7-day Sādhanā challenge — Day 2

Rohit Ghai
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2020

And so it rained in Dubai. Not just rained — this was a hailstorm. If you have lived in this part of the world, you would know that rain alone is a rarity (well, off late, not so much). And so temperatures dropped, the weather calmed down, all conducive for a good night’s sleep. Only one problem.

How does one get up on time the next morning??

Rising early has never been a challenge to me personally. However, am human too. When the alarm went off today at 4.30 am, I was so tempted to hit the snooze button, but I controlled, and with sheer willpower, sat up straight and exclaimed — its a new day!

Not really. I hit snooze three times, and finally woke at 5 am.

Following a regimen is not easy. There are times when you just want to give up and go back to status quo. Be it a new diet, or an exercise routine — you start well, reach a peak, and then, the proverbial U curve hits you, and its a steep fall into that chocolate nut cake.

So should we be too hard on ourselves? I don’t know if that’s the way to go. I would prefer to be supportive, to accept that we are not machines, but people, and that it’s ok to digress once in a while.

The only thing is — don’t give it up. Keep trying, and you will find that the digressions start spacing themselves out and tend to zero (in non-mathematical parlance, they don’t happen anymore).

And so I did manage to wake up at 5, and completed my morning routine of cleanliness, yoga, meditation and breakfast. A long day awaits — and boy, am I geared up to meet it with open arms:)

Originally published at https://www.rohitghai.com on March 22, 2020.



Rohit Ghai

Yoga sadhaka, martial artist, exploring life — one book at a time.