The YOLO Report 2022

Yoann Lopez
Published in
25 min readFeb 13, 2023

Hi everybody!

I’ve been quite slow to release this edition.

I’m very sorry about that :/.

I was so surprised to receive dozens of messages from you guys, asking me when the YOLO Report 2022 would be released. I feel a little bit like Eminem dropping a new album 🤣.

Anyway, welcome to my eighth YOLO report. 2022 is over, and I am now 35,681399 years old.

For the people reading this for the first time, I’ve always been a quantified self freak, and as an end-of-year ritual, I like to gather everything I tracked during the previous year, reflect on this, and try to use it to loosely plan my next year.

💡 If you’re interested in doing the same, you can jump to the end of this article to learn more about my process.

Why YOLO you might ask yourself? YOLO stands for YOann LOpez.

YOLO has become one of my nicknames with my colleagues and friends.

But why do you do that Yoann? That’s weird!

Why do I like to track stuff? Where does this all come from? Good question!

Why this Year-in-Review Report?

For some people, I’m just a freak, for others, this report can be a source of inspiration, and for another population, this is just a fun thing to read.

As far as I’m concerned, taking a step back and looking at what I’ve done in a year is some kind of self-therapy and a good way to see what went awry, what went well, and how I can improve some stuff. But most importantly, I find this to be a fun thing to write. “Weirdo” you must think.

But why? Why tracking things like that? The report actually came way later than my addiction to tracking stuff. So let’s try to start from there.

I think it all started after I got tired of being a little bit overweight when I was something like 14/15 years old, and I decided to take care of my weight and diet. To be honest, I got a little bit obsessed with my weight, and my calories intake. This is when I started to track what I was eating, and my weight obsessively. Well, that’s what you can actually call an eating disorder (by the way, if you are experiencing some eating disorders, you speak French, and you’re looking for some help, check Amapola, an amazing service launched by a great friend).

Anyway, these trackings led to another, and another, and another… My eating disorder slowly faded away, but my love and obsession for tracking stuff remained. In a healthier way though. Today it’s more out of curiosity, and to build better habits rather than for being a control freak.

I could keep this to myself but putting it in front of the entire world is (i) a way for me to feel some peer pressure, therefore, to try to achieve my goals (ii) maybe inspire others to do the same thing, and (iii) just for fun.

The YOLO report was born.

If you want to do something similar, please remember that there are as many ways of doing this as there are Human Beings. You could just write what you read, where you’ve been, focus on the new people you met, etc.

Do whatever you want to look at your life from a different angle. It’s too easy to forget about all the things happening to you.

Once again, I’ll use the great pictures from the New York Times Year in Pictures to illustrate this YOLO Report.

What’s new this year?

Nothing really new this year.

Also, it’ll be a lighter version because Snowball took most of my time and I did not have the time to track everything. I’ll try to be more consistent in 2023!

Table of Content

  • Big Moves ⛰
  • Friends & Family 👫
  • Sports/Physical activities/Health 🏋️‍♀️
  • Sleep 😴
  • Workouts 💪
  • DNA 🧬
  • Tracking my Digital Life 🧑‍💻
  • Books 📚
  • Movies and TV Shows 📺
  • iPhone Screen at The End of The Year 📱
  • Podcasts 📻
  • Side Projects 📝
  • Music 🎶
  • Articles of The Year 📰
  • My Key Learnings in 2022 💡
  • My Personal Finance 💰
  • Entrepreneurship 🏗
  • Podcasts I’ve been invited to 🎙
  • Random Stuff 🎲
  • My 2022 Objectives 🔙
  • My 2023 Objectives 🔮
  • How to Write Your Own Year in Review

Big moves ⛰

Nothing huge except that:

  • This is the first time in my life that I’m receiving a salary from a company I built.

Friends & Family 👫

Refugees from the Afghanistan National Institute of Music enjoyed a swim. More than 250 students and teachers from the institute fled their country after the Taliban seized power, eventually settling in Portugal, where they were trying to remake their school.

Here is the related OKR:

Not bad for once!

  • I saw my parents 3 times (just like in 2021) compared to 2 in 2019.
  • I did not see my Parisian friends as much as would have liked to.
  • I managed to see my friends in the South a bit more than usual.

Even though I’m freer because I launched my own business, it does not mean I can do whatever I want… I’m actually working more than when I was a full-time employee or a freelancer…

I don’t feel like I can really work from wherever I want. I need the atmosphere of my house to be more productive.

