8th day of NavRatri — Mahagauri : The Shahasrara

Ravinder Pal Singh (Ravi)
Yoga beyond Asanas
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2023

8th day of #Navratri is Mother Mahagauri, the Goddess of the Great Radiant Light … Mother #Mahagauri and Mother #Kalaratri Devi — the great #Dark #Night #Mother — Scourer of Darkness (read more — https://medium.com/.../7th-day-of-navratri-shakti-is... ) both reside in #Sahasrara chakra … Kalaratri Devi and Mahaguari Devi are two sides of the same coin … As I approach the final frontier of the upward journey of Kundalini, coursing through the Sushumna channel and the chakras along the way, it is finally brought to the crown chakra, Sahasrara and this blissful union is the Realization of the Absolute, and is the true meaning of Yoga … this is the state to be in on 7th and 8th day of Navratri … it’s a beautiful state which is described by different yogi/s …

… Sahasrara, meaning thousand, is the Lotus of the 1000 petals located above the crown of the head … Sahasrara chakra is located above Brahmarandhra — the cave of Brahma. It is a hole in the crown of the head through which the soul is said to escape at death. When the Yogi separates himself from the physical body at the time of death, this #Brahmarandhra bursts open and the soul comes out through this opening — Kapala #Moksha. This opening is the door to pure consciousness — the door of liberation … from Saharara the nectar of immortality (Amrita) flows in a constant stream … it is the seat of the parabindu (supreme bindu) — the location of the merging of #Kundalini #Shakti and #Shiva. By this union, liberation is attained — the highest experience: a union of the individual with the universe … Once the Kundalini Shakti — the Serpent Power, has ascended through Sushumna to Sahasrara, it is made to reverse its course and return to rest in the base center again. Immortality is achieved within Sahasrara Chakra. Before attaining to this chakra the yogi is unable to reach the unconscious conscious state called asamaprajnata-samadhi. In this state there is no activity of the mind and no knower, no knowledge, nothing to be known: knowledge, knower, and known all become unified and liberated. When the Kundalini is raised up to Sahasrara chakra, the illusion of individual self is dissolved. The yogi becomes realized, one with the cosmic principles that govern the entire universe within the body. One is no longer subjected to birth or death — The Samadhi! … O my Mother Mahagauri hold my finger and take me to the ultimate destination …


श्वेते वृषेसमारूढा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः।

महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्महादेव प्रमोददा॥


वन्दे वाञ्छित कामार्थे चन्द्रार्धकृतशेखराम्।

सिंहारूढा चतुर्भुजा महागौरी यशस्विनीम्॥

पूर्णन्दु निभाम् गौरी सोमचक्रस्थिताम् अष्टमम् महागौरी त्रिनेत्राम्।

वराभीतिकरां त्रिशूल डमरूधरां महागौरी भजेम्॥

पटाम्बर परिधानां मृदुहास्या नानालङ्कार भूषिताम्।

मञ्जीर, हार, केयूर, किङ्किणि, रत्नकुण्डल मण्डिताम्॥

प्रफुल्ल वन्दना पल्लवाधरां कान्त कपोलाम् त्रैलोक्य मोहनम्।

कमनीयां लावण्यां मृणालां चन्दन गन्धलिप्ताम्॥


सर्वसङ्कट हन्त्री त्वंहि धन ऐश्वर्य प्रदायनीम्।

ज्ञानदा चतुर्वेदमयी महागौरी प्रणमाम्यहम्॥

सुख शान्तिदात्री धन धान्य प्रदायनीम्।

डमरूवाद्य प्रिया अद्या महागौरी प्रणमाम्यहम्॥

त्रैलोक्यमङ्गल त्वंहि तापत्रय हारिणीम्।

वददम् चैतन्यमयी महागौरी प्रणमाम्यहम्॥



Ravinder Pal Singh (Ravi)
Yoga beyond Asanas

Award winning Technologist(Products, Patents); Speaker(5 continents); Pilot(Rescue missions); Investor(Deep Tech); Professor(Entrepreneurship); Harvard Alumni