ve been given in your career?
To always share my knowledge.
Just because I know something, it doesn’t mean that everyone does. The best way to learn is to teach others — teaching is a way of testing your own abilities and how unsure you are of things.
So learn to teach and you will learn the material.

What are you most proud of in your career?
Doing the mental health talk at AgentConf.

What are you currently working on?
I am working on a couple of articles, workshops and a website to teach people about GraphQL.

How does working at YLD differ to the companies you’ve worked at before?
I feel like YLD trusts their developers more and gives us the freedom to learn and explore new tech.

What tech are you excited about at the moment?
I am super excited about GraphQL.

What are you looking forward to in the future with YLD?
I am looking forward to their growth, seeing where the next office will be, and seeing how many more amazing humans can join us. 🎉



YLD Blog

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