Give your eCommerce business an edge with Yodel

Olivia Maier
Yodel Blog
Published in
5 min readJun 27, 2020


eCommerce is an incredible space for a company to be in, with customers from all over the world at your fingertips. Working at an e-commerce business leaves you with a very different operational structure than a brick and mortar store, but the goal of the two has always been the same. Being able to provide your customers with value, and then some, building the type of relationship that is priceless.

eCommerce is able to offer many things that brick and mortar stores can’t, but that comes with its own sets of challenges. In an industry that focuses on customer service, it can seem daunting at times the amount of customer service related challenges that are specific to eCommerce businesses.

In a brick and mortar store, a customer is able to see when a customer service representative is busy, and aren’t left feeling ignored when a representative tells them that someone will be with them shortly. When that happens over a chatbot, or the phone, customers don’t typically receive that well. They also are in a position where they can quickly search for one of your competitors, and try their luck there instead.

In a perfect world, there would only be as many callers as there were available employees to answer those calls. But, that just isn’t a realistic expectation for a business. With financial restrictions, fluctuating numbers of incoming calls, and no time limit on the calls… well, I’m sure you understand what I mean when I said it’s just not realistic.

Luckily, a VOIP system can help you provide a higher quality of service to your customers as an eCommerce business, and with you’ll have access to features that can specifically address the needs of an eCommerce company.

Keep your customer in the loop

This is an area where you can really differentiate yourself from your competitors. The business phone system as many callers know it is virtually the same from business to business. Callers just receive a message that the line is busy, or you can’t get to their call right now, and they are left leaving a message, and they have no idea when it will be listened to.

With Yodel, you can personalize the interaction from the start, with a customizable welcome message that your callers will hear. If you can’t get to the phone, then choose from tailored responses that are written or recorded ahead of time. It can be as personal as “we are currently in a meeting until 10:30, please call back then or know we will listen to your message shortly after the meeting is over”, or as simple as “we are on another call at the moment, but will call you back during business hours today”. This lets your callers know that they aren’t leaving a message in a rapidly filling inbox, instead they are a valued caller that will get quality service asap.

Calling isn’t always convenient for you or your callers, which is why Yodel includes a text message option. This can help you address your callers, even when you aren’t in the position to make a phone call.

Keep track of customer information

Putting in effort to give your customers quality service isn’t going to be successful if there is too much information to keep track of. That’s why Yodel makes it easy to keep track of all of your customer information.

Yodel is able to integrate directly with CRM software that you’re already using. When a call comes in, you can have all of the customer information easily accessible, without switching between different windows and potentially losing track of information. Yodel can be customized to display caller names instead of their phone number, with links to their customer information page. So from the start, you can make your callers know how valuable they are.

Yodel will make sure that your software has integrated properly, to avoid in call errors. Here’s an example from a test page of a HubSpot CRM integration!

Another way Yodel lets you keep track of caller information is through the call tagging feature. This lets you tag each call, or voicemail, with unique tags that make sense for your business. You can tag by who the caller is, what they are calling about, and really anything else that you can think of. This lets you quickly find calls, organize them, and analyze call data.

To sum it up,

you can give your eCommerce business an advantage over your competitors, without having to make a drastic change. Yodel is a business phone system solution that at the end of the day, lets you do everything that you’ve been doing, and then some. Give yourself the edge you deserve, while giving your callers the service that they deserve.

