Dedication to your craft is a lonely journey, but you are not alone because your soul travels with you. The path to mastering a skill or art can indeed feel solitary, as it requires intense focus and personal commitment … one is never truly alone on this journey. The essence of who we are – our soul, spirit, or inner self – accompanies us, providing strength and company even in the quietest moments.

Ravinder Pal Singh (Ravi)
Yoga beyond Asanas


Your instinct for knowing what and who is worth your time will grow and flourish like ivy on a castle wall. It’s important to prioritize the uniqueness that makes you, you. This uniqueness acts like an invisible magnet that draws in other like-minded souls to dance in your orbit. Remember to nurture this instinct and uniqueness, as they are key to attracting the right opportunities and people into your life.

In the pursuit of our passions, we are accompanied by the deepest parts of ourselves, creating beauty and meaning along the way. It’s absolutely true that dedication to a craft can feel isolating at times. Hours spent honing your skills, pushing boundaries, and experimenting can feel like a solitary pursuit.

But. “you are not alone” – Your passion, your drive, your very essence – your soul – is there with you every step of the way. It’s the fire that fuels your dedication, the voice that whispers encouragement, and the compass that guides your journey.

  • The company of other souls: While the journey itself might be solitary, there’s a whole world of inspiration out there. Find solace in the works of those who came before you, and connect with fellow travellers :-)
  • The joy of the process: Let the dedication itself be a source of companionship. Immerse yourself in the act of creation, find the flow, and savor the small victories along the way.
  • The destination: Remember the “why” behind your dedication. The vision you’re working towards, the impact you hope to make, the sheer joy of expressing yourself – these can be powerful motivators and companions.

… keep honing your craft, and remember, your soul is a constant companion on this remarkable journey.

  • Embrace your uniqueness: Let your true self shine, it’s what makes you magnetic.
  • Prioritize what matters: Focus on the things that truly resonate with you.
  • Like attracts like: Be yourself and you’ll find your tribe, the ones who share your vibe.

So Shine Bright, Attract Your Tribe!

In the realm of dreams and tireless quests,

Where passion burns and never rests,

There walked a soul, alone yet whole,

With a craftsman’s heart, a poet’s role.

Through silent nights and crowded days,

Past doubts that whisper, fears that blaze,

The soul marched on, a steadfast friend,

On winding roads that never end.

The craft, a beacon, called her near,

A siren song, both sweet and clear,

With every step, with every breath,

She danced with life, she waltzed with death.

The world watched on, some scorned, some praised,

Yet none could see the fires she blazed.

For in her heart, a secret kept,

The silent soul that with her leapt.

In every stroke, in every line,

Her soul’s embrace, divinely fine,

It whispered tales of love and strife,

Of every hue in the fabric of life.

The craft, her love, a lonely path,

Yet filled with joy, and sometimes wrath.

But never once did she despair,

For her soul was with her, everywhere.

And so they journeyed, hand in hand,

A soul and craft, a timeless band,

Their symphony, a life’s parade,

A testament to the love they made.

In the end, the world will know,

Not just the craft, but the soul’s glow,

For every masterpiece she’d craft,

Held her soul’s whisper, fore and aft.

So remember this, you’re not alone,

Your soul’s with you, it’s all your own,

Together, you’ll reach the stars above,

With dedication, craft, and love. In the realm of dreams and tireless quests,

Where passion burns and never rests,

There walked a soul, alone yet whole,

With a craftsman’s heart, a poet’s role.

Through silent nights and crowded days,

Past doubts that whisper, fears that blaze,

The soul marched on, a steadfast friend,

On winding roads that never end.

The craft, a beacon, called her near,

A siren song, both sweet and clear,

With every step, with every breath,

She danced with life, she waltzed with death.

The world watched on, some scorned, some praised,

Yet none could see the fires she blazed.

For in her heart, a secret kept,

The silent soul that with her leapt.

In every stroke, in every line,

Her soul’s embrace, divinely fine,

It whispered tales of love and strife,

Of every hue in the fabric of life.

The craft, her love, a lonely path,

Yet filled with joy, and sometimes wrath.

But never once did she despair,

For her soul was with her, everywhere.

And so they journeyed, hand in hand,

A soul and craft, a timeless band,

Their symphony, a life’s parade,

A testament to the love they made.

In the end, the world will know,

Not just the craft, but the soul’s glow,

For every masterpiece she’d craft,

Held her soul’s whisper, fore and aft.

So remember this, you’re not alone,

Your soul’s with you, it’s all your own,

Together, you’ll reach the stars above,

With dedication, craft, and love.



Ravinder Pal Singh (Ravi)
Yoga beyond Asanas

Award winning Technologist(Products, Patents); Speaker(5 continents); Pilot(Rescue missions); Investor(Deep Tech); Professor(Entrepreneurship); Harvard Alumni