What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga AU & NZ Staff
Yoga Today
Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2017

Yoga Therapy is getting a lot of attention — yoga teachers, researchers and the media are all talking about it. But what exactly is yoga therapy and how is it different to regular yoga teaching? Here are two definitions of Yoga Therapy:

“Yoga Therapy is the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well-being through the application of the philosophy and practice of Yoga.” The International Association of Yoga Therapists

Leslie Kaminoff offers a more detailed definition that hints at the layered complexity of Yoga Therapy:

“Yoga is not a medical system. Yoga is a set of principles that show us we are interconnected, multidimensional beings composed of body, breath, and mind. These teachings suggest strategies for identifying and reducing obstructions that can occur in any of these dimensions.

When obstructions (klesha) are reduced, it is the human system itself that reestablishes a healthy balance. We simply show people how to make more space (sukha) in their bodies so prâna can flow more freely. It’s the body’s own resources that do the healing. In other words, the teacher doesn’t heal the student, the teachings do. This is my definition of Yoga therapy — it’s Yoga applied to the individual.” Leslie Kaminoff

It might take a few readings to let Kaminoff’s definition sink in. He’s saying that Yoga Therapy is not a suite of techniques and interventions. It’s the practical application yoga philosophy on an individual basis.

Yoga Therapists don’t just look at how to manage their client’s symptoms. They look at the whole person through a series of yogic lenses, then work collaboratively with the client to determine what practices will be most useful for that individual. Imagine you visit a yoga therapist for help with lower back pain. You’re probably expecting to be given some stretches or physio style exercises, so you might be a little surprised to be given a practice that includes more chanting than postures. How come?

A good yoga therapist will have looked beyond the immediate symptoms and designed a practice that not only targets the musculoskeletal issues you are experiencing, but goes further to address the root causes of your pain. This might be connected to how you feel about yourself, your lifestyle, your circumstances, your thought processes and life experience. From posture and breathing patterns to moods and attitudes, the job of the yoga therapist is to disrupt the entrenched patterns that contribute to the presenting symptoms.

So how does a yoga therapist decide what techniques to use when seeing a client? By looking at the client through the many lenses of yoga therapy. These lenses include:

The Kleshas

How are the Kleshas (the causes of suffering, according to Patanjali: Avidya, Raga, Dvesha, Abhinivesa, Asmita) influencing this student? Is their suffering worsened by their attachment to a person, idea or situation (Raga)? Perhaps they have a very fixed view of who they are and find it hard to adapt to new circumstances (Asmita).

The Panca Kosha (the 5 Sheaths)

Is the client experiencing challenges in the body (Annamaya), the energy system (Pranamaya) or psychological issues (Manomaya)? Perhaps there’s an overlap, but the client is more receptive to breathing techniques than movement. In which case, the yoga therapist might work with the Pranamaya which, in turn, influences the other four Koshas.

The Gunas

Is client presenting with an excess or Rajas or Tamas? Which approach will reduce Tamas and bring the student back to a state of Sattva?

The Vayus

How is the student’s energy system? The 5 Vayus (pranas) move in different directions in different parts of the body, affecting the student’s energy, physical experience and mental state. Perhaps a symptom such as constipation could be helped by offering practices to regulate Apana vayu, the downward moving energy of elimination?

The Tri Dosha

Yoga Therapy draws heavily from Ayurveda. Understanding a student’s Prakruti (fundamental constitution) and Vrkruti (presenting imbalance) is a helpful way of framing the client’s symptoms.

There are many more lenses through which the yoga therapist views their clients, but you get the picture. No two individuals — even those with identical diseases — have identical physical symptoms, mental state, emotional capacity, intellectual ability, energy levels, anatomy, attitudes, preferences and life experience. That’s why a yoga therapist applies the philosophy of yoga to get to the heart of each student’s issues, rather than treating the symptoms at face value.

And that is why yoga therapy often helps clients reduce or heal from their symptoms when other traditional and complementary medicine systems have failed. It is, as Leslie Kaminoff says, yoga applied to the unique needs of each individual — body, mind and spirit.

Founder and Principal Teacher at Adore Yoga, Nikola Ellis is a senior yoga teacher, yoga therapist and psychotherapist. She has been immersed in yoga for over 25 years, studying with leading international teachers in the tradition of Sri Krishnamacharya, including TKV and Menaka Desikachar, AG and Ganesh Mohan and Saraswathi Vasudevan.

In 2002 Nikola founded Adore Yoga, one of Sydney’s leading yoga studios, where she and her team offer personalised, therapeutic yoga in small groups. For the past decade, she has specialised in yoga therapy and teacher training, developing Australia’s first AAYT accredited 650hr Yoga Therapy Teacher Training, the country’s most advanced recognised qualification in yoga.

Nikola manages the yoga training for the non-profit initiative A Sound Life and devises specialist yoga therapy programs for non-profit organisations including Cancer Council NSW, the Butterfly Foundation and the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network. Nikola is passionate about working at the intersection of yoga, mental health and social justice and her teaching reflects this commitment to making yoga a force for positive change in the world.

website: http://www.adoreyoga.com/

