
Rohit Ghai
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2020

Today is 21st June 2019, the summer solstice, the longest day of the year due to the fact that the Earth is closest to the Sun this day.

Since 2015, this has been celebrated as International Yoga Day.

So, it is apt that on this day I decide to restart my yogic journey.

People have been asking me if I am a yoga guru. No, far from it. I have the theory, and a bit of practice. I have the route mapped out. And like most of us, we know what we have to do, but seldom do it. I aim to change that. No, I am no guru…yet. But that’s not the point of it all.

We have heard the saying — your body is a temple. Well, let me go further. Your body, your mind and your whole existence — is a temple. But how many of us actually treat it this way? We binge — and then go on crash diets to get rid of the flab. We take on stress — and then go places to de-stress. We don’t exercise — and then go in for fads and quick fixes.

Someone once remarked — isn’t it funny that we are at a point in history when we have the most comforts, the best technologies, the best healthcare available, everything at its peak as a civilisation — and yet, we are also the most stressed generation in history? Something to think about, isn’t it?

Wellness is not a once-a-quarter getaway to Bali. It’s a continuous process. It’s a way of life. Yoga — is a way of living. Not a 12-class schedule per month.

I am moving towards experiencing yoga in all aspects of my life, and I will document my thoughts and my journey. You are welcome to join me in this experience, in your own way. It can be by comparing notes, resources or experiences, asking questions when you have no answers, and answering mine when I don’t know, discussions, deliberations and a community moving ahead towards wellness and happiness. Even if it is a community of one, I will still move ahead.

I will try to post regularly on various aspects of work and life, and experiences. I will also share some resources that help me though my journey — you are welcome to share your own. Together, we aim to unite…

And Yoga.

Originally published at



Rohit Ghai

Yoga sadhaka, martial artist, exploring life — one book at a time.