I’d like to take more time for myself in 2023, but it means that I’ll have to learn how to delegate more tasks and hire more people. This has never been an easy thing to do for me…

Sports, Physical Activities & Health 🏋️‍♀️

Lionel Messi of Argentina in action during the World Cup final. Scoring twice and converting a penalty in a shootout, he led his team to victory against France in one of the most exciting World Cup finals in history.

As already said, this is where my passion for tracking things started. I started to track my weight, then the stuff I ate, then my runs, etc.

Today I’m less extreme, and I stopped tracking all the things I’m eating, and I do not weigh myself every day (thank god), but I keep tracking quite a lot of stuff. But, this year, I tracked way less things because I was too busy.

Weight ⚖️

  • Once again, I remained quite stable but weighed myself only once! I think it’s the first time this ever happened in my life 😱.
  • Last year I said that I’d like to reach a healthier weight of 62 or 63 kilograms, and this morning I checked my weight: 62.5kg. Perfect.

running 🏃

Just like 2020 and 2021, 2022 was a disaster when it comes to running… An even bigger one! I was supposed to run a marathon and ran none. Why? Because of another injury to my heel that didn’t want to get away… Once again…

  • I ran 36 times this year instead of an objective of 156 times… 60 % less than in 2021… LOL! 😭
  • I ran a total of about 134 kilometers or 71% less than in 2021 (463 km). Mainly because I ran very short runs in order to heal my injury.
  • I ran a total of 15 jours vs 41,3 hours last year.
  • I burnt about 8,054 calories this year. The equivalent of 40 donuts. 👇
  • Just like last year (and since I’ve stopped working a regular 9-to-5 job), I ran mainly during the evenings:

Walking + Running 🚶‍♂️

  • In 2022, I walked and run a total of 2,792,590 steps (4.4 % less than in 2021) or 2128 kilometers. This is almost equal to a walk from Paris to Kyiv. 👇
  • This year, compared to last year, I walked less during the evenings. It was way more spread. This year. 👇

Last year. 👇

  • My daily average number of steps for 2022: 7,821 vs 7,985 in 2021. Around 2.1 % fewer steps per day.
  • My most active month this year was august with 10,517 steps per day.
  • This year, the least active month was (once again) the month of February with an average of only 5,141 steps per day:
  • The day I walked the most was on the 9th of May with 25,472 steps.

Sleep 😴

  • I slept around 3,114 hours or 129.75 days. 25 % more than in 2021. Wow. I did not expect that.
  • I slept an average of 8 hours and 32 minutes per day.
  • My sleep quality improved quite a bit in 2022:
  • In 2020, the Covid really disturbed the time I went to bed (pretty late), but in 2021, and even more in 2022, everything went back to normal (around midnight every day):
  • I also woke (on average) later than in 2022. Solopreneur = more time to sleep and to arrange your day as you want. ;) But I’d like to wake up earlier (and go to bed earlier) in 2023.👇
  • Regarding my time in bed, and the time I was asleep, they both increased a little bit once again. 👇
  • It took me way a bit less time in 2022 to fall asleep compared to last year.

Workouts 💪

Since 2019, my routine is pretty simple. 3 times a week I do:

  • 100 abs
  • 100 situps
  • 100 pull-ups

But I had to stop for about a month before Christmas because of tendinitis around my right elbow.

Therefore I did last year around:

  • 13,800 abs vs 15,600 last year.
  • 13,800 situps vs 15,600 last year.
  • 13,800 pull-ups vs 15,600 last year.


  • In 2018 I did a DNA test (23andme) in New York City (mainly because they had the health part in the US while it was forbidden for them to sell it in France.). In 2019 they updated my results with more accuracy. In 2020 they did the same. No update in 2021 and 2022. 👆
  • Here are the ones from the previous years: 👇
  • And here’s my ancestry timeline:

It means that:

  • One of my grandparents was 100% from Iran or the region. Probably 100% Armenian as my mother’s name is Aydjian (the names ending in “ian” are usually Armenian). They were born between 1900 and 1960 (for sure the parents of my mom who were Armenian).
  • One of my grandparents was 100% Iberian (probably the parents of my dad or great-grandparents who were Spanish: Lopez).

Here’s the updated map of my relatives all around the world:

My Neanderthal Ancestry

This hasn’t changed since last year so I’ll just copy-paste what I wrote in 2018.

