Codex Vitae

Yoann Lopez
Published in
22 min readJan 13, 2017

→ last edit: 29/01/2024

“Usually it is a bit of a trick to keep your knowledge from blinding you.” — Annie Dillard

This Codex Vitae, or “book of life”, is a collection of beliefs and values that inform my decisions and life. It is a living document; as my understanding changes, so might my beliefs. The main purpose of this document is to (1) pull my beliefs into the light where I can questions them more effectively and (2) to share philosophies, concepts, tools, and inspiration that have been helpful to me.


How to Use This Codex



Things I No Longer Believe



  • Productivity
  • Food
  • Physical Fitness
  • Intoxicants
  • Mental and Emotional Wellness
  • Relationships

Material World

  • Money and Consumerism


  • Career
  • Learning
  • Passion Projects



  • Society
  • Politics


  • Concepts
  • Books
  • Quotations and Sayings
  • Inspirational Lives


How to Use This Codex

This is not a prescription for how you should live your own life. But feel free to copy the structure of this page and create your own!

This can be compared to a brand bible for a company. It gathers everything that should guide all my decisions (not easy to apply all the time though).

My own goals with this:

→ Develop a habit of using the Codex as a tool to examine my beliefs and values

→ Edit as needed

→ Do a yearly review in January of the entire document, editing places where beliefs have changed. Look at how actual actions align or don’t alight with values

→ Expect beliefs and tactics to change — don’t hold on to anything too rigidly


> Beliefs about beliefs.

  • Intuition and gut feelings are as important as your rational feelings. Probably even more important as you might realize that being rational all the time is extremely costly. Test, learn, iterate.
  • We do not understand 10% of what surrounds us but we believe that we understand 90%, therefore, everything we believe has very little value in this universe but is important for being sane.
  • Questioning others' beliefs is extremely important to remain free and to evolve. But we have to learn more about questioning our own beliefs.
  • I tend to agree with some principles/practices even though I don’t truly understand them because I feel that some parts of them are true even though the explanation behind them is bogus (think about spirituality for instance).
  • Most of the concepts I believe in are concepts that I found rationally sound. If I question their rationality or the science behind them, I need to see results to believe that there’s more than just charlatanism.


> Fundamentals that guide my life.

• Rationality — I need to be rational to make decisions. At least at some point. I might have a strong gut feeling about something, but then, I try to rationalize the decision.

• Freedom — I am happiest with my decisions when they align with the value of Freedom for myself and others. In decisions, always try to be biased toward freedom.

• Openness to experience — Things go better for me when I watch for opportunities that appear, rather than define what I want (but I also need to know what I want, and this is a big pain in my personal life! That’s part of the reason why I started Therapy). Often what shows up is better than I would have thought.

• Curiosity — Be curious and question everything. Learn little things every day. To grow, we need to learn new things. But I found it harder and harder to learn new things when you spend so much time working on your project. I should find more time to explore different things.

• Interconnectedness — I am aware that everything is connected but I need to think more often about this principle when I act. Everything I do might have an impact on someone or something, and I’m being too egotistic from time to time.

• Question authority and the status quo. This one has proven to be hard to follow. It’s hard and time-consuming to always question authority. I prefer, instead of questioning it, to deeply understand it, and act within its constraints to make it better. That’s why I tend not to question too many governments' actions but to understand why they did what they did instead and what I would have done if I were them. And, most importantly how I can act within those decisions and constraints to make everything better in the future.

• Patience. I need time to make decisions. I need to feel it’s the right moment to do something or to act. I understand that this behavior is not ideal sometimes, but most of the time it worked out to be the right thing to do. No rush.

Things I No Longer Believe

> These are things I have changed my mind about.

  • Self-help books are great but they don’t fix anything. I believe that intuitions and hard work on yourself (actions) are better suited to fix issues.
  • I don’t need to own real estate. I still believe that buying a house to live in is a bad investment but buying to rent is a great way to diversify your investments.
  • Relationships and love as we know them are things that have been constructed over the past centuries. We need to look at them from different angles.
  • Marketing. I do not believe in marketing anymore. When I say marketing I’m referring to either bullshit marketing intended to manipulate our feelings or deceptive marketing. I believe that a good product alongside good storytelling is the only thing you need to succeed. I’m not saying ads are bad, but they should be part of your overall storytelling.
  • We live in a productivity bubble. People will soon need tools to manage productivity tools. People tend to look at me to enhance their productivity, but the truth is that I don’t own the secret sauce. I can tell you which tools I use, but the most important thing to increase your productivity is just to show up. Do a little bit every day, for a long period. It works just like investing. The magic of compound interests.


