To all HipChat and Stride users: Welcome to Slack!

How to move your phone from HipChat and Stride to Slack. It’s just a click.

Nina Hoedlmayr
Yodel Blog


Big news for all people crazy about chat systems: Slack and Atlassian announced their partnership yesterday which means that Atlassian will discontinue with HipChat and Stride and will provide a migration path to Slack for all their customers so they can continue to use a chat system.

This might be a big surprise for all HipChat and Stride users. Especially since you now have to think about how to move everything from HipChat/Stride to Slack.

Well, at least our Yodel users will only have to make one click to move their phone system from HipChat/Stride to Slack.

Just go to the integrations page on and select Slack as the new connection. By clicking on the “+” sign, you confirm that Yodel is integrated in your Slack workspace. And that’s it :)

You might still have some questions on how to best get started with the Slack integration. No worries, just write us in the live chat at and we will help you get set up!



Nina Hoedlmayr
Yodel Blog

Marketer, making customers happy, bot enthusiast, intrigued by everything society-changing, co-founder & CCO @yodeltalk