Yodel and Slack make such a great team!

Who could know better than the people who use Yodel in combination with Slack every day!

Silke English
Yodel Blog


Yodel is currently featured as a staffs recommendation on the Slack App Directory. This is why we would like to share some of our customers use cases for Yodel in Slack with you.

We interviewed a handful of our customers with different business models and asked them what they like best about Yodel in Slack. An honest opinion is so valuable, isn’t it?

Here are their answers:

Ceilidh M.

Ceilidh M.
Experience Coordinator
at Blueboard
in San Diego, California.

“As a team, we are able to report how many phone calls each concierge member makes per day, who they are calling — is it a vendor or an experience call to a client — that is the main reason why we use Yodel.”

Darren E.

Darren E.
of Adnorml
in Houston, Texas.

“I can do a phone call, similar to talking to someone in person and it is clear and our clients can hear us. Another feature that I love about Yodel is how easy it is to block solicitation. Portability of the system from the desktop to the mobile phone through Slack is great as well. Taking the best of communication with Slack and giving it a phone integration. Yodel is basically communication of the future if you ask me.“

Tim C.

Tim C.
of On the Barrelhead
in Durango, Colorado.

“Yodel makes dealing with customer calls easier as we are able to do it on our own time. There is a clear record of who has called, and there is an easy way to call them back. Our limited resources can stretch further by returning, say, 10 calls in a short period of time and the moving on to other responsibilities. Yodel helps to make that possible.”

Cindi S.

Cindi S.
of Awaken Travels
in Phoenix, Arizona.

“We have Yodel’s office hours feature in place for after hours and over the weekend. My assistant comes in and reads all the messages of the voicemails that have been left and she can call them back right away, without needing to listen to the voicemail itself. It makes things a lot easier.”

Allan B.

Allan B.
Founder & COO
of Blossom
in Vienna, Austria.

“Yodel’s bot empowers us to provide instant customer service via phone. Finally we can unify all our customer communication in Slack. Answering and making calls was never so easy.”

Daniel Z.

Daniel Z.
Creative Director
of WebsiteBoston
in Boston, Massachusetts.

“Our team is completely integrated into Slack. Our whole work environment is in Slack. Even when we are working remotely our phone system is still centralized and accessible by computer or phone by all members of our team.”

Thank you for sharing with us and all of our readers, how Yodel and Slack make a great team together. We truly appreciate your feedback!

If you wish to tell us how you use Yodel, don’t hesitate to send us an email to marketing@yodel.io!