> This is a list of fears that I am continually working on. I try to understand what’s at the root of these fears and what beliefs or practices I can develop to know that things are going to be okay. Because, in a very broad sense, things are going to be okay.

Not having enough money to be free. UPDATE: no more afraid of this at the end of 2021.

→ Compensating aspiration: never lose sight of the financial independence goal.


→ Compensating aspiration: internalize the fact that people don’t give a s*** about what I’m doing.

Expressing my thoughts and feelings fully when it seems risky.

→ Compensating aspiration: try with baby steps to express what I really feel.

Having my heart broken (even though it’s always been worth it).

→ Compensating aspiration: try to see relationships like those explained in this article.

Not being able to do what I love for a living.

→ Compensating aspiration: Keep doing what I’m doing since I’m loving it.

Losing my friends.

→ Compensating aspiration: nurture the relationships with my friends

Hurting others.

→ Compensating aspiration: sometimes it’s OK to hurt people if it makes the overall situation positive.




  • Productivity is about focus. Even if you can focus only 10 minutes on something you need to be focused.
  • Procrastination is an invisible enemy. It reaches you very easily and it’s really hard to escape from it. That’s why it’s easier to keep momentum than to produce it.
  • I don’t give a f*** about productivity systems. Do whatever works for you.
  • I don’t believe in the power of to-do lists. You need to be able to have your list in your head. If you don’t, you need to work on this. I might be wrong of course. Or it’s just based on who you are. I don’t know. If you have too much stuff on your plates and you need a to-do list, then there’s something wrong. Try to delegate more and follow the north star of the moment to track things.
  • Try as much as you can to solve things on your own before asking for help. You’ll get better and better at finding solutions and you’ll become more productive. Also, you’ll be better at asking questions if you’ve worked on the problem for a while.
  • Productivity is a muscle, it’s not inherited and is extremely connected to your self-discipline. Very often, disciplined people are very productive, and very productive people are very disciplined.
  • Perfect is the enemy of good and the best friend of procrastination.
  • Help others if you want to find opportunities and if you want them to help you. #PayItForward.
  • Always be kind. Say yes often. Most business people will tell you that saying no and being tough is more important, which is true if you’re Elon Musk or Tim Cook but there are dozens of kind and successful CEOs proving that it’s not necessary. I’m a big fan of kindness and saying yes as often as possible.


  • Sport is great at helping you be productive.
  • You need to have a lot of breaks to remain productive.
  • Usually the simpler the better. Don’t use thousands of tools to be productive.


  • Be better organized when it comes to note ideas.



  • The best diet is the diet you’ve designed, and the diet that is invisible and doesn’t feel like a diet. Other ones are useless and not efficient. It shouldn’t feel like you’re dieting. It should be your way of living.
  • Avoiding sugar and processed food is super important but very hard. This year, once again I was very bad at it.
  • We shouldn’t care about what others think when it comes to eating. A fad is always bad.
  • We shouldn’t demonize the food industry as it helped us achieve a very high level of efficiency and helped to feed way more people. Of course, there are a lot of bad things happening there but it’ll change over time for the best through our actions. Let’s eat less meat, let’s invest in meatless alternatives, etc.
  • It’s important to avoid things you know are bad for you even if you love them. Health over pleasure. I’m usually very bad at this…
  • Learning to dislike food you actually love is very efficient in avoiding very bad food such as french fries.
  • I don’t believe in food supplements like vitamins for instance.
  • I do believe in superfoods but not sure about their efficiency if you don’t eat a lot of them.


  • I don’t diet, I have my own rules that I follow and break from time to time.
  • I like to have a certain routine for my breakfast and to change it every few months. In 2020/2021/2022/2023 I stopped eating breakfast. I should change this bad habit. But is it really a bad habit?
  • I’ve stopped in 2018 to record what I eat as I am now fully aware of what I’m eating and how it can affect my overall health.
  • I try to avoid juices because there’s a lot of sugar in them.
  • I don’t eat too much oil even though I know that some of them are good for your health.
  • I eat as many vegetables as I can. But not enough at all since the beginning of the pandemic (I don’t know why…)!


  • Avoid sugar.
  • be more flexible with oil. 😅
  • Eat lunch (I stopped eating lunch since I’ve started to work from home full time).
  • Eat more vegetables.