As you probably already know, We, the Homo Sapiens Species, used to live with another species of humans (in the genus Homo): the Neanderthal. Unfortunately for them, it’s really likely that we exterminated them because of our better ability to communicate and coordinate as a group (certainly through the birth of Culture, rituals, etc.), which helped us to build better strategies to conquer new territories and kill these rivals. But, because some Homo Sapiens and Neanderthal were probably good people willing to make love, not war, the two species had some babies together, that’s why we still find some Neanderthal variants in our DNA. If you want to learn more about this read the book Sapiens: a brief history of humankind. I apologize to my scientific friends if I made some mistakes.

Thanks to 23andme, I learned that I have 250 variants which is a smaller number than 80% of 23andme customers.

Here’s my wellness report:

Here are my traits:

Here are my health predispositions:

And my carrier status:

Tracking my Digital Life 💻

The edge of a young star-forming region in the Carina Nebula. The James Webb Space Telescope, the most powerful space observatory yet built, offered a spectacular slide show of our previously invisible nascent cosmos.

My Rescue Time app tracked 2,058 hours of work/leisure on my MacBook :

Almost 86 days or 2.8 months! Wow.

My iPhone tells me that I’m spending about 5 hours per day on it :

It means that I’m also spending about 1,825 hours per year on my iPhone or 76 days.

It means that if I’m adding my MacBook + my iPhone, I spent about 162 days online in 2022! 5.4 months.

Some highlights:

Here are the apps I used the most in 2022:

  • I spent a whopping 553 hours or 23 days in my inbox (Superhuman) vs 383 hours in 2021. 44% more. That’s mainly linked to the growth of Snowball.
  • I spent 302 hours on Snowball’s website (12.5 days) vs 216 hours last year. 40 % more!
  • 132 hours on LinkedIn or 5.5 days vs only 50 hours last year. 250+ % more!
  • Answering people who invested in Snowball took me almost an entire day (Intercom). If I add the 38 hours spent on to solve issues, raising money on my own took me about 62 full hours.

Books 📚


I read 0 books in 2022. I think it’s the first time it happens to me since high school…

Movies and TV Shows 🎬

Chris Rock reeled from a resounding slap by the actor Will Smith at the Oscars ceremony. Mr. Smith had stormed the stage after the comedian made a joke about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith.

Arf… I fucked up here as well… I did not track everything I watched… I’ll try to do better this year!

My favorite movie was: Jibaro

Jibaro is a short movie (17 minutes) that is part of the LOVE, DEATH + ROBOTS series on Netflix. I highly recommend the entire series, but this episode is just breathtaking! I won’t

Movies’ Data

Missing data.

TV Shows 📺

My favorite TV Show of 2022 was the last season of The Boys. First of all because I love this TV show, but also because it’s the only one I watched in 2022! Why do I love it? This is a crazy take on a genre I love: superheroes.

My iPhone Home Screen at the End of the Year 📱

Some noticeable things

Not much. Basically the same home screen.

  • The personal finance app family is getting even bigger! Under the Money folder, I now have 49 finance apps (47 last year)!

Podcasts 📻

Since I ran way less, I listened to probably less than 5 podcasts last year. That sucks because I love podcasts!

Side Projects 📝

I did not do much once again. Snowball took most of my time this year.

But good news, I have found some people to revive Happenstance. Maybe in 2023? Let’s hope. Here are some updates + reminders of my side projects.


Sarah Marga and I launched Happenstance on Product Hunt (Check it out here) at the beginning of 2016. Just like in 2017, 2018, and 2019, the project is still on hold as we need to automate everything. We have a waiting list of more than 5,000 people now. I’m sure it could be a great service. I just need to devote more time and money to this project.

Since 2016 the tech landscape has tremendously evolved. More and more no-code tools have seen the light and I’m sure we could automate this service through one of these tools.

Just a reminder about what is happenstance:

We created happenstance because we wanted to meet new interesting people, with no other purpose than sharing thoughts, ideas, and life experience. We had that burning desire to expand our world, and to discover the lives and adventures of other people we don’t know yet. Although internet is pretty great for finding jobs, dates, and old friends, there is no service that would allow us to meet some random people, who are obviously cool and curious just like you (and us).

With Happenstance, we want to allow everyone to meet someone new and different, but yet kind of similar. Maybe a teacher from Japan, or a student in Europe, or a traveler in Asia, or a journalist from Africa, or a gardener, or a dentist, or an archeologist, or a professional gamer, or…well you get it.

Update: as I said earlier, 2 people will help me to revive this project by using no-code technologies. Hopefully, I’ll be able to tell you next year that Happenstance is reborn.


