A Tool to Help Your Business Survive in the World of COVID-19

How Yodel.io can help you offset the new challenges presented to businesses because of COVID-19

Olivia Maier
Yodel Blog


With the recent events revolving around COVID-19, aka Corona Virus, many companies are left in unprecedented areas. Some parts of the world are mandating the businesses move to remote work, while others have companies wanting to make that move as well.

Many companies might be new to the idea, or reality, of remote work. It is understandably overwhelming if you’ve decided to go remote, but aren’t sure where to go from here.

Helping teams work remotely is our specialty at Yodel.io, and can help in your transition to remote work.

Yodel.io is an internet based phone system that can integrate into business tools that you’re already using in your business or that can stand alone.

The easy configuration of Yodel.io means that you don’t have to worry about being a technology specialist to set it up. You can either use Yodel.io as a stand alone platform, or as a Slack integration. This means if you’re already using Slack, or looking to start using it, you won’t have to have multiple browser tabs open to get stuff done. Instead, it can conveniently take place in the same place as your other business communications!

Yodel.io has a guided onboarding process that helps walk you through all of the features of Yodel.io, and how to customize it to fit your needs. The great thing about Yodel.io is that it can be used directly as is, or tailored specifically for your business needs. Either way, the Yodel.io team is always accessible to help with your onboarding process.

An internet based phone system is more than just a different way for calls to reach you.

It helps take care of problems that a traditional phone system wouldn’t be equipped to.

For a team new to working remotely, picture this situation: A prospective client calls your business, but since everyone is working from home, who is going to answer it?

Or, if your business calls are being forwarded to someone’s personal phone, how are they going to direct the call to the right team member? In real time? Without losing the attention and patience of the caller?

This is the exact type of situation that Yodel.io can help to prevent.

We help with creating a collaborative experience for teams. If you’re already using Slack, you can easily add Yodel.io and make and receive calls directly from Slack! If you decide to use Yodel.io on its own, you can handle all of the calls within the Yodel.io app!

Yodel will also help simplify getting calls exactly where they need to go. Callers can be routed based off of what they are saying, with the transcription of what they are saying also available. This helps the right user pick up the call the first time around, saving you and your callers time.

If you have a group of users, say for example they are all sales representatives, you can set them into a customizable ring group. This group will all be notified of relevant incoming calls at the same time, and can join on the call as a group or designate one individual to pick up. These collaborative experiences keep your team working as a team, even when they aren’t in the same room.

Once your calls have taken place, you can easily access a full transcription which can give you valuable insights.

The completed calls can be tagged, helping you search through them in the future if you use them for analytics purposes. With them all in one place, it is easy for your entire team to access and take advantage of.

Yodel.io loves teams. After all, that’s what businesses are built of. Just because your team isn’t sharing a conference room together, doesn’t mean that your team is any less accessible if you have the right tools. With Yodel.io, you can keep your team working together, even when you aren’t together.

Businesses are facing new challenges with the increased regulations put in place to offset the spread of COVID-19. With Yodel.io, you are able to have a business solution that leaves you equipped to handle them.