Clothing and style


  • Clothing and style should reflect your personality.
  • Quality is more important than quantity.


  • Having some kind of uniform you wear daily helps you save time and money. It’s efficient and time-saving.
  • Add some touch of funkiness thanks to accessories (socks, underwear, or little accessories).


  • Increase the quality of my clothes.

Physical Fitness


  • Physical activity is key to feeling good on the inside and the outside.
  • Build a habit where you feel guilty if you don’t exercise.


• Minimum: run at least 3 times a week and walk as much as possible every day.

• I check my weight from time to time to fine-tune what I eat.


  • Do more stretching.
  • Work on my breathing.

Intoxicants (Drugs, Alcohol, etc.)


  • Some drug use (which is proven not to be extremely harmful) is a personal decision and should be decriminalized.
  • LSD should be used again as a medication.


Based on self-care, not morality.

  • I love cigarettes but I know I should not touch them as it truly affects my health.
  • Alcohol at low levels helps me to generate more ideas.


  • Drink less.

Mental and Emotional Wellness


  • Loving someone and being loved are necessary for your overall health.
  • I need to walk a lot to “meditate” and spend some time with myself.
  • Meeting people, engaging with them in deep discussion, and discovering new cultures is the best therapy you can get, but I’m not good at it.
  • Isolation is great when consumed with parsimony. I have to be careful when I’m in a group of people to stop isolating myself.


  • Be more conscious about my feelings and others’ feelings.


  • Tried meditation once, but didn’t see the benefits.
  • Keep going into “soft” minimalism. I don’t like extremes.
  • be more open-minded about “alternative sciences”.
  • try to be more “aware” of my environment.
  • Talk more with strangers.

Relationships and People

> We are in a relationship with everything — with every person we encounter, every animal, every plant, every rock, every landscape. (Everything in this section applies to all of these types of relationships, not just to romantic love.)

Beliefs — General

  • Acceptance is the answer.
  • Feelings are hard to control and they are not created by others.
  • I can’t control others’ feelings.
  • I know the truth will set us free. — honest self-expression is critical to my well-being in any relationship. This includes initiating difficult conversations when appropriate. I’m EXTREMELY bad at this. I always fear hurting others.
  • Everyone is doing the best they can. — No one intends to be a jerk (there are some small exceptions). If they are, accept the situation as it is and decide how to move on from there.
  • Love is a better thing to do rather than to talk about. It is not a commodity to be bartered for.
  • I believe Human beings are good by nature.


  • Accept everyone.
  • Trust your guts instead of being 100% rational.


  • Self-care — set discuss and maintain boundaries.
  • Be better at talking about myself, I’m a good listener already but not so great at talking about myself.
  • Be better at connecting with my family and friends. I always think that my stories will annoy people so I’m not talking much about me.
  • Be better at showing love for my parents.
  • Create financial independence.
  • Travel more.
  • Meet more people.
  • More open communication. Accept conflict and discuss it.
  • Support others in their personal growth and accept support in mine.
  • Run another marathon.
  • Run a semi-marathon.
  • Eat better food.
  • Learn how to draw.
  • Be good at mathematics. I’ve always been bad at school. I need my revenge.
  • Be as detached as possible from material possessions if it doesn’t help my financial independence and/or my happiness.



  • I believe that most people are good. So when I start talking to someone or engaging in a conversation with a stranger, I tend to trust him and think of him/her as a kind person.
  • People don’t care about you if they don’t know you. Therefore, it’s hard to grab someone’s attention when they don’t know you.
  • We are all connected, we all have at least one thing in common so we’re not really strangers to each other.


  • I tend to think that people will judge me from the very beginning (which is certainly true), therefore my ego is always working against me as it makes me act pretty shy with strangers.


  • Meet more people.
  • be a bit less introverted sometimes.



  • You can nurture true friendships with only a handful of people. More than that will surely sacrifice your relationship with your “real” friends.
  • True friends don’t need to be reminded all the time that they’re your friends. They just know it. Even if you lose touch for a few months.
  • Friendship is essential to our mental health as it provides us with love and support.
  • When a relationship with a friend becomes too toxic. Just trash it. It’s not worth trying too hard.


  • Never actively look for friends, they just appear along the road.


  • Be more present for my friends.



  • Your partner should be like your best friend, your teammate, and your lover.
  • Love is something you live every day even after the relationship has ended. It’s too precious to be thrown away. I’m not really good at nurturing relationships though…
  • Your partner is always here to support you and you’re always here to support him/her.
  • The present is way more important than the future, and the past.
  • Love evolves and you should be able to realize this to feel happy about it.
  • I believe there’s a life after a relationship. Love just evolves. From romantic love to another kind of love.
  • Anger after love is just nonsense to me.


