Case Study: Pixels By Mouse

Remote teams are constantly finding innovative ways to provide their customers with an experience that is hard for traditional companies to match. We recently spoke with Allistair from Pixels By Mouse, to learn more about what helps Pixels By Mouse cater to their clients.

Olivia Maier
Yodel Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2020


Background on Pixels By Mouse

Pixels By Mouse is a remote full service digital agency that specializes in helping organizations deliver a high quality digital experience at an affordable price. They work with startups and non-profit organizations to provide services such as web design, SEO service, social media management, and more. They are even able to give back to selected non-profit organizations through different discount rates, helping Pixels By Mouse give back to the community.

Being a remote team helps Pixels By Mouse have employees and clients all over the world. Pixels By Mouse has been able to take full advantage of the unique capabilities and opportunities that remote teams have.

Keeping Slack Central

Pixels By Mouse takes full advantage of Slack, a tool that all types of teams and groups love to use. They make an effort to shift away from email communication, and keep internal business communication within Slack. It provides a more effortless way to communicate for a remote team.

As a team using Slack, it just makes sense to integrate as many businesses as possible. They were able to do that across their entire external communication process. By integrating the contact forms on their website, all of their messages will instantly appear directly in Slack. This helps the entire team stay on the same page, and address the message in the most efficient way possible.

Of course, we loved hearing the ways integrating their phone system into Slack with Yodel helped Pixels By Mouse. By having their business phone system in the same place as all of their other business processes, they have been able to provide their customers with a central line of communication that works for their remote team.

Eliminating phone tag

One of the great things that Pixels By Mouse is able to provide is service to clients all over the world, provided by employees all over the world. With Yodel they are able to have just one centralized phone number, that any employee is able to answer calls from.

Allistair provided this example, which we think sums it up perfectly. Imagine a client in Malaysia calls during their normal business hours. Within Pixels by Mouse, some employees may be on the other side of the world, and fast asleep. But, for the employees who are working during that time, they are all alerted to the incoming call. From there, the right team member can answer the call, and provide support. Without a system like Yodel, this process wouldn’t run as smoothly.

Other business phone systems may have individual numbers for each employee, forcing clients to know which employee number they need to call, or end up being rerouted before ever connecting with someone who can help them.

Even worse, if there’s just one number that a single employee has access to, callers on the other side of the world would only be left with an endless chain of voicemail replies to their calls.

Connecting with your customers and providing them with a personal and efficient experience is key in the business world. We love that with Yodel, Pixels By Mouse is able to do just that.

Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency.

Pixels By Mouse understands and prioritizes the need to be efficient. Using Slack and various integrations helps them to operate as efficiently as possible. They also make a consistent point to address their clients and their clients’ needs as efficiently as possible, across all parts of the business. With Yodel as a business phone solution, Pixels By Mouse has access to an efficient solution that supports all of their phone system needs.