Unmakr is still alive but not active at all... Kinou (AKA Christophe) and I started a project called Unmakr where we pick our favorite iconic objects and we tear them apart to observe their guts. Last year we did not do anything. You can still follow us on medium or on Instagram.

One way I’d like to make this project evolve is to also interview a product manager, project manager, or developer who’s worked on the product we’re unmaking, and to learn a bit more about what happened behind the curtain.

I might not be able to work again on this project while working for Snowball. It might be something to work on when I’ll retire…

Music 🎶

  • I listened to way way way less music in 2022 compared to 2021: 28,463 minutes vs 40,053 minutes 2022 (29 % less).
  • My top artist was, once again, Lana Del Rey. I’m part of the top 1% of her listeners in 2022 (again 😬).
  • Here’s the playlist of my top songs of the year 2022.
  • Since 2016 I track my music by creating monthly playlists. Every time I like a song a lot I add it to my playlist. You can find all of them on my Spotify profile.

Articles of The Year 📰

This year, I did not read a lot of ‘real” articles, but mainly newsletters.

But here are my two favorite articles of the year:

Tip: the quickest supermarket queue is always behind the fullest trolley (greeting, paying and packing take longer than you think).

  • Time is elastic: this is a truly great article that’ll show you that your time is not as fixed as you might think…

My Key Learnings in 2022 💡

Each time I ran into some great quotes, ideas, and concepts, I wrote them down in a Note folder on my iPhone. Now it’s time for me to share them with the world as some of them might be useful for you.

My Personal Finance 💰

This section will always have a special taste for me as it’s the reason why I started Snowball. Indeed, after publishing my YOLO Report 2019, and adding for the first time a personal finance part, I received dozens of questions from friends and strangers regarding investing issues. That’s where the idea to write about personal finance started.

Here’s the related OKR for this year.

I did quite well again.

  • I managed to save more than €1,000 per month except for a couple of months. I saved about €14,000.
  • I sold the 2 vehicles I was renting out on Getaround. Why? Even though everything was automated, renting cars always creates some kind of weight somewhere in your brain. There is rarely any problem, but from time to time you have to deal with emergencies. Since I wanted to be fully dedicated to Snowball, I decided to stop this side business.


Here’s the breakdown of my spending (not all of them though as some are under my freelancer company) and revenues (personal, not my companies):


Compared to 2021 :


Some stuff to highlight:

  • I doubled my revenues (mainly because I went from being paid by “Pôle Emploi” to being paid by Snowball).
  • The rent budget did not move since I live in the same place.
  • I spent a bit more on groceries, but still very little (I eat outside too often…).
  • I spent way more money at restaurants. €3334 vs. €2100 last year. A 16 % increase.
  • I spent about the same amount of money at bars: €887 vs. €812 last year. That’s €74 per month more or less.
  • I had to renew a part of my wardrobe so I spent quite some money on clothes. €1100 vs. only €100 last year. But here’s what I wear most of the time: 3 pairs of Levi’s jeans, 3 pullovers From Future during winter, 2 pairs of Levi’s shorts during summer, 3 linen shirts for summer, about 10 t-shirts, 1 Patagonia jacket, 1 From Future Scarf, and 1 Patagonia backpack.


In 2020, this passion of mine, investing & wealth management, actually became my full-time job. A lot of people think that I like money just for the sake of money, but I like money because I love to build stuff, and to build stuff that can have an impact on society, you need money and time. Investing is a way not only to make your money grow but most importantly to buy you time in the future. Here’s the recap of my year regarding my investments. What did I invest in?

  • Public Stocks
  • Managed fund
  • Private Equity
  • Collectibles
  • Cryptos
  • Art

In December 2021 my net worth (without real estate) was €245,000, a 306% increase since December 2020 mainly driven the crypto and stocks rally + my savings.

At the moment, in 2023, the total value of my portfolio is close to €198,000 euros, or a 19 % decrease compared to last year.

It includes the new investments so if you subtract the new investments, my portfolio would be down by more than that (not sure, but could be close to -25 %). Not great a year. These unrealized losses do not include the unrealized gains and/or losses of my startup investments, which could actually add many more % to my gains or losses. Indeed I just used the purchase price of my startup stock, and not their current value (not easy to find it).

If you want to read more about my investment strategy you can read this free Snowball edition or that one if you’re a Premium member.

Some big changes compared to last year.

