3 Essential Lessons for Customer Interactions

Customer interaction insights for growing companies across all communication platforms, guided by emerging social media trends.

Olivia Maier
Yodel Blog


Insights on customer interactions are constantly emerging, and can be gained from a variety of sources. Recent social media trends can be used to gain new insights, and can be applied to customer interactions to help growing businesses rethink their strategies.

Social media is constantly evolving, but in recent months we’ve seen platforms headed in a new direction. In a world where we are still separated from our loved ones, and experiencing less in person communication than before, social media is focusing less on preserving memories and more on real-time connections.

This transformation has taken place across users, and within the platforms themselves. Think about it…

Influencers will hop on live-streams to engage in real time with their audiences. Instead of using filters and showing up with the perfect hair and makeup, influencers will host “Get Ready With Me” live streams where they answer audience questions live.

The Instagram platform recently updated to include video calling capabilities, where you can use the social media platform as a real-time communication tool.

And how could we talk about this without mentioning the app phenomenon Clubhouse?

Since Elon Musk’s appearance on Clubhouse, it seems like there is no escaping the new app in the media. If you don’t know, Clubhouse is a new audio-based social media platform. The app lets you jump in and out of different chat rooms that have been described as “podcast-style conversations” by Vogue. Uses are able to join in on the conversations, or just sit in and listen. These conversations are all taking place in real time, with no recording available.

Musk’s stream on the app maxed out with more than 5,000 users listening in, with thousands more joining “overflow” rooms for the chance to listen in.

Clubhouse’s success is just one example that helps answer a question that we’ve been asked before: “Is voice communication still relevant?”. Clubhouse helps show that yes, it absolutely is.

So where does this leave growing businesses? Here are 3 essential lessons that the recent social media transformation can teach you, and how your customer interaction strategy can capitalize on them.

1. Perfection isn’t the goal

In terms of social media, many influencers years ago wouldn’t dream of posting content that wasn’t perfectly edited, filtered, and with the perfect caption. While there still are influencers who still post a highlight reel, a lot of users are shifting to a more organic social media feed.

The influencers who take the time to live-stream and talk in real time with their audience members are seeing a huge return in terms of engagement, and loyalty.

So what does this mean for your business, and customer interactions? Of course you want to look, and act as professional as possible. However, the cookie-cutter corporate aesthetic shouldn’t be the goal.

Instead, add a personal flair whenever it is possible, reminding your customers that behind every great business, is a great team. Instead of aiming for perfection, aim for personal connections.

2. People are craving voice communication

In a time where we can’t see loved ones as often as we’d like, and with very limited social interactions, social media platforms have stepped up to provide socially distanced solutions.

Instead of adding new chat features, they’ve looked to voice and video calling for a reason. Hearing someone’s voice as they tell a story is a different experience to reading it in a chat message. Social media platforms have realized people are looking for voice communication, and they’ve provided a space for that.

For your business, that means having a chatbot or a website full of information might not be enough for your customers.

Instead, give your business a competitive advantage by being available for voice communication methods. This could mean responsive phone lines, scheduling video call appointments, or hosting webinars.

3. Real-time conversations create connections

On the surface, Clubhouse might seem reminiscent of a podcast in the way Elon Musk uses it, or similar to Facebook where you can connect in chat rooms with people you know, or people with a shared interest.

The critical difference between Clubhouse and Facebook, or Clubhouse and a podcast, is the real-time component. There is no space to re record or edit the conversation like a podcast, and there is no space to save the conversation like in a Facebook Group.

Instead, users are forced to pay attention and actively listen to each other for the best experience. The convenience to review or relisten that comes with other social media apps is happily exchanged by users for the sense of community and connection.

For a business, this means that recorded messages and videos on your website aren’t enough to connect with customers. Having the perfect ebook to download won’t mean anything if you don’t have the live agents to talk to customers when they want to. Don’t abandon real-life conversations, instead focus on using that time to actually connect with your customers.

At the end of the day…

The social media transformation we are seeing is a reflection of current consumers, and how they want to communicate. As a growing business, you should take advantage of this transformation, and set your business apart from the competition. Taking advantage of these customer interaction strategies today can help you build a competitive advantage, and stand out from your peers.

With Yodel, you can access a tool that will help you achieve your customer interaction goals. From adding personal touches to your phone communication, to improving connections, Yodel understands what a growing team needs. Get started with a free trial today!

