Yoga Etc. (Disconnect)

Laura B. Childs
yoga etc.
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2020

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. — Anne Lamott

Hi friends — I missed you

It feels odd to have not taught class yesterday. That was the first Sunday class we didn’t have together since we started on this journey together over lockdown. I went back and forth debating whether to cancel class or to attempt to teach from our secluded cabin in Dorset, and I’m glad I opted for the former not only because of the poor wifi connection.

I also needed time to rest. While in lockdown, I had loads of time to sit in silence, take a step back, and reevaluate my lifestyle. I knew I didn’t want to be burning the candle on both ends, saying yes to plans three weeks out, or barely living in the home I built. But then, as government restrictions eased, I found my own set of restrictions creeping back into my life. So quickly did I fall back into the same routine of filling up my calendar with work and play and all of the things in between, where all of a sudden, I found myself scheduling ‘do not schedule anything’ days.

For a few weeks now, I’ve realized that I’m at a crossroads — I can easily step back into the old me and say yes to everything and people-please and live and die in the busy-ness of everyday life. Or I can move forward with the new me — the one that was born in lockdown. The one who says yes powerfully and no even more so. The one who listens to herself first and others second. The one who takes time to rest because she knows that in moments of solitude, silence, and introspection, she’ll harness her creativity.

It’s a work in progress to grow this new self and bury the old one, especially as the remains of our past lives begin to find their way back to us. There will always be a reason to give up our power, but this next phase offers an opportunity for us to say no more. Take that time off, say no to that invite (or say HELL YES). Let go of what is no longer serving you + hold close to the things that are.

Practice with me

  • Tuesday 4th August @ 7.30 am BST
    a 60-minute powerful grounding flow to gently wake up the body for the week ahead
  • Sunday 9th August @ 5 pm BST
    a strong + sweaty 60-minute power flow to release tension, get clear, and have a little Sunday Funday

How to join

  • Respond to this email/send me a text or DM to let me know you’ll be there! (also include any injuries or conditions I should be aware of)
  • Download Zoom + join the live class here (pw: lbcyoga)
  • I’ll be on 15 minutes before we start so that you can get settled and catch up before we begin
  • Classes are donation-based so please feel free to pay what you can

These are uncertain times and my priority is to provide a space for connection and support. Everyone is welcome to join regardless of what they can pay. If you are in the position to pay for class, you can do so on PayPal here.

Weekly writing prompt

  • write about what you hope to take with you out of lockdown (10 minutes)

Other musings

stay well + see you on the mat xx

