Native lazy loading and js-based fallback with vanilla-lazyload 12

Andrea Verlicchi
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2019

On April 6th 2019, Addy Osmany wrote about native image lazy-loading. Two days later Yvain, a front-end developer from Paris, asked me if my vanilla-lazyload could be a loading attribute polyfill, inspiring me to develop and release version 12 of the script, which features a new use_nativeoption to enable native lazy-loading where supported. You can already use it today.

Wait… what?

In case you missed Addy Osmani’s article, it will be possible to natively lazy load images through the loading="lazy" attribute on images and iframes, and it’s already possible on Chrome 75 (currently Canary).

<img loading="lazy" src="...">
<iframe loading="lazy" src="...">

Browsers will initially fetch a tiny bit of the images (~2kb) in order to get some initial information (e.g. size), then fetch the rest when they are about to enter the viewport.

The problem is that if you directly assign the src (and/or srcset) to the images, browsers that still don’t support native lazy loading would download them all immediately, and this is something you might want to avoid in order to save bandwidth and speed up your website or web application.

For this reason, I added the use_native option in version 12 of vanilla-lazyload which enables native lazy-loading where supported.

More info on native lazy loading can be found on Addy Osmani’s post native image lazy-loading.

The browser you need

As of 10th April 2019, native lazy-loading is in the early stages (dev preview) and it’s available only in Chrome 75 (currently Canary), and under a flag. So in order to test it, you need to:

  1. Download Chrome Canary and install it
  2. In Chrome Canary, go to the URL chrome://flags and enable the following flags: Enable lazy image loading + Enable lazy iframe loading
  3. Restart Chrome Canary


Now that you have the Chrome Canary browser with the native lazy loading enabled, you can get started visiting the following demo page.

Open the demo and/or Check the code

If you did everything correctly, that’s what will happen:

  • On Chrome 75 (Canary), LazyLoad will trigger the native lazy-loading
  • On other browsers and older versions of Chrome, the js-based lazy loading will occur

Try it on your website!

In order to try it yourself, you need to follow the following steps.


In-viewport / above-the-fold images should be regular <img> tags. Using data-src would defeat the browser’s preload scanner, so we want to avoid it for performance reasons. In addition, you can use the loading="eager" attribute to make sure they load as soon as possible.

alt="Eager Eagle"

For off-viewport / below-the-fold images you should still use data-src, data-srcset and data-sizes to avoid an eager loading in unsupported browsers.

alt="Lazy Sloth"

Note that you can lazily load responsive images using both the img tag and the picture tag. Read more about lazy loading responsive images.

Now to the Javascript code!

You’re gonna need vanilla-lazyload version 12 (currently in beta).

You can include it via a CDN:

<script src=""></script>

Or install it using npm:

npm install vanilla-lazyload@12.0.0-beta.0

In your code, set the option use_native to true when instantiating LazyLoad:

new LazyLoad({
elements_selector: `.lazy`,
use_native: true // This one

The use_native option makes sure that:

  • where native lazy loading is supported, LazyLoad adds the loading="lazy" attribute to the images, then just swaps the data-* attributes for the proper ones. Now the browser will manage the lazy loading itself.
  • where native lazy loading is NOT supported, the lazy loading continues to be managed by Javascript


You can have both native lazy-loading and js-based lazyload today using vanilla-lazyload 12, just setting the use_native option to true.

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. On Twitter, I’m @verlok.



Andrea Verlicchi

Web performance consultant at Cognizant Netcentric, formerly YOOX NET-A-PORTER. Technical writer, speaker at web conferences.