Avoid running a lonely social enterprise

Elnura Ashimova
Published in
5 min readSep 27, 2018

One of the hardest parts about running a social enterprise is the loneliness. That might seem counterintuitive but often, the pressure to succeed in the social impact world can seem overwhelming. How do you fight that? The answer is simple: more networking and collaboration. Organizations like SEND e.V. offer these kind of opportunities, where like-minded people face common problems and work together to solve them. It’s as simple as freely sharing contacts and expertise with the knowledge that someone else in the network will do the same for you.

Photo: SEND Premiere Event

By joining SEND e.V., we cannot only create stronger connections, but also attract different people and find new research content from different parts of the social entrepreneurship world. Social enterprises, after all, rely on reaching more people mindfully through working together and supporting one another. SEND e.V. is constantly working to improve the framework for social enterprise networks by engaging politicians and other actors in discussions to create added value. Our business network and unique clientele are a special and mindful sub-section of that social market that also adds value. With support of SEND e.V., we want to give a voice to the social entrepreneurship sector in Germany. We believe that through collaboration, we can help social entrepreneurs everywhere! And luckily, our ideas that showcase the importance of mindfulness can be adapted for everyone, no matter what they’re working on or where they live.

How yoganect helps with the social responsibility?

When yoganect was in the first stages of creation, our first goal was simply to connect the yoga community. However, as we began to work with teachers, businesses and students — we realized that yoganect is more than simply building connections. By linking people and showcasing the yoga lifestyle, yoganect addresses societal challenges like stress, obesity, depression, and isolation. We want to increase awareness of yoga and its multitude of physical and mental benefits. As we all discuss and share our yoga experiences, it paves the way for social shifts for each and every one of us as well as the practice of yoga itself.

What yoganect aims to do is make yoga more accessible for everyone. Through marrying purpose and profit, we help every actor in the yoga community, whether they be teachers, studios or students, by offering the technical infrastructure necessary in today’s world. One of the obstacles for many students wanting to practice yoga, for example, is figuring out where to actually sign up for class. yoganect makes booking that class easy, convenient and mobile. On the opposite side of that equation, teachers also benefit from using yoganect. We help yoga professionals connect, network, and give them access to the tools they need to do what they love and inspire others. Even yoga brands can reach out to their audience by building mindful relationships with their customers through our platform.

Creating reciprocal relationships in the yoga community to address societal challenges together

One thing you might have noticed about yoga brands, teachers and the community at large is that they tend to have sustainable and eco-friendly products. Why? Because at its core, yogic philosophy focuses on being mindful and respectful towards others and the planet we live on. So, through yoganect, brands like Abakus Foods that promote healthy and nutritious snacks, Green Apple that showcases eco-friendly activewear and Matcha Now that use sustainable methods to share and sell their matcha are able to reach more people. That means they can also reach each other and build partnerships that help not only their customers, but also increase the sustainable practices they promote. Societal problems like isolation and depression can seem easier to tackle when we do them together rather than alone.

Grippz Mats

Other brands like Asana Rebel and the 7Minds Meditation App from Berlin make yoga and meditation easier to access. It’s not always easy to find time to put aside for yourself. With busy schedules, it can sometimes seem impossible to. Whether it goes by the name of anxiety, stress or burnout — society is beginning to address the problems of promoting a 24/7 work lifestyle. By promoting these brands, yoganect helps make it easier for anyone to become more mindful if they want to. When you become more mindful, it becomes easier to take stronger actions to mitigate your own stress. But even the people who want to become more mindful face the very real stereotype of starting yoga. Many feel that it’s only for a certain class of people, that it’s too spiritual for them, or that they aren’t flexible enough or in shape. In fact, yoga is for everyone and yoganect wants to help spread that message.

yoganect — the platform that makes yoga accessible for everyone

We want to build a platform to promote yoga as a healthy activity for anyone to improve their life. It can seem near to impossible to set aside the time in our busy society but we at yoganect believe it’s well worth the effort. We want to increase awareness for yoga, not only among existing yoga enthusiasts but also for decision makers. Why? Because when you influence decision makers such as managers of a company, you have a higher chance of making a positive impact within their company and employees. Hans Albrecht, for example, the founder of Northwind Capital, brought yoga retreats to his inner circle. We want to help bring in positive values and mindfulness to everyone’s lives, whether it be through their workplace or through their yoga practice.

Within the yoga community itself, we want to connect like-minded people. By doing so, we create more opportunities for innovation as well as positive shifts in the yoga industry which make it easier to access for everyone. With the growing numbers of yoga practitioners, we at yoganect want to help bring those physical, mental and emotional benefits to everyone, regardless of who they are or where they live. Joining forces with SEND e.V. means handling societal challenges is easier, especially if we adopt an attitude of mindfulness.

Edited by Gabriella Gricius



Elnura Ashimova

Founder & CEO of yoganect — an Online Community Marketplace for Yoga.