What a Recent Graduate Wants

Olivia Maier
Yodel Blog
Published in
5 min readDec 20, 2019


In the second part of our remote work lifestyle series, we are talking about recent university graduates.

Who are you?

Graduation can seem like the end of an era. With December graduations upon us, and May graduation right around the corner, finding a job is at the forefront of many students’ minds. Making the transition from university life to corporate America is something that many people struggle with.

This isn’t a shock, given all of the lifestyle changes that recent graduates are told they will face. A loss of freedom, an increasingly rigid schedule, and the daunting task of starting at the bottom of the corporate ladder are just some of the fears that are common among recent graduates.

But, with remote work, recent graduates can start their career, without sacrificing all of the things that they love about their life.

What are the benefits of working remote?

Increased options to jumpstart your career Remote work can help you find a career that you’re passionate about, regardless of where you are based. According to FlexJobs, even as you’re reading this, there are 15 Fortune 500 companies that are currently hiring for remote positions. These options might not be available where you are based, which can help you find relevant work experience in companies of any size.

Save money on living situations According to Pew Research Center, since 2014, living with parents has become the most common living situation for American new graduates for the first time in the modern era. With rent in cities skyrocketing, many are choosing to live at home while working in order to save money. However, many people think that this only works for recent graduates who are able to find jobs in the cities located near their families. With remote work, you can take advantage of rent free living, or choose to live in a lower rent area.

Keep your current schedule During university, students are able to find a schedule that fits their life, instead of finding a life that fits their schedule. With a typical 9–5, recent graduates scramble to find time to continue to participate in hobbies they love, lifestyle routines they depend on, and productivity schedules that work for them. While you probably will be still working for the same amount of hours per week, with remote work you can have more control over tailoring your schedule to work best for you.

Flexible location During your student life, you might have dreamed of the vacations that your new career would be able to help you afford. But, with a typical office job, vacation time is limited to only a handful of days per year. With remote work, you can work from anywhere, helping you to continue to advance your career, while staying flexible in your location.

How to make it work

You might be thinking that remote work sounds pretty good in theory, but might not be sure how to put it all together. Here are some tips on how to make remote work, work for you.

Plan ahead: When it comes to university life, many students live and die by the syllabi that are handed out in the first week. A syllabus can help students know what they are expected to do each current week, as well as long term projects to be working ahead on. Utilize other members of your team to figure out what tasks need to be done, both short and long term. By planning ahead, you can stay organized, even without your colleagues sitting right next to you. This familiar structure can help you stay on track of all of your tasks.

Find your spot: While it can be tempting to work in bed all day, this may not be the best system for you. Take advantage of public spaces with access to the internet, regardless of if you are near your home base or away traveling. Coffee shops, malls, and even airports can provide you with the high speed connection you need to stay productive, even if you’re on the go.

Stay connected: Your team members and team leaders are great resources that can help you navigate your new life as a young working professional. Finding time to stay up to date with conversations that involve your role can seem obvious, but try to work casual conversations into your schedule. From picking up important advice, to forming important bonds, it is never a bad thing to stay connected with your team, even if you aren’t close geographically.

What jobs work remotely?

The short answer? Almost any!

If you have already begun interviews for traditional corporate jobs, ask about their remote and flexwork options. More and more companies are beginning to offer jobs that combine a traditional office with remote work. Even with one or two days a week remote, you will still be able to see many of the benefits of working remotely. Talk to hiring managers and human resource contacts to see what each company’s remote work policy is, and how it works for what you want.

If you’re still searching for options, check job sites under locations such as “virtual”, “remote”, or “anywhere”. These will help you find companies that love remote workers, and are searching for people who are looking to take advantage of all of the benefits of working remotely.

We believe that work isn’t one size fits all, and as a recent graduate you shouldn’t have to sacrifice the lifestyle that you have loved over the past few years. That is why we love helping remote teams function the best that they can.

So far we have shown how modern parents and recent graduates can benefit from remote work in our series. But they aren’t the only ones who can make remote work, work for them. Comment below if you’re curious if your lifestyle can go remote, and stay tuned to hear more about the benefits of working remote for different lifestyles.

