Sun Salutation Yoga Mats —

Clonko Products
yoga mats
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2018

About Sun Salutation

It is a modern form of yoga practice developed around 20th century having graceful series of 12 asanas performed generally during sunrise or morning. These asanas are done for a warm-up routine but have the power to accomplish all your fitness needs both of body and mind. People of varying ethnicity and backgrounds are taking yoga as well as Surya Namaskara as a way of life.

Yoga has evolved with time and new postures are being added, seeing the needs of human health and Surya Namaskar or sun salutation is one of them. Recent days have witnessed even many celebrities posting pictures on social media platforms with various poses of suryanamaskar.

Sun Salutation Poses

The name sun salutation refers to the symbolism of the Sun as the soul and the source of all life. It has gracefully linked poses which when done according to sequence prove to be fruitful for yoga enthusiasts with its effectiveness in rejuvenating body and mind. Surya Namaskar is best done early morning on an empty stomach. Being constituted of 12 graceful sequences of postures some are included in our schools as a part of daily fitness exercise for kids. Best done on Sun Salutation Yoga Mats, these poses help you warm up your body and be makes you ready for long tiring work schedule. Poses of sun salutation are:

  1. Pranamasana

2. Hastauttanasana


3. Hasta Padasana

Hasta Padasana

4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Ashwa Sanchalanasana

5. Dandasana


6. Ashtanga Namaskara

Ashtanga Namaskara

7. Bhujangasana


8. Parvatasana


9. Tadasana


Sun Salutation Mats

Sun Salutation Yoga Mats come printed with various poses of Surya Namaskara and thus making it a bit easy for you to remember the sequence of Surya Namaskara poses and keep you concentrated. Sun salutation mats come up with multiple bright colours and various postures being imprinted on it, making it useful in remembering poses thus making whole yoga process a mesmerizing one. These mats are made of Japanese rubber and Eva form with the advantage of easy washing and handling. Coming in rectangular shape these are best for doing Surya Namaskara where ever you desire.

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Clonko Products
yoga mats

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