Mindfulness: 3 practices to help you create space

Yoga AU & NZ Staff
Yoga Today
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2015

There are a countless number of mindfulness practices out there but here are some simple ones you can try anywhere:

Breathing Exercises

Sit upright with your back straight but relaxed on a chair or on the floor. For 5–10 minutes, focus your entire attention on your inhale, exhale and pauses between, how air passes in and out of your nostrils, and how your abdomen rises and goes down with each breath. If thoughts start distracting you, gently acknowledge them and let them go. Come back to refocus on your breath.

Mindful Eating

When you’re having a meal, focus on your eating. Try not to read or watch TV at the same time. Pay attention to how the food looks, smells and tastes. You may find you enjoy your food more, and stop eating when you’re full instead of automatically finishing what’s on your plate.

Check in with Yourself

Bring yourself back into the present moment by observing any physical sensations, thoughts or emotions. Then start to identify what they are as if you observing them from a distance rather than you experiencing them. For example, try using language such as ‘that’s an anxious feeling’ rather than ‘I feel anxious’. Every time something comes up, observe, identify and then let it go.

It only takes 5–10 minutes of mindfulness every day for you to feel the lasting impact it can make in your life.

