Yoga Etc. (I will take care of me for you)

Laura B. Childs
yoga etc.
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2021

The greatest gift you can give somebody is your own personal development.
I used to say, “If you will take care of me, I will take care of you.”
now I say, “I will take care of me for you if you will take care of you for me.”

- Jim Rohn

Do you ever wish someone could read your mind?

This last week was filled with tiny little reminders that I am loved. An impromptu dance-off. A Kinder Happy Hippo biscuit. Homemade brownies. A handwritten card. Sunflowers. A poem. These tokens of appreciation blew me away because I’d been too busy looking in another direction, unaware of the impact I’d had on my community.

They reminded me of how important it is to tell someone you love them. Many of us know intellectually who cares about us and we surround ourselves with loved ones, but we don’t often share what we love about them and why we love them. The same thing happens when we vent to our best friend about a fight we had with our partner. We find it easier to share stories of frustration and challenge. And then in times of happiness and fulfillment, we don’t feel the need to share why we’re happy. We hold those moments too close to our hearts.

Those are the moments when I wish my loved ones could read my mind. It’s important to tell someone you love them but equally, if not more so, we need to share why. What makes you appreciate the person standing in front of you?

I appreciate you because you always take the time to listen.
I love you because you care so deeply about your friends.
I admire your loyalty to those you love most.
I am proud of the things that you have accomplished.
I love spending time with you because we always have a good laugh.
I am inspired by how passionately you’re pursuing your goals.

The more precise we can be, the more deeply we can connect. This positively reinforces our bonds and ensures that we never take a relationship for granted. Gratitude becomes the water that nourishes the seeds of our friendships. It helps us to feel valued. It helps us feel seen — which is all most of us really need anyway.

Weekly writing prompt

  • write about a memorable sandwich someone once made you (5 minutes) + write about the last time you cooked a meal for someone (5 minutes)

Other musings

This is the yoga etc., a weekly newsletter exploring mindful movement and mindful personal development in a busy world, written by me, Laura B. Childs, writer, teacher, and friend. Did somebody forward this to you? You can subscribe to yoga etc. here.

