I knew that I knew you {yoga and psychology}

holistic healing through magic and neuroscience

robin ellen lucas
Yoga and Psyche


we are two atoms
who have collided
and will never be the same again
having touched
~ my secret innuendo™

There comes a time in life when you have to renew yourself—press the “reset” button—and start over, ridding yourself of patterns of illness, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, that cause upheaval. It is a time to let magic reign over you, and to trust that what unfolds has a greater purpose toward fulfilling your dreams. Healing after suffering is indeed a powerful, life-changing process.

Holistic healing methods, or soul-body medicine, focus on both rational scientific validation and the non-rational human psyche as integral and inseparable parts of the very method with which to understand and embrace the efficacy of all the healing arts, conventional or alternative. It is the non-rational which holds intrigue—magical nuances, as magic lends itself to its rational counterpart.

Magic and neuroscience conjoin together in healing to redirect fears and unreasonable mental analysis—they could have powers to actualize reality with haunting accuracy. Magic adds flavor to scientific problem-solving—where the soulful has been overlooked. Mental visions that create fear and anxiety do impede healing on the physical level, and certainly the mental level as well. Magic defines itself with hidden rivers, like neurons, that fuse into the soul of the body. Magic is the

phenomena in which the subjective perception of a stimulus does not match the physical reality of the stimulus. Visual illusions occur because neural circuits in the brain amplify, suppress, converge, and diverge visual information in a fashion that ultimately leaves the observer with a subjective perception that is different from the reality.

Letting mystical attributes pervade recovery leaves no room for doubt in the healing soul. Ask yourself who you are in the midst of all this thought-traffic?

No matter how ailments are manifested, whether as pain in the physical body, as overpowering emotions in the mind and heart, or as disharmony in the soul, it is evident that to tolerate imbalance only strengthens its validity. Bringing love to the equation is magic, leading you to the honest root cause of your pain. Looking at it, it dissipates in a fog as any magic trick, leaving behind only love.

To know that you are a gift to this world and loved is to have inherent strength to persevere through any edges that touch the core of sadness and illness. The wounds are where the light gets in. Embrace the light when love is transmitted, and bow your head in silence. Life is precious—life with love… even more so. Love can transform a weakened state of being seen through glossy eyes that only feels pain, to a beneficial state of being where not only euphoria exists, but healing too. In this space, you have permission to ask for something bigger than you could ever have imagined.

True healing embraces the illness and the healing process

Healing cases have been documented such as this one: a cancer patient with nine months left to live decided to “let go” and thereby embrace her illness by deciding to travel the world with her husband and be in bliss for her last months. As a result, her cancer went into remission. How did this miracle occur? The doors to natural healing opened when the fight was relinquished. Holding the tension of opposites—the cure and the illness itself—allows for a new emergence, which never would have risen had it not been for its two counterparts. Whether it be pain/no-pain, chaos/peace, problem-solving/believing in faith, these contrasts are alive together—always reminding their opposite of their continued existence.

Sometimes your only glory is to restore mystery and dignity to the experience of being sick. Illness can be a wake-up call, and a chance to be thankful for all that you had subsequently—all that you took for granted. Realizing where your heart or mind was shut, now open, can lighten the way to your true well-being. When you allow fears to shut you down from really engaging with yourself on what matters most, you build a wall; this wall comes down when life sends strife as its weapon against the wall. Struggle makes you stronger.

Do you ever ask your heart, “who are you?” The act of asking may conjure up naiveté and elicit feelings that you’re new to love, as its opposite is juxtaposed nearby in your soul. Vulnerable, you may feel like a hummingbird alone in the rain. Yet if you let a silent moment ask you to breathe in all that you feel—and stay with the feeling—you’ll find the answer is in that calm present moment. A transformed spirit is born in the presence, left to float off into the clouds at sunset, but never to stop penetrating the everlasting moment.

The Buddha stated,

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.

Holistic healing applies to this wisdom. You have an inherent sense of what feels right for you and your optimal state of balance—mind, heart and soul. Listen to what your mind-body tells you.

Healing the self, however, implies that a part of you needs to change. What if you like the way you are? A. Kreinheder writes in his book Body and Soul,

I’m glad you like the way you are because you’ll find even more of yourself to like, and I just predict that it will show you the way to feel even better and to like yourself more than ever.

Planting more seeds near the flowers of you, complete as you are, helps you realize that you—in your purity—have always been perfect just the way you are.

Relationship that heals with the attraction of opposites

Holding the tension of opposites works in a mysterious way with couples in love. As disputes emerge, rather than holding your ground, hold the other’s tension to take the opposite energy into your being. Take it into a part of you that could feel its essence—even if of a different nature within you. For instance, if your ailments tend to lead to emotional pain, while the other’s to physical pain, you can choose to feel the other’s anguish in your own way so that it’s palpable and absorbed.

It’s a beautiful triumph when reflections, bathed in love and tenderness, evoke opposite perceptions yet allow love to come to the rescue. Enmeshing stories of the soul have a cathartic effect.

the edge of you… is deeper
because you have lived
beyond your tenacity
letting breathe
your heart, my pain
your strength, my tears
your solid form, my shattered intellect

~ my secret innuendo™

Embracing the divergent mixed with love, you each are reborn with new possibilities from which to view love and conflict, in general, and certainly your own relationship. Through the other’s cry and your request for comfort, healing occurs.

It is the mirror images of a transposed sense of self, looking for one thing, yet finding another (mixed with magic) that seduces one to succumb. Hold the moments calmly in the space only the two of you are capable of creating. When you heal together—a unified participation—you enter the paradox to find the sources of your ailments, once disguised now glowing. While you’re there, do yourself a favor and reveal a deeper intimacy with each other, in your shared paradoxical healing process.

How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress. ~Niels Bohr

