Cancer saved my life

Elnura Ashimova
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2018

Many people know Emilee as the “cancer saved my life” coach. Her inspiring story has helped many people, including those who haven’t experienced cancer, to change their lives for the better. Emilee has been diagnosed with cancer twice, successfully fought it both times and won. Her takeaway? That loving your body no matter what is the best possible thing you can do for yourself.

We met Emilee on our yoganect California Roadshow last week and were inspired by her story and struck by her grace and empowering presence. Meeting with our mindful yoga business partners and supporters face-to-face on our roadshow has been an overwhelmingly grateful experience. Our goal was to meet with real people: yoga teachers, studio owners & coaches. To hear their stories, learn about their challenges and experiences and to better understand our community.

One of these people is Emilee. She is based in Santa Barbara, and has been teaching yoga and pilates for 18 years. Her true passion in life is teaching and empowering people how to love and honor their bodies, no matter what. She is the creator of programs, online courses, books and retreats that can help you get back on your feet and feeling joyful again. Having faced cancer herself, Emilee knows just how hard it can be to get back on your feet.

‘I decided to fight. I chose to live. I chose me. Cancer would not control my destiny. I realized how I needed to change my story… and took my power back. Believe me, if I could do it, so can you. We all have a comeback story to tell because we’ve all lost ourselves at some point in our lives.’

Courtesy of @cancersavedmylife

After her own battle with Stage III C ovarian cancer, Emilee created the ‘Cancer Core Recovery Project’ . The mission of the project is to help individuals recovering from cancer overcome their body’s new limitations after surgery and treatment so they can live a better quality of life. Why is called Cancer Core? Because Emilee’s cancer was located in her pelvis and core. When she was facing the challenge of recovery, she realized there was no programs out there that specifically could help her. So what did Emilee do? She created her own.

Cancer affects everyone differently, which is why a project like this is so crucial and needed. Since Emilee has been diagnosed with cancer twice, she has a unique perspective to bring to the table, and is always there to welcome you with a smile and gentle reminder that progress takes time and never to give up.

‘Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection’

Founders of yoganect Rene & Elnura with Emilee from Empower Wellness in Santa Barbara

On our yoganect California Roadshow, we were excited to meet the many yogis, yoga teachers and studio owners to hear their stories. Emilee’s story is not only inspiring, but it also reminds us that yoga isn’t about getting into the perfect forearm stand. Like she says, it’s about progress and about loving your own body. It’s about being kind to yourself and every yogi, regardless of whether they’ve experienced cancer or not, can learn that on and off the mat.

We are honoured to welcome Emilee to our mindful community and looking forward to see her inspiring story & yoga offers on yoganect pages.

Find out more more about Emilee’s inspiring work and book your course.

Edited by Gabriella Gricius.



Elnura Ashimova

Founder & CEO of yoganect — an Online Community Marketplace for Yoga.