Working on a year in review for my company made me realise that it could be a good way to document my life and to see its evolution; mainly for myself but also for my current/future family and friends. 2015 has been Full of ups and downs but, after looking backwards, I can see that I’m definitely at a higher point than the previous year.

What am I grateful for?

Yoann Lopez
Published in
9 min readDec 28, 2015


  • December 31st 2014: I could not be more grateful for celebrating the first year with my partner Lisa. Now we’re approaching the 2 years and nothing has changed; ups and downs for sure, but we’re growing stronger together.
  • Oh and also got engaged on May 7 2015 in Copenhagen ❤️
Bubbles of happiness
  • 28 years, 10,423 days, 1489 weeks, and 250,152 hours of (conscious and unconscious) gratefulness for having such loving and supporting parents. They’ve always pushed me up and keep doing it! I wouldn’t be who I am without them. They’re a bit crazy but hey! Craziness can be a good catalyser sometimes.
  • I am grateful for owning 28sqm or 0.02% of Paris after buying my first piece of real estate with Lisa.
  • I am grateful for my 995 days at Withings. Working with such a great team helped me to learn a lot and to discover things I didn’t even know I could love.
  • I am grateful for having started to make a childhood dream comes true. Soon I’ll be able to fly in one of those:
  • I am grateful for the 3 great friends I made in 2015.
  • I am grateful for sustaining some friendship despite the distance with some of the people I like the most.
One of my best friends and I looking where we could set our future private island

My favorite movie was

  • Why? Because it really made me think that some crazy **** is happening in our head, and the humour was extremely smart.
  • I love Pixar and how deep they think about every details of a movie (e.g.: they interviewed many neuroscientists and psychiatrists for Inside Out).
  • Bing Bong is my favorite character.
  • Yes, I cried when he disappeared.

My favorite show was


  • It’s catchy and funny, in a very smart way.
  • The two last episodes are eye-opening.
  • The entire season is a great caricature of our unhappy GYPSYs generation.

In total I’ve spent 43 hours or about 2 days in front of TV Shows (Thanks TVShow Time!)

Watch-time break down by months


  • I read 19 books. 1.58 book per month.
  • I read 7,064 pages. Around 19 pages/day.
  • The shortest one was Shinto, The Kami Way by Sokyo Ono with only 128 pages.
  • The average length of the books I read is 372 pages.
  • My favorite fiction was:
  • My favorite non-fiction was:

Sports/Physical activities/Health

  • My lowest weight was 60.2kg on the 1st of August 2015.
  • My highest weight was 63.7kg on the 26th of May 2015.
  • I ran my first half-marathon in 02h 08m 19s.
  • I ran 163 5Ks = 815 kilometers or approximately the distance from Paris to Munich.
  • I ran the Runkeeper Global 5k, my fastest 5K ever: 19 minutes.
  • Thanks to My Fiancée and Guillaume I started Freeletics.
  • I did a total of 161 freeletics workouts during the last 6 months.
  • A total of 2,226 minutes of workouts =44.5 hours =1.85 days.
  • I walked 3,273,300 steps since January 1st 2015.
  • An average of 9,220 steps/day = 8.2 kilometers per day.
  • I walked 2,921 kilometers the equivalent of a Paris-Moscow in 2015.
  • I burnt 128,356 active calories. About 256 Big Macs


This year I’ve visited 9 countries (including France)

FRANCE / UNITED STATES (January) / DENMARK (February) / JAPAN (September) / THE NETHERLANDS (October) / UNITED KINGDOM (December) / ITALY (December) / BELGIUM (February) / SWITZERLAND

I’ve travelled to 35 cities

  • Japan: 14 cities


  • France:11 cities


  • Belgium: 3 cities


  • United state: 2 cities


  • I went to only one city in each of the following countries: Denmark , Italy, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and The United Kingdom.




Airplane trip

I flew a total of 47,458km (calculated thanks to great circle mapper) so a little bit more than the circumference of the earth.

  • CDG — HEL = 1,900km // HEL — JFK = 6,626km
  • JFK — LAS = 3,618km
  • LAS — JFK = 3,618km
  • JFK — HEL = 6,626km // HEL — CDG = 1,900km
  • CDG — CPH = 1,006km
  • CPH — CDG = 1,006km
  • CDG — AMS = 399km // AMS — NRT = 9,342km
  • NRT — AMS = 9,342km // AMS — CDG = 399km
  • ORY — VCE = 838km
  • VCE — ORY = 838km


  • My favorite artist of the year: Still the Beatles.
  • I’ve listened to more the 18,000 minutes of music on Spotify which is equal to 302 hours or 13 days of streaming
  • I’ve listened to 1,001 different artists and 2,104 different songs


  • I’ve taken a total of 768 photos.
  • I would have needed 64 12-exposures roll films and that would have cost me about $640 to see my pictures a few years ago when digital photography didn’t exist.
  • I took about 2.1 photos/day.
  • The place where I took the most photos is Japan.
  • Lisa seems to be the main character of my photos collection :)
  • Here are my favorite pictures:

My favorite articles of the year (yes I’m a big fan of Wait but Why)

  • The Cook and The Chef: Musk’s Secret Sauce (A Wait but Why long-form article)

After reading this article you’ll ask yourself a lot of questions about where you stand and where you want to go. So are you a cook? Or are you a Chef? Find the answer here.

  • The AI revolution: The Road to Superintelligence + The AI revolution: Our Immortality or Our Extinction (Another Wait but Why long-form article)

Like many things, there will be a before and an after the reading of this long-form article. Tim Urban is digging really deep into what can make us immortal or destroy the entire human race in the blink of an eye. This article will truly change the way you look at the world. Read it right now!

Some random Quantified-Self Stuff

  • I’ve drank 149 liters of beer so 298 pints. Here is the breakdown month by month. Don’t know what happened in March :/

Knowing that the average price of a pint in Paris is about €5.36, it means I’ve spent around €1597,28 or $1 749,66 only on beers only! Just for fun: if Forrest Gump would have bought Apple stocks for this amount in 1994 (date of the release of the movie). How much would it be today (dollar value not adjusted)? On July 6th 1994, the value of the Apple stock was $0.93 (adjusted for the 2 Apple stocks splits since 1994) so $1749.66 of Apple stocks in 1994 would have been equivalent to 1881.35 stocks. Today (12/22/15) an Apple stock is worth $107.21. 1881.35*107.21=201,699.53 dollars. I think I am going to quit drinking.

  • I’ve spent 14 hours learning Ruby on Codecademy.
  • I’ve spend 24 hours learning Artificial Intelligence on MIT open coursewear.
  • I’ve spent around around 2,115 hours at work, which means 88 days or close to 3 months!
  • I sleep around 6.5 hours per night so I’ve slept more than 2372 hours, close to 99 days or 3.3 months.
  • Therefore I’ve spent more than half of the past year working and sleeping.
  • I’ve set up 68 different alarms on my iPhone (the earliest at 04:43am and the latest at 08:30pm).
  • I haven’t touched a cigarette since the 25th of January. So 333 days without a cigarette (I’m writing this on the 23rd of December).
Here’s my 333 days streak thanks to the app
  • I came back to a kid’s passion I had for rockets.

Slo-Mo version of the 12/27/15 launch

Here is a Slo-Mo version

Normal speed version of the 12/27/15 launch

Regular speed version

See you next year for new adventures, and, more rocket launches!



Yoann Lopez
Editor for

On the quest to creating a better experience of life