Yodel being part of Twilio Engage Berlin

Yodel’s CEO and Co-Founder Mike Heininger was invited to be one of the speakers at the event that is all about building the communication of the future!

Silke English
Yodel Blog


Twilio and Yodel have one thing in common: both companies are working towards building the communication of the future! This is why Yodel picked Twilio as one of our partners to build our product on. Yodel’s Co-Founder and CEO Mike Heininger and Co-Founder and CTO Mario Uher were invited to join their event “Twilio Engage” in Berlin, Germany.

Twilio Engange is a one day event for developers, product managers, technologists and digital innovators that brings the community together to share, learn and code the future of communication. The Twilio Engage Roadshow makes stops all over the world map, including Washington, DC, Silicon Valley, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Seattle, WA, Boston, MA, Singapore, Sydney, London and Berlin.

Twilio Engage + Superclass Berlin

“We are on a mission to bring a community together to share, learn and code the future of communications. At this event the best and brightest people will come together for discussions on how to build innovative customer engagement experiences with APIs.” — Twilio Engage

The event was split into two parts:
A hand on class for developers to learn all things concerning Twilio, called the Superclass, which Yodel’s CTO & Co-Founder Mario Uher attended and was #1 on the the leadership board and therefore won the TwilioQuest. Congrats Mario!! 🎉 He was crowned the king of the heroes at the superclass, as you can see below:

The second part was the Engage session. Twilio’s COO George Hu talked about the importance of the voice ecosystem and leading businesses are sharing their experience on using emerging channels, AI and customized journeys to engage customers.

That’s right up Yodel’s alley! And who would have been a better fit than Yodel’s CEO & Co-Founder Mike Heininger to be a speaker on how Yodel is a leading business internationally that builds it’s product on Twilio.

Head of Partnership Europe, Simon West, tweetet live about Mike on stage:

Mike was also part of the panel discussion about customer conversations.

It was great to receive lots of input about where Twilio is heading and how it can enrich Yodel and vice versa.

Twilio’s Simon West about Yodel: “Customer engagement is absolutely vital to a company’s success in today’s digital world. Yodel.io provides startups and small businesses with innovative communications solutions that allows them to deliver the best possible experience for their customers. Twilio is proud to partner with Yodel to power this experience built on our market leading Programmable Communications Cloud.”

YodelTalk was recently named a Cool Vendor in Unified Communications and Collaboration by Gartner. You can read up more on this on our Yodel Blog:

