It’s time to update you about Yodel!

In the past weeks a lot has been new with Yodel. Let me catch you up!

Silke English
Yodel Blog


Besides being featured as a staff’s recommendation on the Slack App Directory — if you are following us on Twitter and other social media channels, I’m sure you heard about it ;-) — we have also launched some great features!

Yodel + Zapier

Through the Yodel Zapier integration, you can now connect Yodel with all the great tools you are already using. Zendesk, Evernote, Hubspot, Discord, your E-Mail, … You name it! The team has put together some example Zaps that you can use right away.

Tag your calls!

The Yodel call log was a great addition to the product! Thanks for the feedback! We added a tag function in the call log, that lets you tag calls accordingly to what is important to you. Tags can be added and assigned to calls right in Slack and will show in the Yodel call log on You can even filter for them. Pretty nice, right?

Text messaging

Many of you have already used it — Yodel Text! For numbers in the US and Canada and some other countries, we added a text function. Now you can not only call your customers back, you can also shoot them a quick text! Use the command /yodel-text [+number]. With our “Send another”-button you can text people again, without having to type in the number again.

Forward it!

We made it easy for you to forward calls within different Slack channels — public or private. Use the drop-down menu to forward the calls to the right team or person without the caller knowing that you do so. Forward calls multiple times but just be aware that no caller wants to be on hold forever. This is another step towards a better telephonic team communication through Yodel.


With SSML, which means Speech Synthesis Markup Language (sounds pretty fancy doesn’t it?), you can teach Yodel how to pronounce certain words. Everyone with a hard to pronounce name or company name knows what I am talking about. This feature can be applied to customize any of our announcement features that are using voice, like Welcome Message, Ask for Reason, Canned Responses or Announcement Only.

Office Hours

You might have it already in place. Yodel Office Hours. This feature enables it for you to set your office hours. May it be from 9 to 5 or the other way around and let the caller know that they call outside your business hours.
Pro Tip: It works in combo with the Yodel voicemail!

Now you are all caught up with Yodel! Look out for new features on our social media channels or the Yodel Blog in the category “Product Updates” or have a look at your “Home” page, where the three newest blog posts in that category are listed.

If you would like to have more information on all features that Yodel is offering, please visit our help site.

Happy yodeling!
And as always, please send your feedback our way. The best way to do so is sending an email to!

