Getting the most from you Yoga Australia Profile

Kate Beath
Yoga Today
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2018


Visualise This

When you use social media and websites, note what aesthetics you like. Colourful and bright? Muted and minimal? What is your teaching style? What kind of atmosphere or mood do you like to create in a class environment? Which images emulate or evoke the same mood? Look at the profiles and websites of other teachers for inspiration. Try and visually reflect your yoga ethos and personality with your profile. Once you’ve become more fluent in the language of imagery — don’t forget to edit! The cliché ‘less is more’ applies here, because concise and clear information presented in an appealing way is going to be a sight for sore eyes. The mind can only absorb so much information and we’re often overloaded by media competing for our attention. A good profile should educate the viewer about what the featured yoga teacher is offering at a glance

Look from The Outside

While creating and editing your Yoga Australia profile, keep in mind what the experience of looking at your profile will be. Search yourself and see what they’ll see. If you’ve got great ideas but aren’t the most tech savvy person, that’s ok, just enlist the help of someone who is. Do a skills trade, or make them a meal. If you do have help, ask them to show you how to edit things yourself. It’s amazing how easy these things can be if you have someone to give you a cheat sheet. Also feel free to call or email us (as many members do) and we can help. If you feel confident in your ability to navigate the digital terrain, a few really key things to keep an eye on are; uploading appropriately sized, high-resolution images. If your images are of a high quality you avoid a grainy, distorted or pixelated look. (Google HD versions of the image you want if you’re experiencing this). You’re a registered, highly trained professional and you deserve a profile that asserts this!

Time and Space

One of the simplest ways to make the most of your Yoga Australia profile is to keep the information on where, when and how you teach current and prominently featured. If you start teaching at a new location or at a different time — it is so important that you update your Yoga Australia profile to reflect this. Imagine someone with the best intentions, writing down the time and place of your next class you have listed on your profile. They congratulate themselves on their positive life choices, put on their stretchy yoga tights and make their way to the studio only to find the class is already over! Basically, if people can’t find you, or find you at the right time you can’t teach them.


When it comes to social media more is more. Keep your Yoga Australia profile a clear, spare and elegant landing page and be sure to include links to your Instagram, Facebook, website and/or blog. For the sake of your business and visibility don’t be afraid of bombarding everyone with images, captions and entries of every facet of your growing relationship with studios, Yoga, teaching and the beautiful relationships and realisations you cultivate along the way. Effective Yoga Australia profiles use the traffic coming from the Yoga Australia site to their full advantage by linking their socials and maximizing their personal search rankings.

Good work and Network

What experience, training or approach sets you apart? The more specific about what type of work you do the more likely you’ll be found by the right potential employers, students and other similarly minded yogis. Post your training certificates, accolades, and significant accomplishments. It’s your platform to present yourself as flatteringly as possible. Most importantly don’t underestimate word of mouth and organic networking via events, workshops and seminars! Get involved in your Yoga Australia community!