  • Follow what the universe sends you.
  • Listen listen listen.
  • Be understanding when points of view don’t align.


  • try to be more present for partners and nurture relationships.



  • Your family is only important to you if they are giving you love and support (which is the case for me). The most important thing in someone’s education is love.


  • Realize that we all have a different point of view even if we’re from the same family.


  • Do not get angry so easily.
  • Regain contact with some members of my family.
  • Start to build my family tree.

Material World


  • Possessions make me anxious as I love to be free to move from one place to another and I love uncluttered places. I adore some stuff like my computer, my iPhone, or my Leatherman but I tend to limit my material possessions to a minimum.
  • Order and cleanliness are key to my mental health. I need a clean and tidy environment to feel good. For instance, call me crazy, but I really can’t sit down on my couch with the pants I’m wearing outside…
  • I like pets but believe they’re hard to move around so they tend to anchor you in one place. Cats might be the exception. Mine is truly adorable and can be easily moved around.
  • Cleanliness is like love, you need to nurture it every day if you want it to survive.


  • No shoes in the house.
  • Don’t let the dishes accumulate in the sink.
  • throw away stuff if you haven’t used it for more than a year (except for summer stuff when it’s winter of course).
  • Tidy stuff as soon as there’s a little mess.


  • Own even less stuff.
  • Put experiences above material possessions even higher.

Money and Consumerism


  • Money is great as it buys you time and freedom.
  • Money is a great proxy for success.
  • Money for the sake of money is bad.


  • I don’t care much about brands but a lot about quality. I’d rather buy a 50 euros T-shirt that can last for 5 years than a 10€ one that will be worn out after 5 months. The best example of this is Apple. The brand is super strong because the products are super high quality and they resonate with people like me. People who love nice things with a great user experience that lasts longer.
  • Think twice when you want to buy something expensive. Usually, I wait for something like a month. If I still want it after that time. It probably means I really want to buy that thing.
  • I heavily track my spending.


  • Save at least 30% to 50%of my income.
  • Spend less.
  • Invest more and in a better way.




  • My (young) career has been a matter of luck and opportunities that I’m really grateful for.
  • I think that the word career is not relevant anymore in this world. Therefore we should use the words work-adventure to better reflect the current world. Work is more of an adventure for the youngest generations, we tend to stay way shorter in the same company, and some of us won’t even work as an employee but as freelancers instead. The life-long careers of our parents are fading away.
  • Sooner or later most jobs will disappear and we’ll be only good at creative things (until AIs catch up on that skill as well). Therefore, we should nurture this and become more and more creative even if it’s not our background.
  • I believe that being a jack of all trades, master of none, is better than being an expert. But I tend to think more and more that you can be an expert generalist with a T-shaped set of skills. It depends on the work you’re doing of course, but for a lot of jobs, it is true.
  • Honesty, kindness, and empathy are better in the workplace than politics. Political people are toxic and kill everything.
  • Better to act than to overthink.
  • But being patient is also a great quality. No need to rush.
  • Shipping stuff > detail-oriented.
  • Break little things and fix them later.
  • Always be kind.
  • You’d better say sorry than not doing anything.


  • Don’t engage in employment that conflicts with my values.
  • Make sure that the vision of the company is in line with mine.
  • Know your future coworkers and the culture before starting a new job.


  • Do good work that benefits the well-being and freedom of others and myself.
  • Do work that enhances the experience of life of people. I want to re-invent experiences that are extremely important in Humans’ lives: education, work, finance, transportation, housing, etc.
  • Be useful, be useful, and be useful.


  • Warren Buffet is an inspiration for me when it comes to work and business in general. Always be honest, treat others fairly, be laser-focused, be patient, and be extremely disciplined, simplicity is always better than complexity.
  • Jean-Baptise André Godin is also a great inspiration for me. He was a progressist entrepreneur during the 19th century. Retirement fund for his employees, the same rights for men and women, and free schools for his employees’ children.



  • Learning is important at any age. Ossification is death.


  • Can’t think of any.


  • Always have a new skill to be learning. Things I’d like to learn or keep learning next year: tarot, come back to guitar, drawing, my airplane private pilot license?
  • Learn more about cultures and psychology.

Passion Projects


  • Building stuff is awesome.
  • Doing projects that I design from A to Z makes me happy.


