Not to Eat Egg yolks

Eating egg yolks is as ‘bad as smoking’

Vivek Chan
Yoga from India
1 min readSep 12, 2013


Eating egg yolks is as ‘bad as smoking’ in speeding up coronary heart disease
Egg yolks were found to contribute to the build up of plaques in the arteries

Scientists have unscrambled the truth about eggs — eating the yolk is almost as bad as smoking for peopleat risk of heart disease.
The problem lies in an increased risk of the hardening of the arteries, known as atherosclerosis.
It is a disorder of the arteries where plaques, aggravated by cholesterol, form on the inner arterial wall.
As a key component of a traditional English breakfast, the new findings may not put off egg lovers.
But Dr David Spence revealed eating the yolk of an egg is about two-thirds as bad as smoking when it comes to the build up of plaques.
Having surveyed 1,231 men and women, Dr Spence, of the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, linked the findings to stroke and heart attack risk factors.
Plaque rupture is the usual cause of most heart attacks and many strokes.
The study involved patients, with an average age of 61.5, attending vascular prevention clinics in Ontario.
Ultrasound was used to establish a measurement of total plaque area and questionnaires were filled out regarding the patients’ lifestyles.
The research found carotid plaque area increased in line with age after 40, but increased above the average rise after years of regular smoking and egg yolk consumption.

