lake photos/yoga to have fun

Reasons Why I Retreat

Scenery, Friendship, Simplicity

Ingrid Von Burg
Yoga Off The Mat
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2013


I am very excited to report that I have just returned from a very special yoga retreat last week in the Sierra Mountains, just outside of Mammoth Lakes, California. We were 15 people for 5 days of rock climbing, hiking, and staying overnight at a rustic but comfortable mountain lodge, Rock Creek. Although I love all of the yoga retreats, I wanted to share with you why I found this one so extremely special:

  1. Scenery: The bright young woman who chose the destination for the retreat had for weeks continually raved about the gold shine of the “Aspens” and I truly didn’t know what she meant until I saw them myself. It was amazing. The yellows, oranges, and red colors of these magnificent trees glowed bright like fire in the middle of the night, but instead we were able to see this magic in bright daylight. I was purely astounded. I have included a picture here, but the shine of the leaves does not come across half as bright as it does in real life. The aspens, combined with the majestic peaks of 10,000 ft, and the peaceful streams and lakes, was an experience most certainly not to be missed.
  2. Friendship: Over the five days, I met some amazing women that blew my mind away above what I thought was possible–they had souls even brighter than those amazing trees. These women became role models and leaders themselves as they shared their individual stories about entering new chapters in each of their own lives. Whether it was having just lost a husband, moving a family across country, or recovering from a serious illness, their stories allowed me to continue on my path with strength and courage. After meeting and sharing with each of them, I knew that I could most certainly handle anything that would ever come my way.
  3. Simplicity: Whether it be the recent back-to-school madness that often infects September and affects those of us with or without kids, or the fact that Mercury is direct and moving the fastest (astrologically speaking), I believe that many of us having been running at a 100 mph over the last few weeks. When I arrived at Mammoth from my daily routine in Los Angeles, I felt like a fish out of water with my consistently caffeinated high as I jumped from one topic or activity to another. Over the next few days, we took a bit more time to explore nature, to slow things down, and to get to bed early. After the weekend, I came home feeling refreshed, energized, centered, and ready to take on the next chapter of my own life. Although there is a nice sense of accomplishment that comes with getting things done in our normal lives, I again realized that there is also great benefit in taking time to simplify life, slow down, and stop the madness even if for just a few moments.

It is with these thoughts that I cannot wait to go on my next retreat.

With love and blessings from the golden aspens.



Ingrid Von Burg
Yoga Off The Mat

Engineer and MBA who now teaches yoga and writes a spiritual blog that connects the two worlds. Star of international dvds.