  • Almost all my cryptos are on my Ledger wallet. Zero risk after what happened with FTX.
  • I’m investing way more in ETFs on my PEA.
  • I increased my position (a lot) in Alibaba. I own more than 8000 euros of Alibaba stocks compared to €2,700 last year.

Private equity (Startups)

No new startup investments in 2022.

  • I still have €5,000 invested in Comet.
  • €5,000 in Lago.
  • €5,000 in Figures.
  • €1,000 in Curve, and €1,500 in Citymapper through Crowdcube.
  • $2,000 In the Neobank Mercury in the US through Wefunder.
  • I lost my €400 invested in a previous small side project called TYPYC (previously 1984. More about that later).
  • I still have €1,000 invested in a beer company that I love: Brewdog.

Art and collectibles

No changes.

I have $5,000 invested in two artworks on Masterworks, a product allowing you to buy fractional shares of paintings from great masters (Warhol, Bastiat, Soulages…). Here’s my portfolio:

  • $2,500 in a Pierre Soulages
  • $2,500 in an Alex Katz

But when it comes to alternative investment, I went a bit overboard 😅.

Daniel Arsham

I love this artist, not sure I’ll ever be able to make money by collecting some of his creations, but on top of the DeLorean I bought last year:

I bought a collab he made with Rimowa (a German suitcase manufaturer):

And also 5 signed fake ads posters he sold last year:


Yes, for some reason, I started to collect barbies (you might think I’m a bit crazy, which could be a bit true). I really liked the collaboration they did with the artist Mark Ryden. Here are the 3 barbies from this collection I bought:

Mattel creations

  • I bought 2 Jurrasic Park Ford Explorer collectors
  • 2 Bad Robots (the production company) action figures:
  • And 2 Deadpool Hot Wheels:


I bought some new LEGO sets:

  • 2 Nintendo.
  • 1 The Office.
  • 2 Van Gogh's The Starry Night.

Entrepreneurship 🏗

In this section, I’ll detail what happened in my entrepreneurial life.

Snowball ❄️

In March 2020, I launched a tiny newsletter about personal finance called Snowball, which became my main project a few months later.

The long-term vision is to build a full-fledged product to help people manage and build their wealth. Wealth management for Humans in a nutshell. This is the first step. If you wanna read more about the long-term vision of Snowball, you can read this edition of Behind the Curtain.

Here are some key figures about Snowball this year:

  • €400,000 of annual revenues vs €213,000 last year (+ 187%).
  • More than 45k readers including more than 4000 Premium members.
  • Revenues from paid subscriptions are stagnating since last June, but advertising revenues have increased.
  • The Snowball book has been released in February 2022.
  • In February 2022, I raised more than 1.6 million dollars with the community.
  • 96 editions of Snowball have been sent. 12 more than last year.
  • I wrote 512,400 words. As a comparison, the entire Harry Potter saga is composed of 1 084 170 words.
  • If you read french, you can read the full Snowball Year in Review by clicking here.

If you want to follow Snowball you have some options available to you:

Real-Estate 🏠

This is how the building we bought in the South of France (Fréjus) looked like in 2019:

And this is what it looks like today:

  • We sold 1 flat for about €70k, and a second one is on sale for a bit more than €110,000. We paid the entire building + all the work €320,000 more or less.
  • We‘re renting out the 4 other flats, and we’re way more than cash flow positive.


In 2020 we launched 1984 with Patricia, Teddy, Yohan, and Charles. Because of some IP problems, we renamed it TYPYC (Teddy, Yohan, Patricia, Yoann, Charles).

TYPYC was a clothing company focusing on streetwear with a business model centered around pre-orders and no stock.

In 2021 the goal was to launch a first crowdfunding campaign to create our first collection of hoodies. We reached our goal in a month!

The first hoodies were shipped in February 2022, and we started to work on the second collection! I was less involved in this project, but I gave a hand from time to time to the team.

Unfortunately, because we weren’t all 200 % focused on this project, we had to stop it. Building a clothing brand is extremely hard and time-consuming.

It was a really fun project though, and I’m really happy to have my TYPYC hoodie!

Kitchen Factory 🔪

This project of buying a small “kitchen factory” in Montpellier with 2 other friends started in 2020, and everything took like a million years! In 2022, we decided to cancel the project.

