Yoga Australia Pop Up Studio — What’s It All About?

Yoga AU & NZ Staff
Yoga Today
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2016

The pop up is a new Yoga Australia membership benefit we are trialling. It is designed to support our members who have recently completed their teacher training and looking to gain confidence in their teaching in a safe and supportive environment. The transition from completing a teacher training as a student and becoming a teacher can be challenging for some of the teacher trainees. That is why we are offering them an option to run “pay as you feel” classes in our office space in Windsor for one 10 week term. We had consulted with the registered Teacher Trainers in the area and they embraced the idea of supported trainees, where they enter a softer pathway from their teacher training school to other yoga studios and gyms. Even though the majority of teacher training courses include practice elements and modules, extra working experience can be very beneficial for some students.

There are limitations to the program to protect teacher trainees.

· We only accept applications from Provisional members and Level 1 members. You are invited to participate in 1 term (10 weeks) with 2 classes max per week. Class times are highly restrictive as the space is located within our office space.

· The program is a Not for Profit program designed to give access to the practice to yogis of all walks of life. Any money we generate from this goes to the teachers, pop up development and charities.

· We are doing this to help new teachers to gain confidence in teaching and to develop an understanding of the business side of yoga. Teacher training graduates will be given an opportunity to schedule, manage and prepare for their classes.

The program is also designed to promote yoga to the wider community, particularly those who do not have the income for a regular practice but would greatly benefit from yoga. It will give access to practice to people who can’t commit to weekly membership just yet, but ready to try yoga.

It should be noted that Yoga Australia is not moving into the business of yoga teaching. We remain as an Independent body that supports and promotes yoga and yoga teachers.

If this projects proofs itself to be beneficial, we would love to expand the initiative and invite Yoga Australia to host recent teacher trainer graduates in their studios.

If you would like to teach at our Pop Up Yoga Studio, please get in touch on to apply!

