3rd day of NavRatri — Mother Chandraghanta : The Manipura

Ravinder Pal Singh (Ravi)
Yoga beyond Asanas
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2023

#Mother #Chandraghanta is the #goddess of the 3rd day of #navaratri. The goddess of the previous two days #Shailaputri and #Brahmacharini were associated to the #muladhara chakra and the #swadhisthana #chakra respectively. #Mother #Chandraghanta rules the #manipura #chakra. The chakras are the seven wheels of energy … the third chakra, manipura acts as the energy powerhouse. When spinning properly, the chakra allows energy to flow … #tiger on which mother sits, represents human animalistic, aggressive instincts … when driven by such instincts, human’s act without wisdom … that’s why first two forms of #devi are introduced … 1st mother Shailaputri — is completely grounded and helps strengthen #muladhara chakra … human with strong #muladhara chakra, is completely in acceptance of the physical reality and always look for the solutions to solve the maze of this physical reality … such human remains stable in the biggest of storms like #Nandi, vahana of mother Shailaputri … mother Brahmacharini, being the deity of #swadhisthana chakra (read previous posts), teaches how to relate to the world and not get attached to the #maya … when mastery of 1st two chakras is achieved … we get in touch with the goddess “Chandraghanta” within us. She is beyond any turmoil, that is why she puts the #moon on her forehead :-)

… mother Chandraghanta is the symbolism of the #consciousness — quality of balanced manipura chakra! Mother’s third eye is always open. It implies that, she is always aware of the external world through two eyes and the internal #world , i.e. the absolute #truth through third eye …

… my prayers to mother — पिण्डजप्रवरारूढ़ा चण्डकोपास्त्रकैर्युता । प्रसीदं तनुते महयं चन्द्रघण्टेति विश्रुता ॥



Ravinder Pal Singh (Ravi)
Yoga beyond Asanas

Award winning Technologist(Products, Patents); Speaker(5 continents); Pilot(Rescue missions); Investor(Deep Tech); Professor(Entrepreneurship); Harvard Alumni