Podcasts 🎙

In 2022, I’ve been invited to 22 podcasts (3 more than in 2021). Here they are (all of them are in french 🇫🇷):

I’m missing 3 that I can’t find…

Random stuff 🎲

  • In 2022 I drank 301 liters of beer (+ 30% compared to last year). Once again, that’s way too much…
  • The month I drank the most beers: just like last year, June with 33 liters. Beginning of summer, the sun, the terrasses…
  • The month I drank the least beers: January with 15 liters.
  • I cut my hair 4 times: January, May, August, and November. 1 more time than in 2021.
  • I cut my nails 35 times (+ 0% compared to 2020 and 2021. Crazy how consistent it it) or once every 10.4 days.
  • My Codex Vitae or “book of life” is now updated→ Yoann’s Codex Vitae.

My 2022 Objectives 🔙

Let’s see what happens in 2022 regarding my personal OKRs:

Another disaster this year! I completed only 31.53 % of the objectives I set last year (basically like last year). Probably because I focused most of my time on Snowball (again)… Not necessarily a bad thing though… It’s ok to rearrange your objectives if you feel it’s necessary.

I did OK here, I sold my 2 cars that I did not want to rent anymore (more time to focus on Snowball), but we were not able to buy some new real estates with my friends.

No comment… Injuries killed this objective once again 😭.

Yoann! Drink less alcohol, smoke less, and eat less meat!

Despite not being able to run, I still exercised though. But in 2023, I really want to start going to the gym again. Especially because I’ve been paying the membership for more than a year for nothing. In my defense, in order to unsubscribe you have to go there! You can subscribe online, but can’t unsubscribe online… That’s a sneaky dark pattern.

No time at all… I’ll just delete it this year.

😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I really have to dedicate at least 20 minutes per day to this activity

I saw my parents and my friends in the south of France a bit more often this year. I’ll stop tracking these kinds of things this year.

We sold one flat, another one will be sold this year, and the rest of them are rented. We’ll need to be more efficient this year if we want to buy a new flat or building with my friends.

My 2023 Objectives 🔮

As you’ve already seen, I’ll use the OKRs method to design, follow, and achieve my 2022 objectives. Some are short terms goals, others are long terms ones that will keep showing up year after year (like financial independence for instance).

As a reminder, OKR stands for Objectives & Key Results. Objectives should be ambitious and inspiring, they are what you want to achieve. For instance: Enhance your overall health. Key Results should be ambitious and measurable. They are the different things you have to achieve to reach your objectives. For instance, in order to enhance your overall health you’ll have to:

  • Exercise 3 times per week or 156 times a year
  • 4 days/week without alcohol or 156 days cold turkey
  • etc.

You can check, comment, or copy my OKRs spreadsheet if you want to do the same for you. Here they are. Otherwise here are the screenshots of my OKRs. I’ve decided to be less even less optimistic this year:

Those objectives are not set in stone. They’re guidelines. A north Star. I can change them whenever I want.


Here’s a quick guide on how I collect and write my year in review.

  • I use my iPhone 14 pro (€1,250), my Apple watch (€450), and my Macbook Pro (€2000) as electronic devices.
  • For tracking my weight I’m using a Withings health scale (€100) paired with the Gyroscope app (€60/year).
  • I use runkeeper go (€30/year) for tracking my runs paired with Gyroscope.
  • For tracking my sleep I use the Sleep Cycle (free) app on my iPhone.
  • For tracking the books I read, I’m using Goodreads (free). Which is also great to save books you want to read later or discover new ones + Gsheet.
  • For tracking my travels I use gyroscope + Gsheet.
  • For tracking the movies I watch, I’m using a simple Gsheet (free).
  • For tracking my TV show, I’m using the TV time iPhone app (free).
  • I’m using the Overcast iPhone app (free) to track and listen to my podcasts.
  • For tracking my music I’m using Spotify Year in Review.
  • For tracking my digital activity (app/website usage on my mac), I’m using Rescue Time (Paid + free) paired with Gyroscope.
  • For tracking random stuff like my beer consumption I’m using a simple Gsheett (free) that I’m filling out every day.
  • For tracking my OKRs, I’m using a Gsheet (free).
  • For tracking my personal finance I use a Google Sheet + the different platforms I’m using to invest.
  • At the end of December, I gather all the data in a note saved on the Mac Notes app, then I start writing this medium article. It usually takes me a week or two to finish it. But way more than that this year 😅.
  • You can find more information about my OKRs here.
  • I did my DNA analysis through 23andme (about $200).

Thanks for reading!

Happy new year 2023! I know it’s late…

Yoann ❤️

P.S: you can follow me on Linkedin, and Twitter, and you can subscribe to Snowball here + follow Snowball on Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram



Yoann Lopez
Editor for

On the quest to creating a better experience of life