  • All my projects should be shared with others even if I don’t like showing what I’m doing. Doing things in public can help others having new ideas. So it’s worth it as long as you think it can be positive for at least one other Human Being. This is not about ego. Even though I’m sure, it likes to do this.


  • continue to draw.
  • Write more.
  • Learn Tarot.
  • Learn more about psychology.
  • Continue my side projects.
  • Maybe try to start again my pilot lessons.


Things I would like to do or places I’d like to visit…regardless of how unrealistic they might be.

  • Chase aurora borealis.
  • See a tornado.
  • Fly an aerobatic plane.
  • Fly at a stratospheric level.
  • Climb a volcano.
  • Walk more than 1000km straight.
  • Go into space.
  • Run the North Korea Marathon (yeah, I know it’s weird but ever since I landed on their website for some reason, I’ve been obsessed with running it 🤣).




  • Our civilization is probably the greatest that has ever come to Earth and will likely sustain itself forever if we achieve multi-planetary colonization (yeah big fan of Elon Musk's vision, but less and less fan of the man itself as he becomes more and more radical).
  • We’re all good, we just created such systems that add evil to society.
  • Economic freedom and free competition are key to a healthy society.
  • We need to re-invent capitalism (more inclusion, better distribution, less focus on shareholders when it comes to business, better for the environment, etc.).
  • When we reach a level of Artificial Intelligence that will surpass ours, things about organizing society will get easier with the help of machines.
  • Creativity is what makes a society happy, politicians should focus on this (education, jobs, etc.).
  • We need to focus way more efforts and resources on education. This system is way too much top-down. We do not learn enough from what happens in the classroom.
  • We have to make actions, politics, and ventures that have a positive impact on the environment more “fun” if we want them to be democratized.


  • The best way to improve society is not only by using politics but also by creating businesses, organizations, etc.


  • Improve society through business.
  • Be more involved in the creative scene.



  • I believe I hate politics and I will continue to hate it until we reach a point where it’s not only about buying votes to get elected.


  • Voting is a good thing but the system is broken.


  • Influence politics through business.



  • The Snowball: Warren Buffet and the Business of Life by Alice Schroeder. Fascinating book about the life of Warren Buffet that can teach you a lot about life, business, being focused, self-discipline and how to live a honest life.
  • La part de l’autre by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt. A great book looking at two different Adolf Hitler. The first one, the one we all know about the Nazi dictator, and another fictional one about an Adolf that would have been accepted to art school and would have became an artist.
  • The Brain Audit by Sean D’Souza. If you’ve gotta read one book about business, sales, and marketing, it’s that one. Extremely clear, and down to earth with very little jargon and bullshit.
  • Kafka on the Shore by Murakami. A beautiful story between dream and reality. Murakami is a great author that will make you travel really far with his characters.
  • You are a message: Meditations for the Creative Entrepreneur by Guillaume Wolf. A wonderful short book full of actionable wisdom for anybody, not only for entrepreneurs as the title says.
  • The Psychology of Money by Morgan Husel. An amazing book about money.

Quotes and Sayings

  • “Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.”
  • The purpose of life is to be loved by as many people as possible among those you want to have love you — Warren Buffet
  • Imagine your life has a punch card with only 20 slots. Be wise when you choose your slots — Warren Buffet
  • “You can have anything you want in life but not everything “ — Ray Dalio
  • The best investment you can make is to invest in yourself by taking high care of yourself — Warren Buffet
  • “One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to losing, for a very long time, of the shore.“ — Andre Gide
  • “The practice of deep listening consists of keeping compassion alive in your heart the whole time you are listening. You do not listen in order to judge, criticize, or evaluate. You listen for one reason alone: to offer the other person a chance to express himself.”
  • Passion is discovered through the process of trying out things.
  • A happy person is someone who can enjoy the scenery on the detour.
  • If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.
  • “The desire for a positive experience is in itself a negative experience. Paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is in itself a positive experience.” — Mark Manson
  • “Choose not to be harmed and you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed and you haven’t been.” — Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor / Philosopher King
  • “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.”- Jayson Gaignard
  • “Before I met you, I already liked myself.“ — Approval
  • External things can’t fix internal issues.
  • “If you’re lonely when you’re alone, you’re in bad company.” — Jean-Paul-Sartre, Philosopher.
  • “If you give a good idea to a mediocre team they will screw it up, if you give a mediocre idea to a great team they will either fix it or throw it away” — Ed Catmull
  • “Quality is the best business plan” — John Lasseter
  • “For injuries ought to be done all at one time, so that, being tasted less, they offend less; benefits ought to be given little by little, so that the flavor of them may last longer.” — Machiavelli
  • “The arms of others either fall from your back, or they weigh you down, or they bind you fast” — Machiavelli
  • “We are kept from our goal not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal.”

