Yoga mats online in India —

Clonko Products
yoga mats
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2018

What are the problems with the conventional yoga mats?

The only essential equipment required to do yoga is a yoga mat. When it comes to yoga mats, we always get truckloads of options at our disposal. From the traditional PVC mats to the latest non-toxic yoga mats, the markets are full of options. The online world also offers numerous options to the buyers. There are many varieties of yoga mats online in India.

But, not all the yoga mats are perfect. The traditional yoga mats come with many drawbacks that we aren’t even aware of.

Many people use the conventional mats and consider them as the best option but the truth is very surprising.

Yoga mats online in India

The Problems of the Conventional Yoga Mats

The conventional yoga mats are made from PVC, i.e. polyvinyl chloride. They also contain plasticizers including lead, cadmium, dioxins or phthalates. These elements make the mats pliable and sticky but they are highly toxic.

Especially, the exposure to phthalates can be very dangerous. Continuous exposure to phthalates causes negative effects on the reproductive system. It hampers the health of the placenta, as well as the fetus, and thus, pregnant women should not use PVC yoga mats.

As the skin gets exposed to yoga mats while performing several yoga poses, Phthalates present in the yoga mats also get absorbed in the skin and causes harm.

Off-gassing is another issue with the conventional yoga mats. The chemicals present in the yoga mats evaporate slowly and lead to allergies, asthma, and irritation.

The conventional yoga mats are not at all an eco-friendly option. They are non-biodegradable, as well as non-recyclable. The PVC and the plasticizers used in the mats get absorbed in the soil and reach the groundwater system.

You Must Consider Other Options

As already said, there are several options available in yoga mats online in India, you must consider buying eco-friendly yoga mats like jute mats, cotton mats, etc.

Yoga Mats Online



Clonko Products
yoga mats

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