My key learnings


You can download it on slideshare







Inspirational Lives

People whose lives or work inspire me in mine.

  • George Harrison — Creativity. Helping others.
  • Warren Buffet — Focus. Business Savvy.
  • Elon Musk — Boldness. Focus. (OK, he’s gone a little bit overboard recently.)
  • Steve Jobs — Creativity. Opportunism. Love of great experience.
  • Keanu Reeves — Kindness. Generosity. Simplicity.
  • Albert Einstein — Creativity. Combining ideas.
  • Isaac Asimov — Creativity.
  • Jean-Baptiste André Godin — Progressist entrepreneur. Humanist.

Predictions (to be updated every year)

→ 2018

  • Trump’s presidency, even though the man is evil, egotistic, dumb sometimes, will appear to be not that bad compared to all the fuss around the elections → was pretty bad. I’m still waiting for a comprehensive analysis of his presidency.
  • Macron will be elected president of France → It happened
  • It will be the year of the fall of ISIS → not really

→ 2019

  • Apple is presenting a VR headset → did not happen but they’re getting closer and closer especially through there bigger and bigger investment in their own chips
  • Apple buys one of the biggest startup thanks to the cash it will bring back to the US (I am hoping for Netflix) → did not happen but they bought a huge one: Shazam

→ 2020

  • Uber has automated 40% of its fleet and its delivery business almost surpasses its transportation service. Nope.
  • DNA modification for humans starts to spread. Kinda.
  • Amazon is disrupting the brick and mortar grocery stores market. Not mainstream yet.
  • The entire world is fully covered with an internet connection thanks to the alliance of Facebook, Google, and SpaceX. SpaceX started but just as a Beta product.
  • SpaceX dominates the space industry and they land their first test flight on Mars. Nope.

→ 2021

  • We’re still experiencing partial lockdowns due to COVID-19. → it happened.
  • We’ll see big companies go bankrupt. → Evergrande went bankrupt.
  • Amazon buys a big household name. Not sure which industry though. → Amazon bought Metro Goldwyn-Mayer (James Bond franchise for instance).
  • France needs to be bailed out. → haha no.
  • China grows at a faster pace. → Yes and no…
  • Tesla announces a new big product. → Yes, Tesla announced a new humanoid robot.
  • Trump slowly goes back to the blue party. → Yes, and he even launched a new media.

→ 2022

  • The NFT bubble explodes and makes this space saner, and more useful. → Yes.
  • Web3 goes even more mainstream thanks to Apple (Apple could launch its own crypto wallet for instance). → No.
  • Apple launches its AR/VR headset. → No. I was a bit early, Apple announced it in 2023.
  • Way fewer covid restrictions in 2022. → Yes.

→ 2023

  • Snap is bought by a tech giant. → No.
  • Criteo too. → No.
  • By the end of the year, most of the tech products we use have an AI/ChatGPT feature. → Yes.
  • Cryptos don’t make a comeback. Yet. → Yes, and no.
  • Apple AR/VR headset is a blast. → We don’t know yet.
  • No recession in the US. → Yes.

→ 2024

  • Stock markets keep rising.
  • There’s a new crypto rally.
  • China is getting out of its economic crisis.
  • Apple and Amazon help AI to become mainstream.
  • The war in Ukraine ends.

→ 2030s

  • We reached some kind of general intelligence AI and it’s replacing 70% of human intellectual jobs. The AI is not as good as humans on the creativity side though.
  • Some diseases are cured including cancer, and life expectancy exceeds 100 years old in many countries.
  • An ex-Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur is elected president of the USA.
  • Humans are not allowed to drive cars anymore, they are required to learn how to drive one in case of software failure but not to operate them.
  • Supersonic, fuel-efficient (or electric?), planes are used for transcontinental flights.
  • We’ve started to colonize Mars thanks to a partnership between SpaceX, NASA, and other space agencies.
  • Education systems around the world have changed and now focus on creativity since machines are replacing most jobs and are not yet able to show signs of human creativity but we’re getting closer.

Don’t hesitate to copy/paste my Codex Vitae to start your own!



Yoann Lopez
Editor for

On the quest to creating a better experience of life